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Reduce CD Refire Rate - Printable Version

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Reduce CD Refire Rate - Ash - 12-22-2009

Well i've been thinking, CMs rarely work despite the fact they have an 80% effectivness rate or whatever. We cant change the CMs as much as we can change the weather but, we may be able to change the CDs. When we want to stop someone we frantically press that button we've got set to CD, but I think it should require a certain level of skill. A well placed shot that's been properly focused by the pilot should give the player the rewarding outcome of catching his prey. Hell people can face the other direction these days and catch someone zooming past.

What do you think?

[Arg Sorry for Poll Typos]

Reduce CD Refire Rate - X-Lancer - 12-22-2009

agree, CD spam doesnt give you a chance to escape with the best CM out there even you are at the edge of CD's range

Reduce CD Refire Rate - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 12-22-2009

Even if I do not use cd a lot.. heh. Mostly razor. But I know what it is like than you have missile spammer as your opponent.


Reduce CD Refire Rate - Boss - 12-22-2009

Simple, reduce missile refires also.

Less than 2.00, please.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - Bolverk - 12-22-2009

Then you'll have to reduce the refire of CM's too.
Also quite often CD just can't connect because of lags or something, it's not actually a sure-fire weapon.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - Mounteblanc - 12-23-2009

' Wrote:Then you'll have to reduce the refire of CM's too.
Also quite often CD just can't connect because of lags or something, it's not actually a sure-fire weapon.

We would reducie the CD refire so Countermeasures would actually work.

When CDs get spammed in any situation but a dense asteroid field, they usually connect.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - SamuWarcraft - 12-23-2009

This is simple, NO!!!

(as some of you know the CD is not only used to cruise disrupt ships..., i already blown some fighters with their own mines with the CD)

Reduce CD Refire Rate - X-Lancer - 12-23-2009

' Wrote:This is simple, NO!!!

(as some of you know the CD is not only used to cruise disrupt ships..., i already blown some fighters with their own mines with the CD)

reduce the refire on Mines and Missiles would do the trick

Reduce CD Refire Rate - SamuWarcraft - 12-23-2009

' Wrote:reduce the refire on Mines and Missiles would do the trick

Reduce what??

Do you even realise what you said!??

Reduce CD Refire Rate - lw'nafh - 12-23-2009

' Wrote:Reduce what??

Do you even realise what you said!??
What about the transport captains getting done by lolpirates CD spamming, eh? This goes more than one way buddy.