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Aboard the Smilodon - Printable Version

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Aboard the Smilodon - Leo - 12-17-2009

Station Rules
1. No weapons of any kind.
2. No metagaming or god mode
3. No controlling someones character other than your own. (included in metagaming)
4. Proper grammar and spelling, please.


The Smilodon
TTR-1130 Series Pilgrim Slave Liner - Flagship of the Children of Conviction

Captain: Victoria Adrian Quinn
Age: 27
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue

Bartender: Andrew Munroe
Age: 33
Hair: Varies
Eyes: Depending on the contacts
Attitude: Partly insane, regularly changes looks to confuse patrons.

About the Ship

The Slave Liner was discovered by a smuggler that was contracted by the CoC, his name was Johnathan Hatcher. The Junker, having no need for the ship, sold the vessel to the CoC for a price of 200 million credits, a fair price considering the shape the ship was in when found. Most Slave Liners, when discovered, are heavily damaged from their extent of time spent within the fields they were abandoned to. This ship, however, was intact and functioning. All that was required was a few tweaks here and there and the ship was operational. The vessel now serves as a smuggling platform and bar for the CoC men and women who want to get off the gate from time to time to see Sirius.

Aboard the Smilodon - Kazinsal - 12-24-2009

Petrov stepped inside the Smilodon's new bar, looking around. His Karasu, in all its glory, was docked to the side of the massive slave liner. He hoped nothing was happening to it while he was away, or he'd have to kick some cadet ass.

He sat down at a barstool and ordered something tall, cool, and hard.

Anything will do tonight, he thought to himself.

Aboard the Smilodon - Boss - 12-24-2009

Name: Daniel Jackson Schneider
Age: 26
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eyes: Gray-blue

The son of a nationalized Rheinland father and a native Libertonian mother, Daniel Schneider never was a golden boy. He developed an intense hatred of people he perceived as "stupid" very young, no doubt because others who may have tormented him based on his heritage. In preschool, Daniel beat a fellow student so badly that paramedics were summoned. The reason: the child asked Daniel where the restroom was. He was moved from Los Angeles 74th District Primary School to the 62nd after an investigation determined he was behind the firebombing of the gym, leading to smoke inhalation and hospitalization of fifteen athletics students.

Daniel floated along academically in high school, bored with the repetitive lessons and lack of information his high intelligence needed. He was asked to leave after releasing a virus in the computer lab that erased all of the online student records and financial data. That was the last time the teenage Schneider set foot inside a formal classroom, afterwards preferring self-study. In this fashion, he gained the equivalent of a Master's Degree in demolitions, cyber-security, and political theory in a little under three years.

At sixteen years old, he took a job working at a fast-food restaurant, which lasted about fifteen minutes before he tried to dunk his supervisor's head in the deep-fryer. Daniel served four months in juvenile hall for assault, his first prison stint. On his seventeenth birthday, he realized he needed to appear older than he did: Nobody took him seriously, which placed both them and himself in considerable physical jeopardy. He spent several weeks editing his electronic records, and crafted several fake ID cards for himself. Using one of these cards, he got his next job as a bouncer at a local bar.

During the seven months of this job, he smuggled approximately fifteen cases of various alcohols out of the establishment, as well as embezzling upwards of two thousand credits, none of which were ever formally charged. After walking off the job, he went about seven blocks on foot before performing a carjacking and relocating about three hundred miles, during which he committed nearly thirty-seven different moving violations; a low number surprising given his lack of driver's education. At least one of these was done in front of a traffic monitor.

Once in the city of El Sereno, he applied for a job at, and was accepted by, a somewhat shady casino on the edge of the red light district as a floor guard. This one lasted a year and a half before he was ejected for conspiring against the establishment to net millions. This never went on his formal record, since the casino was unregistered and unlicensed. He wandered to New Sacramento over the next few months, hitchhiking the first third before carjacking again. Daniel got as far as the outskirts of town before being pulled over, a quick search of the vehicle and police records revealed that this was not the first time this had occurred, as well as a number of other violations, misdemeanors, and three felonies.

Schneider was incarcerated on Riverside Station for all of five hours before being transferred to LPI Huntsville, but not before inciting seventeen fights, eleven riots, and two escape attempts. He served the remainder of his five-year prison term on Huntsville. Upon his release, he immediately jumped parole and headed for the Independent Systems, landing in Cortez in 812AS. He was 22 years old when approached by Jacob Keller, at which point he not so much signed on as was defeated in a brawl, after which he joined the Children of Conviction. Over a period of three years, he worked his way up to third in command, displaying a tenacious and bloodthirsty drive that startled everyone he came into contact with.

Daniel Jackson Schneider is considered armed and extremely dangerous, and will do virtually anything if the price is right and the job does not conflict with the Children's code of dubious honor.

Schneider tossed his flight helmet on the bar and took a seat.

'Morning, Petrov.

Aboard the Smilodon - Leo - 12-24-2009

"Commanders." Victoria said as she passed by the table. "I trust you are enjoying the new bars atmosphere? Took us some time to get everything just right, the ship had been sitting in the fields for centuries before we picked it up...but it was in relatively good shape."

Victoria looked around the bar proudly then back to Vice Commander Petrov who was in mid drink and staring at her.

"You know, when you look at me like that, you creep me out."

With that, Victoria left the bar, heading towards the bridge.

Aboard the Smilodon - Kazinsal - 12-24-2009

Petrov finished his drink and looked at Schneider with a shrug. He kept staring at Victoria.

"There's definitely something VERY hot about a chick that can kick serious ass AND looks good," he muttered to Schneider.

Aboard the Smilodon - .shed - 12-24-2009

Edward winked at the Victoria as she passed him, his head in the clouds. She either hadn't seen or didn't care, he was obviously high on something. His eyes were unfocused, bloodshot and dancing in his skull. Stepping into the bar he bowed deeply, his raggedy business suit in all its deshevelled glory.

"Good Day Honoured Gentlmen!" he said in a thick Bretonian accent, chuckling to himself "Munroe, Old Boy, Pour me a drink... better give me a shot of rum with that." And with a spring in his step, he went to the bar and pull up a stool.

Aboard the Smilodon - Boss - 12-24-2009

Schneider glanced at Petrov, who appeared to be in shock. He motioned for a drink, his usual--Bloody Mary, extra Tabasco. The drink made, it was handed to him. He took a slow drink before tossing the contents of the glass at the man next to him.

"She's Jacob's, remember. Don't get any dumb ideas."

He signaled for another drink, two fingers of straight whiskey this time, and nodded at Trapper.

"Good morning. Or evening, or day, or night, for that matter. Kill anyone important?"

Aboard the Smilodon - Kazinsal - 12-24-2009

Petrov sighed. "I think I need to take a trip to the Sugarland and find me a chick like that, eheheh," he said. "This is making me wonder where Jacob is. Probably off killing some important guy."

Aboard the Smilodon - Boss - 01-30-2010

"Probably." He held up a screen. "Look at this. Want to poke Jacob on this, or should we just go after it ourselves? I'd do it alone, but, you know, I don't have a bomber yet and I'm not in any much hurry to get one."

He drained his glass, left the screen on the table, and headed to his room.

Aboard the Smilodon - Leo - 03-14-2010

Keller walked into the bar and slammed his hand down on the counter.

"Munroe! I don't pay you to dye your hair color on shift you crazy bastard. Get out here and get me a drink before I light you up!"

Munroe came stumbling out of the back of the bar, his hair in mid dye, one contact missing from his eye. Quickly he mixed a drink while Keller watched impatiently.

"H-here you go, sir!" he said handing the drink to Keller.

"Thank you, get back to work you idiot." Keller said turning and taking a drink, stopping when he saw Petrov and Schneider sitting at a table. "Don't you two ever do any work? It's like you sit around most of the time anymore..."