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Pirate taxes - fwolf - 06-24-2007

Suggestion for pirate taxes:

Level 30 - 39: 200k.
Level 40 - 49: 500k.
Level 50 - 59: 1 million.
Level 60 - 69: 2 million.
Level 70 - 79: 5 million.
Level 80+: 10 million.

Time covered by the tax: 6 hours.

The tax is valid for one pirate only. If theres two pirates the tax is doubled.

Pirate taxes - AdmSirRed - 06-24-2007

at 10 mil thats more money then ude lose if ude just let em blow u up in most cases. i dont see the point in paying them to were u still loose out no matter what you do.

Pirate taxes - Axe - 06-24-2007

I wouldn't make rules like this for pirates. It's all a part of being one is learning how to charge people.

For example, Capt.Armanda-Salinas chooses not to tax above 5 Mill as she likes to get paid most of the time. She also leaves the traders alone after that, as if she taxxed them everytime they came past, they would abandon the run and go elsewhere. Not good for business.

She also provides a protection service for those on the run, who have paid, from other pirates. That keeps the traders sweet and gives them a sense of security around the run.

Basically, I have learnt what to charge and how to do it. This should be left up to the pirate, not outlined as rules. If you demand 10 Mill from a level 38 character... you aint gonna get paid. Simple as. Stupid pirates make no money. Natural selection at it's best.

Pirate taxes - AdmSirRed - 06-24-2007

i agree axe. but maybe a max of how much to charg somone? becaus nothing stops a pirate form demanding 100 mil. wich obviously wont be paid. and use it as an excuse to blow them up.

Pirate taxes - Qunitinius~Verginix - 06-24-2007

I agree. Its up to the pirates themselves to decide what to charge, we don't need a set of rules.

But I do like your basic outline here, it is a good idea for people who don't really know what they are doing.

Verginix Out

Pirate taxes - McNeo - 06-24-2007

And that other system we did a while back. Me with Mantis and Axe with Capt Amanda. We had a fail safe system for pirateing, with backup if any of the military heavies came our way. I just wish i could be on at the right times to do it again. Its also to do with the wording if you get paid or not. For example, you say "2 mils or death" and they will run. If you say "please pay 2 mil for safe passage", then you're more likely to get paid.

Maybe I could lend a hand on that protection service next time you and I pirate on the same route Axe...

Pirate taxes - fwolf - 06-24-2007

Im not setting any rule, just making a suggestion.

And yes, 10 million is more than one run. I already thought on that. The trader will prefer to be blowed up. I put that just to read your opinions about it. There are certain pirates in the server who like to ask 10 million and I think its too much.

Better is to ask no more than 5 million.

Pirate taxes - X-Vlad - 06-24-2007

Erm... I really don't care what ye think, but most traders who do a circle route had BETTER pay up, or they'll die. I'll ask AT LEAST 5 million to anyone within the shootable range, and if they don't pay I'll blow their guts out, simple as that.

Most of them prefer to pay. They only run from a pirate they might escape from.

Pirate taxes - Raven_Steel - 06-24-2007

Ah well so you also blow up traders from lvl 50/60 wo, if flying a train or container transport, don't even have that much money...

That'll doesn't make you such a good pirate... But ok that my opinion... I know a lad who actually asks 5-7 million (per flyer) from a trader which I think is rediculous...

I always charge traders by looking at the level and then the ship they fly (so you know how much money the make) then you tax them...

Raven Steel

Pirate taxes - heathensoul - 06-24-2007

hm, some pirates are even open to haggling. that makes it more fun for the trader and usually results in him/her paying the fee. so, yah, tax-rules make no sense, especially since every pirate is more or less on his own - there is no pirate union anywhere that decides the regular prices...

btw., maybe that was even you, McNeo - i think you were one of the people i haggled with, with good results. paying only half the price for a lowlevel trader plus the full price for myself.
another time a pirate asked for 5 million, i just said i didn't have that much and offered 2 million... luckily for me, he didn't read that, cause he himself asked for 50K so I just said: 50k it is then:D

pirating needs to stay dynamic, there is no sense in making any rules, apart from the maximum-rule. nobody should ask for too much money just to have a reason to blow a trader up - become a terrorist if you wanna do that!