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Problems - Raptor_Evolved - 06-21-2007

Hey guys I am new to the Discovery community. Over the last few wekks I have been having ongoing problems with tis mod. I first install the FLM MOD manager. then the newest release of Discovery Mod. AFTER GOING through Single player I arrive at a point were I cannot leave Bretonia. ( Ifound thios out the hard way by trying all acces ways). What happens is as soon as I go through a jump gate, entire PC shuts down and starts back up up again. With a not enough power to your video card. I was running a SUN BEAM 480 watt Power supply on an NVIDEO 6600GT 256MB card. So I though I should buy A NEW POWER SUPPLY witch I did. I install ed a 700Watt XFX power supply checked amperage. Wich is fine ran the new Discovery Mod. Same problem. After the mission were I have to meet Junkyo IN Cambridge I can't get to Cambride. during the Jump gate Animation after it loads the 2nd part my entire PC shuts off and restarts without the Video card error. SO I took a diffrent motherboard and Harddrive with Nvidia 6200 256MB card and Installed windows without any problems.

Ran the new Discovery mod on it. same problem. so thought I should install the old discovery mod I did. same issue. Any help guys!?

Problems - BestFlyerHere - 06-21-2007

The problem is, Discovery wasn't really made for SP, or at least the campaign. I've only been able to make it a few missions before it CTDs on me. (Crash To Desktop)

Problems - Hylden - 06-21-2007

Don't know man... to me works like a charm. I finished that campaign twice, with different Discovery versions of the mod... ( 4.82 and 4.83)

Problems - Victor - 06-21-2007

I've been experiencing alot of CTD's lately... :(

Would it help to re-install Freelancer, install v1.1 and then install MOD 4.83 (currently running it without v1.1) ??

Could this be why TZawk's PC's going nuts on the mod ??

Problems - Raptor_Evolved - 06-21-2007

Any patches that need to be installed? I mean you name I have done it. I know PC inside and out, has to be the mod or some mising file somewere

I am running Freelancer 1.1 and the correct version of FLM MOD manager in place.

Problems - Raptor_Evolved - 06-21-2007

The game runs fine up untull that point then it just goes fritz and CTDs'

It's not my PC or my Hardware because I ran the Updated Crossfire MOD on without any problem or Crashes online and with SP campaign

Problems - Victor - 06-21-2007

If it's the Mod, then it must be something recent.

I've been playing this mod online for about a month, and the first two weeks everything was fine (except for some connection speed slack). Now it just randomly CTD (in my case, regardless of where I am)...

Problems - majkp - 06-21-2007

' Wrote:I've been experiencing alot of CTD's lately... :(

Would it help to re-install Freelancer, install v1.1 and then install MOD 4.83 (currently running it without v1.1) ??

Could this be why TZawk's PC's going nuts on the mod ??

Discovery mod already includes the 1.1 patch. I also played SP with Disco to the end without a single crash...

Problems - Victor - 06-21-2007

Oh... I knew that... no really...

But what's causing this then ?? Maybe a software clash ??

Problems - Raptor_Evolved - 06-22-2007

well what ever it is I don't know and it's not letting me enjoy the game