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Gallic News Network - FooFighter - 12-14-2009

[Image: GNN.png]

[color=white][font=Century Gothic]:: "Mad Knight" Ayleward Killed :: Rogue Battleship Destroyed ::

[color=white][font=Century Gothic]December 13, 0130 AM New Paris Standard Time: thousands of Royal Citizens turn their heads upwards as, for a brief moment, a second sun emerges above Planet Nevers, turning night into day, marking the end of tonight's lockdown of the Burgundy system. This most unusual event was caused by the gargantuan explosion of the Arielle's Vengeance, flagship of the infamous terrorist commander Remi Ayleward, which was destroyed after a brutal struggle between Ayleward's men and a joint task force of Royal Navy soldiers and Direction d'Operations Speciales agents led by none less than Directeur Adrien d'Orleans, Comte of Orleanais.

[Image: vengeancegoesboom.png]

Inside sources, when asked about the reason to why Ayleward could easily penetrate the Burgundy-Champagne frontlines was because he coerced his way in by threatening to execute independent journalist Zoe DeLisle which he cowardly took hostage. His intentions are still unclear, though DOS analysts believe he was planning to launch a warhead against Avallon Station, the GRN's borderworld headquarters. During the negotiations between GRN and Ayleward, a team of Direction d'Operations Speciales Counter-Terrorism specialists covertly boarded the hostile vessel, freeing the terrorist's hostage and thus putting an end to his vilely acquired "immunity". The Ciel Incendre, flagship of Champagne's exiled Duchess Elria Ciel, was given the order to engage and, as expected, Ayleward was swiftly eliminated. The Duchess, Directeur d'Orleans, Duke Mersennes and the DOS hostage rescue team are currently considered to be Prince Joseph' Medal for Glory candidates; additionally, d'Orleans, Mersennes and Duchess Ciel have been proposed to receive the Royal Medal of Victory.

Would you like to know more? [Image: external.png]

Gallic News Network - Saronsen - 12-14-2009

::Warning - Unauthorized access detected::
::Avallon Station mainframe is under unauthorized control. Recommend immediate action::
::Unauthorized transmission sending::

[Image: fleur-de-lis-giclee-drawing1.jpg]

An image of the Fleur-de-Lis appears on the screen, interrupting the show that you were watching. There is a short silence before someone begins to speak.

"People of Gallia, do not be fooled by the lies of the Royal Navy. Remi Ayleward, the Mad Knight as you may know him as, did not die a terrorist. He did not die on board of his flagship, Arielle's Vengeance. Remi Ayleward died a hero, trading his own life, for the freedom of a young girl whom he loved. The Royal Navy had captured her, and imprisoned her on Avallon. Remi broke through the lines in Burgundy, and remained at distance from Avallon. He tried to negotiate the girls freedom for the 'reporter' you know as Zoe DeLisle. But this reporter was not who she was said to be. She was sent to assassinate Remi Ayleward from the Royal Navy, and despite her claims, she was indeed working for them."

A recording begins to play. The voice of Remi, and the voice of "Zoe DeLisle"

"You use my trust, to get to me and try and assassinate me?! I should kill you where you stand!"

"You don't understand, they forced me to come and kill you! There was nothing I could do about it! But I can't go back now, they'll kill me for failing!"

"You.. Just go with the guards. I'll decide what to do with you later. Be happy I'm not killing you."

The recording ends.

"Not only does this show that the reporter was indeed an assassin, it shows that she was also working for the Royal Navy. How so, you ask? This assassin is still alive and well even despite her failure to kill Remi. But now let us tell you of our Lords death. Remi had agreed to trade his freedom for the girl, Lucy DeGaulle, who is just seventeen years old, and was being used as a tool by the Royal Navy just to capture Remi. If they will go to the lengths of using someone so young as that to further their goals, do you really believe their cause Just? Remi had boarded the shuttle to Avallon once Lucy was free, and she was out of harms way. But we could not let him be taken by the Royal Navy, since he would only be used as a tool for propaganda, and executed either way. We took matters into our own hands, and destroyed the shuttle he was on, killing him. We then charged Avallon station, giving Lucy time to run to safety. Remi did not die a terrorist, he died as an honorable Knight, who gave his life for Lucy. Hear my words, people of Gallia! Remi died for who he loved! He was no terrorist, he fought for what he believed in. He killed no civilians, he avoided fights with the Royal Police, and was lenient with some of the Royal Navy. Rise against the Royalists! Do not let Remi's memory fade into the lies of th-"

A loud explosion is heard, as if a door is being blown open. "Kill him! Stop that transmission!" Gunshots ring throughout, and the transmission fades to static, the Fleur-de-Lis still remaining on screen.