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Admin notice: Player Sanctioned - Printable Version

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Admin notice: Player Sanctioned - Reverend Del - 12-15-2009

Mester has been sanctioned owing to a report posted on the 14/02/2009 for:

Quote:6.7 Attacking transports, liners or demanding cargo from the same is not allowed for cruisers and battleships.

Exceptions to this rule are:

a) Terrorist, Nomad, Wild, Phantom ID players;
b) LSF or Liberty Navy Guard vessels operating within Zone 21 or Alaska;
c) Order Guard vessels operating within Alaska or Omicron Minor;
d) Blood Dragon Guard vessels within Chugoku;
e) Corsair Guard vessels within Omicron Gamma;
f) Outcast Guard vessels within Omicron Alpha;
g) Guard ID players in their -own- associated Guard system.
h) Special OP players within the guidelines of their approved RP.

Traders whom are attacked in these areas may be pursued and destroyed beyond them.

Consequences: Fined credits that will make your Christmas week less pleasant.

Notes: Thou shalt not attack transports in your big bad battleship. It makes Santa cry.

Admin Link to Report



Admin notice: Player Sanctioned - Jhonn - 12-17-2009

Dear Reverend Del,

My friend mester(IMG) was protect me (I was(IMG) with mining ship) while I was mining when the incident was happened, the poor guy(OUTCAST) called help with his friend to attack us (with battleship and veryheavy fighter)
while I escaping he hit who tried to catch me, therefore unfortunately hit the transport ship,

What can I do if I attacked by Outcast while I'm mining?
How can I protect myself?:(

best regards


ps: I hear he was put in Bastille, what was happened with him? Why he has put there?

Admin notice: Player Sanctioned - Fellow Hoodlum - 12-17-2009

Mr Mester chose not to answer my messages, so the only way to get his attention was to pop him jail.
When he posts here to explain why he was threatening players with sanctions, we'll negotiate his release.