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Emperor Jien Kogen requests your presence - Printable Version

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Emperor Jien Kogen requests your presence - Jien Kogen - 12-21-2009

Quote:His Imperial Majesty Jien Kogen of Kusari calls the heads of Kishiro and Samura to the Imperial Compound on New Tokyo for consultations. These will be closed door meetings, and no press will be allowed.

The Emperor walked into the finely appointed conference room where the head of Kishiro and Samura were sitting. Two of the wealthiest men in all of Sirius, but he intended to explain to them today what they had to do.

Konnichiwa, gentlemen, I have a request for you. The operations of our Naval Forces in Leeds has opened up a prime opportunity for both Kishiro and Samura, and I am here to make sure you both put aside any differences between you and do what is best for Kusari. The gold fields of Dublin have been opened up to our operations, and Kishiro and Samura are going to have to work together to exploit these resources most effectively.

Your staffs have shown they can work together with marvelous results as we have seen in Akegata and drone projects, and I expect to see similar results in this joint venture.

You will together fund the production of a Barge class ship, I will be putting forth funding from my personal treasury as well, Samura and Kishiro will jointly operation this ship in Dublin, removing as much gold from the system as possible. Due to the war effort, the KNF cannot offer capital support for this ship, but I will authorize a wing of Chimeras and I will suggest a few wings of Samura and Kishiro fighters be ready to provide additional fighter support to these ships. All the operations can be run out of our bases in Leeds.

Gentlemen, this is what I want, I will now leave it up to the two of you to figure out how to make this happen. Good Day.

And with that, the Emperor left the room, leaving the two competitors to discuss the project.

Emperor Jien Kogen requests your presence - Exsiled_one - 12-22-2009

::Hokani stood up as Emperor left the room and then re took his seat after emperor's footsteps faded from his hearing range. He folded his arms and leaned back in his seat, looking across the table::


::he unleas from his seat and looks at the paper already on the table, shuffling trough them::

I do not see the reason of Samura interfering in Dublin area. Do your miners even go that far?

::a slight grin appears on his face::

Emperor Jien Kogen requests your presence - Samura Heavy Industries - 12-23-2009

Nora Samura has a nice chuckle at his rivals quip. "That is why I have always liked you Hokani-san, your sense of humour never fails to lighten a conversation," he said. "Please have some sushi, I got you the economy grade so you feel at home."

He paused with a slight grin and continued, "Samura has sent a small Mining fleet down to Dublin, it should be enough to equal your grand efforts. After all, our ships are some of the most effective in the sector."

Turning toward the competition he said, "We are also in the process of sending a wing of fighter support as well, being directed by Okada Kazuya, a very loyal Kusari citizen. I am sure their presence, combined with the wing of Chimaeras, will be enough to hold off any of those Bretonian paperweights."

Gesturing once again toward Hokani he added, "I'm sure Kishiro will be sending some of its well trained pilots down, as well? Assuming you are able to find any, of course."

Emperor Jien Kogen requests your presence - Exsiled_one - 12-23-2009

::he didn't grin while he looked at the sushi. He just pushed the dish calmly away::

This kind of food is exactly why we brought in Synth Foods to Kusari. But that's far from the point here.

::he scratches his chin, looking at the man across the table::

Military support sound like a good idea indeed. Placing the differences aside, we did manage to collect some intel on Dublin since our miners are there for a while now. Mollies pose the threat, so do Bretonian Armed Forces, and if that fails to show up, apparently there are some greedy Corsairs and Junkers around as well.

We however.. do not force our freighter pilots to endure combat trainings of such kind because we feel that fighting should be left to professionals. The sufficient training has been enforced to the pilots of mining ships of lighter class. ::shuffling the papers:: Maffics and Spatial ships.

I know this tho, Barge would certainly ease up the situation in that area. Not even Hood wants to accept our mining ships to dock... I doubt your appearance there would help..
::he scratches his head::

Your thoughts?

Emperor Jien Kogen requests your presence - Samura Heavy Industries - 12-28-2009

"My apologies, I did not want to confuse your tastebuds with the high quality food Samura employees get," Nora Samura said while gesturing to an assistant to bring a second plate of sushi made from the freshest Junyo fish.

He took a bite and replied, "Oh, yes, I forgot your men aren't professionals like the employees of Samura. Why, we are able to employ many former naval pilots with our vast resources."

Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, he continued, "You do, however, bring up an excellent point. Building a station would be grand, but logistically difficult with the Molly and BAF situation. One of those Barges may easily be able to act as a mobile base while Dublin is still not fully secured."

"I'm sure Yokohama could build one in no time flat, but I imagine you have some other thoughts in mind?"

Emperor Jien Kogen requests your presence - Exsiled_one - 12-28-2009

::he actually shook his head in negative response::
"Actually, no. He wants one fast, and he needs to get one fast. If we start building half and you building half or some things like that, we would enter a circle of blame and that ship would never rise from ground.

Build it, we'll equip it from inside and we can have mixed crew inside. Logistics can surely provide detailed information about how much supplies will they need out there since replenishing them is something that can only be done trough blockade. "

"I don't think he wants to wait too long. I'll send you the estimates via our uplinks and with your approval we can start very soon."

Emperor Jien Kogen requests your presence - Samura Heavy Industries - 12-28-2009

"That would make plenty of sense," Nora Samura said. "I will have Yokohama Shipyard begin construction immediately. Meanwhile, have Yukawa begin to work on the infrastructure for its inner workings."

The head of Samura smiled at his corporate rival. "I believe the Emperor will be very happy to hear this."

Emperor Jien Kogen requests your presence - Exsiled_one - 12-28-2009

::He stood up and offered an bow appropriate for the situation::

"Hai. The Sirius should know that all rivalries can be set aside when well being of Kusari is in question. I better hurry, there's much people to contact."

::with a thin but still meaningful smile Hokani exited the room with fast pace::