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Personal Log of Ayane Sakura - Printable Version

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Personal Log of Ayane Sakura - Reverend Del - 12-22-2009

The war is beginning to get me down, everywhere I go I see more and more desolation and devastation. If the war was still about ideals perhaps it would not be such a problem, but now the war is merely about hatred. They hate us and we hate them, the cycle is vicious and never ending. I do not believe the Emperor was wrong in instigating this war originally, but it is hard to see rightness in the war being prosecuted now. Not that I would say this in public. To do so would lose me face and being a woman in charge of a Samura mining ship is difficult enough already.

I command the Sayikutsu Maru, not through Samura's wishes, but those of it's former captain, killed in a firefight with the Privateers of Bretonia. I do not hate them for it, in war lives are lost on both sides, often for no good reason. But it remains true that there is no point opening the well of hatred for something that could not truly be avoided by us.

My crew is comfortable, they accept me as captain. Although Samura are somewhat upset at the decision they have not revoked it. Instead they have given me as difficult a contract as they can find. To work with the [IND] mining gold. It is bad enough having to work with outsiders, but where they have taken me is hard on my soul. I am, in effect, stealing. Whether the Emperor commands or not, it does not change the basic truth of the matter.

I am not unhappy though. By completion of this contract I hope to gain honour amongst my peers, and therefore be able to move to safer climes within our own borders. Until this contract is fulfilled I am honour bound to follow it and Samura's wishes.

Ayane Sakura.

Personal Log of Ayane Sakura - Reverend Del - 12-23-2009

Today has been a day of mixed blessings, I have been mining where I have been told, but also I have messed up. Today started out simple, Continue to mine the gold ore and the IND would continue to ship it. I, due to a comms error, was responsible for revealing our position to forces who we would rather not have known. I was forced to flee both Corsairs and the BAF. Not a good start.

However the second part of the day was much brighter. Although Samura had demanded I mine wit two others, one a Kishiro worker the other a Samura we were much more successful. We had a strange one though. He openly criticised the Emperor in front of us and then expected us to allow him to mine with us. He would not depart and so he was destroyed. There was not one amongst us who was not dismayed by this Bannaru's attitude. Our second encounter was with a Shire named Rob Roy, declaring a Bowex afiliation he asked us to sell our ore. We declined and he too chose destruction over safe flight. the mining continued and we we're beginning to fill our transport the KTS-Kanko.Maru, when a Molly chanced upon us. He too would not leave. I could understand them wanting us to go, but they barely tried to convince us. Blodwyn O'Driscoll was next before Sacret Heart and then finally the gunboat Landsverk, this was now a problem and it was deemed wise to remove our ore and flee to the relative safety of the Zoner planet Gran Canaria. Tomorrow will be the entertaining flight to sell the ore, but for now we rest.