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HAF Officialization Request - geohxx - 12-23-2009

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Hispania Armored Forces - HAF

The HAF, Hispania Armored Forces is an unofficial faction for more than 1 year, right now we are more than 40 members, and want to change our status to official faction.
I am HAF-M-MarquesDelRiscal, Chief Executive Officer of the diplomatic subjects of the HAF in Gamma and in th fronts of every Sirius, therefore, I have been granted the power to negotiate and deal with all the factions and other people freely, that means they will not be objected by my group.
We will pay the 500 million credits parallel to the presentation of this request, amount of money that will be sent to the administrators.
Every suggestion and idea is welcome, in order to make better our clan.

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The HAF is a military kind faction from the corsairs. Its primary role is to defend the corsair territory form hostile attacks and other menaces, controlling the space traffic and making strike missions against the enemies of the corsairs, outside the Corsair space.
The internal organization its simple but effective, The Admiral it's the faction leader, following for the Marshals and Generals in the command chain and eventually but not less important, the base of the HAF, which are the commands.
In combat, the higher ranked HAF is in command and has the responsibility of the action, all HAFs must follow his orders. The HAF acts as one and should never be an independent group of people who attack freely. Unity makes us stronger.
Actually, its main base is Tripoli in Omicron Gamma, due to the build of the first HAF fleet on this base long time ago, as it is explained latter. There, is the place where the remains of the HAF fleet are returning and regrouping as the new 817 A.S. HAF and that is why Base 1 becomes home.
But as a military Corsair faction, HAF patrol the area around the Corsair and uses all its bases when required (except those reserved for other Corsair factions, in which case they do so under its permission).
A HAF always must find an equal fight, show a honor way and good manners, in fight or chat, and never break the rules, the punishments imposed in the HAF are severe.

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History of the HAF

The Hispania

The Hispania house was formed by several Mediterranean and Latin countries. Hispania was called in honor of the former province of the Roman Empire in the Iberian peninsula. The majority of countries that were allied to create this ship were Hispanic, but not all, there were also some Arabs, Greeks, Italians, Balkans, etc... Apart from the Spanish and American countries. Therefore, many bases from the lost children of Hispania were named as Mediterranean and other location places.
By the year 2100, along with four other sleeper ships, they break the Coalition blockade and head to Sirius. The 5 ships travel with the intention of creating 5 large houses, Hispania, Kusari, Bretonnia, Rheinland and Liberty.
Unfortunately, the coalition had managed to sabotage the Hispania and almost all of its engines exploded when the Hispania passed near Omicron Gamma, leaving the ship half destroyed in the middle of the space. Settlers traveling in, awoke early and half of them decided to take chances in the escape pods to the nearest habitable planet, and founded a colony on the planet Crete, which was the origin of the so-called Corsairs. The rest of the settlers from the Hispania, decide to keep dirfting in the crippled ship, and they found another habitable planet orbiting Omicron Alpha star and founded a colony on the planet that was called Malta, and they became the Outcast. Since then, there is great hatred between the two factions of Hispania, since both were accused of causing sabotage on the sleeper ship. Despite the fact that time after it was discovered that the the sabotage was made by the Coalition, the hatred between the Corsairs and Outcast never entirely disappeared, and sadly, today they are still at war.
Then, was when the first seeds of the current HAF born, formed by the descents of old members from the Earth?s HAF, that fought in the Solar system war against the Coalition, they tried to create a naval force to defend the Hispania space, Corsair or Outcast, like the rest of the big houses did.
Long ago was discovered in Malta the way to process the cardamine, that is in the whole planet environment, making an orange dust that had allowing the Outcasts to travel outside the planet without a sure death. This drug does not take too long to spread throughout Sirius as a plague, thanks to the cartels that controlled their distribution.
Over the years, and financed by the large benefits from cardamine commerce, moved using dark paths into the planets of Liberty and the rest of big houses, cartel heads occupied the main public and politicians seats in Malta helping them to rule all his people.
The HAF decided to help their strayed Outcasts brothers to liberate themselves from the tyranny of cartels, facing the Malta?s Congress. Finally, an opportunity arises. A confidant of the HAF in Ruiz base report that the cardamine cartels were preparing a large shipment, the business which would flood all Sirius with cardamine, cleaning the way of the cartels to became the wealthiest and most powerful faction. The HAF informer offered the possibility of end the hegemony of the drug at a stroke. To do so, the HAF should be used to fund, he said. The HAF came with all its power and the ships darkened sun of Omicron Alpha. The strike against the tyranny of the cartels was ready.
But the HAF did not suspect that the confidant was a traitor, which had led them to a trap. A huge Outcast fleet, aided by Kusari pirate groups, treacherously attacked without warning the HAF fleet. In the first two hours, two thirds of the HAF fleet had been destroyed and the rest withdrew, leaving behind a trail of heroic blood, jumping into holes that meant salvation. The day was called the weeping day in the history of the HAF, although those who remember and not forget, they prefer calling it the Day of Betrayal.
The remains of the HAF fleet, where crowded civilian ships with thousands of families of the military killed in combat, which finally concentrated in the Omicron Theta system. There, a Corsair fleet gave them coverage and began to counter attack the outcasts and Kusari pirates pursuers. In this way, finally reach his home planet Crete in Omicron Gamma

Extract from a HAF diary

Such HAF ceased to exist. My grandparents went to Crete with the rest of the survivors, where they settled as refugees. Those were hard days, despite being among friends, every family had lost someone in the battle. There were no celebrations in the camps in these sad days, nobody was celebrating anything. Many corsairs helped all they could with food, prefabricated house, and above all, understanding and moral support.
One day the news came to the refugee camps that the Corsairs had declared total war on the Outcast. This was a good and sad news at a time for former HAFs, because one side was going to order someone to challenge the oppressors of the outcast people, but on the other hand, this meant that at last Hispania had disappeared altogether. The two major Hispania groups were now faced in a war to death. There were many meetings and much talk about the war and because of this many old HAFs decided to join the Corsairs ranks to assist in the fight and thus, avenge their dead.
Among them was my grandfather, Antonio Salazar, who enlisted as a fighter pilot in a titan. I?ve never seen him again, but we received news about his ferocity in the battle. Yes, it is normal, he was searching for a vengeance for his friends and relatives killed in the battle, knowing him, I knew that they would fight until death or victory. Unfortunately, what happened was the first, and one day he died fighting the Outcasts in a system that we never know, nobody tell us, military secret they said. My father, his son, cried for three days and spends another three more honoring him. I know what was going on in his mind, he would have been happy to fight alongside them, dying at his side, but he have the responsibility to take care of me and that was that he could not put aside.
So, he decided that we would go from there, maybe he think that, this way he could get away from so much death and destruction, he was wrong, of course. During the meetings to see if joining the Corsairs in the war, there were someones who thought of going into somewhere neutral, so we could begin to take shape a possible future HAF, trading around Sirius to fill the HAF accounts. We join them, both my father and I, without much enthusiasm, because the thing his hearth wanted, was to fight. I liked that, being sometimes in Crete, indeed I was born there, but I only spend a day on the planet before my family continues its course in the ships of the HAF.
Two months after arriving Crete, a large contingent of HAF refugees left to neutral territory, settling in Freeport9, where they were tolerated because the struggle between the Bounty Hunters and the Corsairs is not tolerated in the stations, which allowed many to infiltrate as workers among the zoners which were a mixture of exiles and emigrants around Sirius, all neutral and not interested in affairs from other houses or factions. It was the perfect place to run the plan.
This way the HAF was divided, some fighting in Gamma as Corsairs, others in a low profile in Theta. But secretly, everyone was in contact. Wanderer big ships landed on Crete with cargo food, occasionally including emissaries from the hidden HAF, to discuss with the heads of the HAF in Crete the strategy to follow and keeping them informed about the progresses. They had the plan to rejoin the HAF fleet and retrieve after their lost place to be able to liberate the whole Hispania.
I do not know about all these complex issues until much later. At that time I was a young learner commercial pilot and spent my life travelling between planets and bases, trading and searching for the best deals. My father told me very little, really. Seemed more interested in the money that in my education.
One day, while we were in Crete, during one of our trips to bring food, without realizing, I just get near a hangar. And there I saw her. And she saw me. And my life changed forever. She was a warrior, with his Corsair uniform, his shining helmet and... her Titan ship. She was looking at me, smiled me and then turned around and entered her ship. When she lost in the clouds of the sky of Crete, I knew that someday I would follow her out there and suddenly, my merchants life turned into a meaningless and empty thing. I was not born for that, I was born to fight. When that night, late, I returned to the transport ship of my father, I was no longer the same being as when I left after lunch. And he knew it instantly. He tried to convince me, but he couldn?t, I had already decided I would join with the Corsairs and would fight.

The New HAF

HAF members still were working in a low profile. Some with the corsairs, other hidden inside the zoners, but always in contact. And they designed a plan that would lead them to re-unite Hispania and free the outcast people from cardamine cartels. In great secrecy, they were collecting their profits, and investing it in building a new fleet, and not very long time ago, HAF began to fly back to space, in Gamma, with his corsair brothers.
Despite the lawlessness among the Corsairs, their strategic position in the Edge nebula systems, allowed an early vision of what was coming, the pirates felt instinctively that those strange aliens known today as nomads, were a threat to their survival.
A reconnaissance expedition was dispatched to the unknown nomad space, and not without great difficulties, managed to return and report about the large fleet they had seen.
Immediately the Corsairs knew that would fight or die again.
It was decided to build a large military kind fleet to defend the Corsair space from the seemingly inevitable invasion by the nomads. For this occasion, the name and crest that fall over Crete almost 800 years ago in the tail of an SX-V-212 Stormshuttle, was recovered, the crest of the Hispania Armored Forces.
This meant a drastic reduction of materials, and many reinforcements were moved to Crete. That eventually allowed the remarkable expansion of the Red Hessians and the easy Rhoneb?rg defense. Also meant a dramatic increase in piracy which forced the construction of a defense line in Cambridge, basically armed stationary platforms.
After building the largest fleet ever seen in Gamma until that time, a feeling of invincibility filled the hearts of the corsairs, those times seemed glorious.
Meanwhile, the nomad war rushes over the houses. Nomads had concealed his steps carefully, but the discovery of an artifact in planet Pygar would ruin their conquest over the human race, therefore, Freeport 7 was destroyed in an alien raid to Sigma-17.
There are no exact data available which explains how The Order contacted with the corsairs, but some suggest that Orillion contacts inside the smugglers allowed that a group of corsairs belonging to the reborn HAF forces were incorporated as personal bodyguards of Colonel Kress, being the connection with the HAF fleet. What is certain is that the nomad fleet in charge of destroy Toledo, was not could meet its target, the bulk of it was never reach Omicron Minor after being intercepted by the large fleet which the corsairs had created.

First HAF Battle in the Nomad War

The fleet headed for the systems beyond Malvada cloud. After 23 hours from departure, a reconnaissance pilot spotted a large concentration of heavy Nomad ships at a great distance. To avoid detection he flow away from it by inertia until the contact with the HAF fleet was made again, put communications online, and said:
- Enemy sighted
- How many?
- Too many
The Admiral ordered to start preparations for a big battle and that it was immediately notified to him the whole available gravimetric mines arsenal in the fleet. The reconnaissance pilot was invited to the flagship tactical room where, after listening carefully his description about the situation in front of the watchful eye of the fleet high command, he was dispatched with orders to prepare his ship for direct combat.
Admiral informed all the commanders of the fleet, that, although it was possible to destroy the enemy fleet would lose so many ships that were never recovered. Furthermore, had the suspicion that what the reconnaissance patrol had seen was part of the nomad fleet at a meeting point they had designated, therefore, the units increase concentrated there were expected, that is to say, more than 20 battleships ... all understand, the Mariscal orders were not delayed:- I will depart at the head along with 4 other dreadnoughts to intercept the enemy and force his defense, the rest will wait for the order to attack close to the jump hole. - The determination that the Mariscal eyes radiated did anyone not to discuss the battle plan, this time the Trojan horse would be metal instead of wood. Captain Alvaro Gomez told the Mariscal before leave to his ship:
- Adios "true" Corsair, our Hispania ancestors must be proud.
So, part of the fleet jumped into an unknown system, leaving behind the main fleet, and attacked the nomads.
The fight took not so long, the overwhelming superiority of the enemy forced the withdrawal in the first attack of the HAF in the nomad war.
While the Admiral was trying to reach the jump hole, the nomads, in anticipation of its move, moved part of the fleet to prevent its withdrawal, giving the Corsairs a little respite. Once placed near the hole, began to mercilessly punish the HAF vessels, however, the nomads had miscalculated the strength of the new corsair dreadnoughts built in Tripoli as the Mariscal supposed, due to this fact, when their battered ships were closing the jump hole, the nomads came closer and closer into a capital ships dogfight to prevent them to the withdraw. It was the expected right time.
The rest of the fleet appeared at that moment, circling the nomad fleet that swirls around the Mariscal and the braves who accompanied him.
The dreadnought fires, coming from all directions, always reach any target, as the nomads had concentrated all its ships around the Mariscal flagship. This made them even closer and the dreadnought had almost no operational turrets left.
By the time realized that the main HAF fleet was moving away while shooting was too late, the Mariscal's voice rang out one last time and still resonates in the ears of all us: - HAF Semper Invicta Est! - In that precise instant, the mines that had been prepared within the vessels reactors exploded destroying everything that was in a 3k radius.
The few nomad ships that survived the Mariscal and many other HAFs sacrifice were seriously damaged and were annihilated by the HAF without losing a single ship more.
However, light nomad forces were able to attack Toledo still maintaining the superiority over The Order, neverheless, the lack of capital ships during the attack over Toledo meant the early nomad defeat.

HAF Odyssey

After the battle against this nomad fleet and the only thought to avenge their respected Mariscal and his brothers, now martyrs of the HAF, like those ancestors for the corsairs, who gave his flesh for all to survive, the goal was none other than ends the Nomad threat. The HAF battle fleet continued chasing the retreating Nomads, penetrating deeper and deeper into unknown space, mercilessly attacking ships, bases, supply lines and everything seems to have some nomad reminiscence, the years of struggle and wear made this interminable military expedition seem more as an odyssey.
Eventually contact was lost with the large HAF fleet and was given as disappeared years ago.
The ability of the Corsairs to overcoming any difficulties based on imagination and willpower made them a force of nature, looting everything they could from the Nomad remains they left on his way through, replacing damaged equipment by Nomad equipment in many cases, although most of it was incompatible.
However, a significant discovery enabled the fleet to continue their endless war, the combination of the main power plant reactor stabilizers linked to a few very old rare alien artifacts founded and some strange equip recovered from a Nomad outpost, meant the secret weapon of which seemed to be condemned to be a ghost fleet, the GRAIL*. Despite its name, it was just a sophisticated debugger-enabled distiller, through a process of ionization, dissociation and plunged into liquid-based, drawing a basic paste food from alien organisms, which was the fleet meal those days.
*GRAIL: Genetic Recreation of Alien Ingestible Life

The fall of the Task Force 6

One of the best kept secrets by the HAF is the fate of the missing Task Force 6.
After sighting a Nomad command and control vessel, the fleet was arranged for attack, the target was none other than the capture of a Nomad brain, located on that ship, and that seemed to be superior to those who operated their heavy battleships.
Despite the superiority of the HAF fleet in this battle, the enemy had enough forces to offer a tough resistance, however, this Nomad should belong to the blue aliens highest levels and noting about the presence of the Corsair war fleet, fled with a small fast ship escorts as a swarm around the queen, while the core of the fleet awaited the battle to start.
The Task Force 6, led by the Osiris battleship "Tenebroso" was after the small fleeing fleet in order to capture them while the bulk of the fleet was awaiting the battle.
Nomad tactics during this battle was somewhat annoying for the hard Corsairs, more used to a life or death battles that skirmishes and threats such as those experienced on that day; might be the distant memory of the "Invincible Armada" and its bitter defeat over a thousand years ago, but the fact is that despite the destruction of some Nomad vessels, were not getting anything, except to compromise the security of the fleet while the enemy refuses the battle.
Were ordered to withdraw all fighters, reach full speed at once, keep a defensive box formation, and break the contact suddenly, this was done, the elusive enemy was too far away to be able to pursue the HAF once they realized that, first and last time that a HAF fleet was withdrawing from a battle.
After attempting to contact the following gunboat of the Task Force 6, the "Durmiente", was sent a reconnaissance team to its last known position. After an hour the news came: The " Durmiente" received several impacts from heavy weapons and was hit by a Nomad torpedo shot, fired through the port side.
That day, even the stars seemed to lose its brightness, the darkness was looming over our hearts and the bitter feeling of what was happening, turned the recycled ships air into a dense and heavy atmosphere.
Everything seemed to indicate that the Nomad ships, using a cloak device, were able to approach without being detected by the Durmiente destroying it in seconds. The most worrying thing of them all, was realizing that the last battle was only a stratagem to keep the Task Force 6 away from the main fleet. Despite the relentless search there was no trace of them.
Three years later contact with the Task Force 6 were establish while were en route to Omicron Delta, apparently returning home, the first joy moment turned into disturb when the impatient brothers of those who left after the big Nomad brain attempted to discover why they had the soul on tenterhooks. The answer came quickly, the apparent indifference, improper from corsairs, disappeared when the Fernando del Rio Legionaire was at enough distance to scan the "Tenebroso", then a rain of fire fell on him. The baffled HAF fleet, consisting of Task Forces 2, 3 and 9 did not give credit to what they saw while Fernando skillfully scanned the "Tenebroso" Osiris and getaway, saying:
- They have an alien artifact on board, looks like a huge bomb, according to the readings, have enough power to wipe out the surface of almost half a planet ... *FHHZZZZ* ... *crack* ... Shi*...!... I?m hit!.. I?m hit! ... I?ve no left hand. .. .....Damn!, I lost my mother medal .............. ....

Just when Fernando pronounced the word planet, we could seen the beloved Crete in front of our eyes like a vision of what would never see again, with the blood frozen and the front sweat-soaked, we engaged feverishly our fallen brothers, as pushed by the scream of our ancestors claiming revenge for their children crawled into the cruel fate that the Nomads reserve to human kind.
The Task Force 6 fled towards the depths of the Edge nebula while various HAF Task Forces were been joining the chase.
That was how we got to the damned station, after 16 hours at full power to persecute our brothers and sisters to give them the mercily rest their tortured souls deserved, jumping from system to system, until a Nomad fleet as a defense wall, was interfering our way. We don?t even remember how many exactly where them, we were outrageously mad, fell over them as the hammer meets the anvil, once, and another, and another...
When they saw that the seriously wounded were throwing their ships against them as a manned torpedo, realized that they couldn?t win, that we would crush them that day, being 1 or 1 million. They fled in panic, and maybe understood why they had taken so long to infiltrate a corsair group.
The survivors of the badly damaged "Irreductible" Osiris, jumped into the nearby Nomad capital ship that just rammed with their useless ship, entering the enemy ship and causing so much damage before die, that a couple of Sunslayer torpedoes fired towards the hull cracks produced in the scuffle, were enough to remove the remains.
Despite their desperate efforts were wiped out completely, we din?t wait for the station to be abandoned to enter, while the fleet was annihilating the ones who tried to leave, the stormtroopers on board their assault gunboats, entered the station, destroying everything that moved. In the battle, the equivalent of a full Task Force were lost and many brothers too, only minor injuries to heal that day.
Those who explored the station after the attack still suffer horrible nightmares, although they would never recognize it. Experiments carried out by the Nomads there, may be comparable to the ones that some humans does with them, but we don?t believe it. The station was carried out of orbit and accelerated toward the Sun, where it sank forever. Some remains, some scientific equipment of all kinds and some containers were extracted from the base before send it to hell.
Those who claim to have seen a HAF praying, must know that, more than a prayer, it's a litany of death and freedom:
"Sisters and brothers of the 6, fight against the chains that imprison yourselves to expel the demons out of your sacred body, for the blood of the corsairs win this battle against the blue curse, for the flesh of our ancestors and return free or drag the beast up here so that we can give you eternal rest and peace"
Many HAF Task Forces never knew about the end of the nomad war, having nomads in space, the main fleet continues its fight to prevent them at all costs to reach Crete.

Current HAF History

After many years of fierce struggle away from Crete, a small contingent of the HAF fleet head back to Gamma, during those never ending years, the Council of Elders had been created between the corsairs, various factions had emerged and respected families gained unprecedent power among the anarchist corsairs, new threats such as the Coalition ships and the Wild are now close to the corsair border, in Sirius, new systems had been discovered and colonized, and the strategically position of Yaren base and the Zoner satellite in Omicron Delta, the lighthouse in the night that saved the HAF fleet from an inevitable lost in space fate.
Without knowing the rest, lost in the path of the warrior, this small contingent sent to Tripoli to repair and equip its ships was entirely devoted to fight the Bounty Hunters Guild incursions and other threats in Gamma, and Omega-41, spreading latter on their patrol path and strikes against the enemy far away from the beloved Crete.
After several weeks, HAF presence among the corsairs turned into a common thing and the recruit office was forced to open again, especially for the orphans and corsair most adventurer souls requests that were searching for a new family or new challenges.

Hispania Ancestors Path

Our ancestors from the Hispania house made us stronger, and in order to honor them, that still keeping an eye on us, we celebrate from time to time the Ancestors Ceremony. To remember the Hispania glory times, when they were fighting the Coalition and the "Tercios" Armored stormtroopers from the HAF forces were mobilized and latter on improved with a heavy assault space fleet, lost in the final Coalition attack.
The Ancestors Ceremony also remember us that we are now divided in two different cultures, for the ancestors sadness, but maybe someday we will be one again. Until then, we will still asking for the ancestors help to end this course, for us, to kill a corsair it's the worst thing we can do, because we have the same blood, but the Outcasts too..., however, in the HAF, if you kill a corsair you will be dispatched to the most dangerous missions until you find the amnesty or, more likely, your own death. For these reasons we will still celebrating the Ancestors Ceremony in the most valuable wreck of all Sirius, the Hispania.

Corsair Path

The corsair path were never easy, but our indoblegable willpower will lead us to succeed, and today, the Hispania Armored Forces are still flying with the Tizonas and Salamancas ready to defend our brothers fiercely until death, gaining the respect of the Corsairs, allies and even enemies, that know we can go berserk but cannot retreat, hopefully, our ancestors will be proud and will make us room wherever they are.
Long Live The Corsairs! HAF SIE!

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Faction: Corsairs
TAG: Corsairs
ID: Corsair Guard ID


HAF-A-name: Admiral of the fleet, Is the primary command of the fleet. Person in charge of the internal structure.

HAF-M-name: Mariscal of the fleet: They are the secondary commands of the fleet, they proceed to be the primary when the Admiral is not. They have very determined areas of control ( Diplomacy, Military, Bank, Depot, etc )

HAF-G-name: General of the fleet: Come from the tertiary commands of the fleet, in charge of the sections of combat ( fighters, bombers, etc ) in the course of the battles. They are likewise the primary commands when the Admiral or the Marshals are not.

HAF-C-name: Command of the fleet: It is the basic status of the fleet. They are the pilot soldiers of the fleet.

HAF-R-name: Recruit of the fleet: They are the new that have gotten to the fleet, that they are passing a period of training.
The ID Corsair Guard, it is binding for whoever it takes a C or superior.

Using the tag HAF is not allowed out of the corsair's ZOI, use for other activities that the military is not allowed. Nobody will be able to use the tag HAF freely, even in the case of being invited to the faction, will have to obey the instructions for its use.


The diplomacy of the HAF, at this time, is the same as the diplomacy of the Corsairs, but there are other groups, in the factions, who are in different status:

The Order
Farmers Alliance
Colonial Remnant

Anyone allied to our allies, and every faction, clan, or independent who signed a treaty with us or the Corsair Council.

Zoners and others who are not included in any category

Every pilot who attacks a Corsair.

Red Hessians
Liberty Rogues
Blood Dragons
Lane Hackers
Bounty Hunters
The Wilds
House Corporations
House Police
House Militaries


Considered to Tripoli like our Base 1, but the territory that we covered includes all systems where exist a corsair base, so we have identified systems and bases:

Omicron Gamma
Planet Crete
Tripoli base
Skiros base

Omicron Delta
Yaren base

Omicron Eta
Etna base

Omicron 91 (TBH System)
Alexandr?a base
Barcelona base
Battleship Prox
Rhodes base

Omicron 94 (Benitez System)
Battleship Delos
Syros Shipyard
Thyra Colony
Thinos Outpost

Omega 41
Leon base

Omega 5
Cadiz base

Omega 47
Fes base

Omega 50
Mindelo base

We know and we respected Omicron 91 and Omicron 94, property of TBH and Benitez Familiy, we entered those systems with authorization of the owners only to buy weapons, fuel and other goods. We helped to patrol when we detected strangers in those systems.
Also we have interests in raids to bretonia, outcasts space, and for support to our allies too, against nomads, bounty hunters or others.

Patrol Zones

Center Patrols
Include the systems: Omicron Gamma, 91, 93, 94 and 96.
This area is mainly controlled the traffic in Gamma and be kept clear of enemy ships and transport or unauthorized. It also controls access to other systems and traffic in them.

Left Flank Patrols
Include the systems: Omega 5, 11, 15, 41, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55 and 58.
In this area mainly seek Hessians and BHS to keep them away from the central area. Also "persuade" the cargo to carry food to Crete.

Right Flank Patrols
Include the systems: Omicron Theta, Kappa, Delta, Minor, Lost, Iota and 74.
In this area mainly seek to BHS and Nomads to keep them away from the central area. The project will support the Order in their struggles with the BHS and the Nomads.

Raid Zones

Bretonia Raids
Include the systems: Cambrigde, New London, Poole, Dublin, Londonderry, Edinburgh, Chester, Leeds, Manchester, Lewis, Orkney, Dundee, Newcastle, Salisbury and Inverness. (all systems of Bretonia).
In this area are attacking everything that looks Breton, with special attention to the BAF. We also searched the Coallition craft to its destruction.

Alpha Raids
Include the systems: Omicron Alpha, Beta, 80, 81, 82, 85 y 90.
In this area attacked all Outcast or their allies they are.

BH & Nomads Raids
Include the systems: Omicron Theta, Kappa, Delta, Minor, Lost, Iota y 74.
In this area attack any ship of Nomads or BH you view.


HAF pilots only can use Corsair ships:

Legionnaire - M3 Corsair Fighter
Decurion - M5 Corsair Fighter
Centurion - M7 Corsair Heavy Fighter
Gladiator - M9 Corsair Heavy Fighter
Titan - M10 Corsair Very Heavy Fighter
Praetorian - M14 Corsair Bomber
Correo - M18 Corsair Freighter
Lunchbox - M26 Gunboat (discontinued)
Imperator - M42 Corsair Gunboat
Praefect - Corsair Cruiser
Osiris - CV-1 Battleship
Legate - Corsair Dreadnought

WEAPONS and Equipment

HAF pilots can use only Corsair weapons (and CODENAMES) and all the generic equipment witch its allowed as shields, armor upgrades, mine droppers, Cruise Disruptor, scanners, etc.

Fighter Turrets
Corsair "Angelito" Neutron Turret Mk I
Corsair "Borroco" Pulse Turret
Corsair "Angelito" Neutron Turret Mk II
Corsair "Rapier" Pulse Turret
Corsair "Salamanca" Neutron Turret
Corsair "Tizona del Cid" Pulse Turret

Bomber Turrets
G2 LS92-2 "Lacerator" EMP Turret
G2 LS82-2 "Render" Energy Turret

Gunboat Turrets
Basic Gunboat Turret
C-18 "Cerberus" Gunboat Turret
Gunboat "Battle Razor" Tachyon-Antimatter Cannon
EMP-7 Gunboat Pulse Cannon
Solaris Gunboat Turret
RA-125 Corsair Gunboat Turret
Basic Gunboat Missile Turret

Cruiser Turrets
Basic Cruiser Turret
C-25 "Cerberus" Cruiser Turret
Cruiser "Battle Razor" Tachyon-Antimatter Cannon
EMP-4a Cruiser Pulse Cannon
TL-4a "Light Mortar" Antimatter Cannon
Solaris Cruiser Turret
RA-112 Corsair Cruiser Turret
Basic Cruiser Missile Turret

Battleship Turrets
Basic Battleship Turret Mk I
Basic Battleship Turret Mk II
"Battle Razor" Tachyon-Antimatter Cannon
EMP-1 Battleship Pulse Cannon
C-48 "Cerberus" Battleship Turret
TL-45 "Heavy Mortar" Antimatter Cannon
TL-25 "Mortar" Antimatter Cannon
Solaris Battleship Turret
RA-100 Light Corsair Battleship Turret
RA-72 Corsair Battleship Turret
Basic Battleship Missile Turret

Bomber Torpedoes
AN-3 "Supernova" Antimatter Cannon
ANC-2 "Nova" Antimatter Torpedo Launcher

Bomber Cannons
G2 LS92-1 "Lacerator" EMP Cannon
G2 LS82-1 "Render" Energy Cannon

Fighter Cannons
Corsair "Angelito" Neutron Blaster Mk I
Corsair "Angelito" Neutron Blaster Mk II
Corsair "Borroco" Pulse Weapon
Corsair "Angelito" Neutron Blaster Mk III
Corsair "Rapier" Pulse Weapon
Corsair "Lobera" Pulse Weapon
Corsair "Salamanca" Neutron Blaster Mk I
Corsair "Salamanca" Neutron Blaster Mk II
Corsair "Tizona del Cid" Pulse Weapon
Corsair "Colada del Cid" Pulse Weapon

Fighter Torpedoes
"Mini Razor" Tachyon-Antimatter Cannon
T-92 "Starkiller" Torpedo Launcher
T-96 "Sunslayer" Torpedo Launcher

Allowed Codenames

DEFILER (exception)




Fighters Missiles

M433 "Drone"
HM-a "Seeker"
M468 "Wardog"
HM-b "Razor"
M472 "Tadpole"
HM-d "Driller"
M479 "Swatter"
HM-g "Cutter"
M485 "Screamer"
HM-i "Ripper"
MX-17 "Nuclear"


As a corsair faction, we will follow the Council Edict about Battleships:
|| Rules for Warship Captains:
Here the term "Warship" is used to refer to ships of Destroyer, Cruiser, Battle-cruiser, Battleship, Dreadnought and Carrier class.
14) Behaviour of a warship captain must be befitting of such a vessel. Appropriate behaviour for a warship captain excludes:
* Violation of the Sirius Codex
* Unintelligible communications chatter. (//oorp chat)
15) Warship captains must be responsible guardians of the Empire's asset that is in their keeping. Responsible guardianship excludes:
* Unnecessarily placing their ship and crew in danger.
* Entering battles that will almost certainly lead to their ships destruction unless the safety of Planet Crete is at stake.
16) Warship captains must not take their ship outside core Corsair territory* unless:
* They are accompanied by a balanced fleet, with at least as many fighters and bombers as there are warships. ......or....
* Their operation has received the approval of a Council Elder or one of their deputies.
17) Warship captains must not waste fuel on unworthy endeavours, such as chasing individual enemy fighters, or other tasks that could be done by a smaller craft. Warships should only be deployed when necessary.||

CRUISER: Praefect can be used as defense ship in corsair spaces and in raids, but no more than 2 of them at the same time, must have enough fighters and bombers as escorts in every situation.

BATTLESHIP: Osiris and Legate can be used as defense ship in corsair spaces and in raids, but no more than 2 of them, must have enough fighters and bombers as escorts in every situation.

All HAF pilots are allowed to acquire a capital ship (according to IDs rights), but need to request permission from the HAF High Command and in the request he must show the reasons for getting that ship, and the Historical Background of the vessel. Only RP supported capital ships will be allowed. From now on, we dont accept more "recruits" who are flying in caps.


The HAF pilots are allowed to defend themselves at first signal of danger. Capital ships aren't allowed to fire other ships except if they are attacked first. There is an exception for normal confrontation rules.
Since one pilot knows he will enter in combat, he must say some warning words to the opponents. // Not only "engage", but somewhat further interesting to enrich the RP.


Patrolling the corsairs' ZOI, including the factions' proprietary systems, Omicron 91 and Omicron 94, with his consent, to avoid even gunrunners' presence that they steal the weapons corsairs taking shelter in his status of neutral.

Defending and protecting Omicron Gamma, Crete and all the bases corsair, from everybody the enemy attacks.

Protecting the younger brothers ( NPC ) of the attack of enemy ships, requesting the enemies or any other character the Pod's liberation if they are seen in the loading bay.

Helping any corsair brother in battle if this solicitous help or if he looks than this being attacked faithlessly or with numerical advantage.

Helping the allies in battle, providing them information encoded if necessary.

Accomplishing scan routines and doing cargo verification of traders and smugglers, granting or denying permissions to land.

Accomplishing recruitment with the procedure once right now the inside was known of the HAF.


Admiral / Almirante
HAF-A-Sir_Dark - Organizative, leader of the HAF

Mariscals / Mariscales
HAF-M-MarquezDelRiscal - Premier, Diplomatic
HAF-M-Angel - Military
HAF-M-Miss - Financial
HAF-M-Aldebaran - Logistic

Generals / Generales

Commands / Comandos
HAF-C-Maese Yoda
HAF-C-Oroshimaru (mia / in memorian)
HAF-C-Otto (mia / in memorian)
HAF-C-Xochipilli (mia/ in memorian)

Recruits / Reclutas
HAF-R-Chupacabra III

//This list was create after one roll call at december 2009

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//HAF Online Community

The HAF was born at the beginning as a Freelancers players group, who reclaim the missed house inside the game, the Hispania house, being the Hispania Navy (this rol was misunderstood in some pvp servers, thankfully, this faction request is taking place in the Discovery RP server, the perfect place for this faction to be).
Four of the five Sleeper ships that came to Sirius from the Solar system, formed their respective houses and naval forces, but not the Hispania. The original idea of the HAF was to upset the reborn of the Hispania house in every server joined by the HAForces. Then, the HAF started to grow fast and expand his challenge quest to other games, forming the actual HAForces online community, and the Freelancer went behind.
Not so long ago, some HAFs decided to go back to the missed old times of Freelancer building a more stable new HAF, for that reason they decided to join Discovery RP Freelancer server, with the single idea of create a new Corsair faction and enjoy the massive 4.84 mod (now the server is running the better 4.85 mod) and to play in a deeper way thanks to the rol play, always keeping a clean way in the game and inside the server rules.
The HAF differences itself where it go playing with nobility, good humor sense and adapting to the place it be, following the rules (in every game or server), and also helping and supporting each other. The final objective is to have fun and make the HAF a strong faction, respected where it is.

//Roleplaying Objectives

- To form a real guild, cause we are in the server for long time and now we know the RP and the rules very well.
- Providing assistance to our recruits and beginners for going inside RP
- Providing RP ideas and colors for our community, when play in the game.

//Faction Rules

Whichever you want in to be a part of the HAF and take the role of the HAF like his and, besides, get registered in our Portal, you can join the Discovery's HAF.
Always than one ask for help to HAF and that help not make disobeying no one of the standards of the HAF, they have to help him it faster and efficaciously possible.
All HAF man has to obey the HAF's Role to the 100 %, so much in his stocks like in the public shawls. It is had to perform on according to the Role assumed by the HAF, this is, the military faction Corsair.
When the Military Marshal orders an attack ( or the command that he exercises at that moment ), every present HAF has to get at their service and to obey his instructions of combat the best than do/know.
The whole money and the excess material has to be once the Financial Marshal was transferred, since from here the bottoms will come out necessary so much to maintain the HAF to buy the ships material necessary for each occasion that requires it.
Nobody would be able to talk on the set or official canals on behalf of the HAF safe the Diplomatic Marshal. Any consultation of other clans or possible diplomatic problems we have to transfer their Diplomat in order that he take the measurements that he consider best-suited.

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// Final considerations

HAF Officialization Request - geohxx - 12-23-2009

Huge long quote removed, and I find there's nothing else in your post. what a waste of space. So now it's a tribute to me grumping in your direction.


And here, I was going to do the same thing... - Agmen

Thankyou, was my mistake really, the long quote.

HAF Officialization Request - Elven - 12-23-2009

Make stories shorter, at first.
Quote:Faction: Corsairs
TAG: Corsairs
ID: Corsair Guard ID
Faction: Corsairs
Tag: Corsair / Corsair Guard
ID: Corsair / Corsair Guard
Quote:Bretonia Raids
Include the systems: Cambrigde, New London, Poole, Dublin, Londonderry, Edinburgh, Chester, Leeds, Manchester, Lewis, Orkney, Dundee, Newcastle, Salisbury and Inverness. (all systems of Bretonia).
In this area are attacking everything that looks Breton, with special attention to the BAF. We also searched the Coallition craft to its destruction.

Alpha Raids
Include the systems: Omicron Alpha, Beta, 80, 81, 82, 85 y 90.
In this area attacked all Outcast or their allies they are.

BH & Nomads Raids
Include the systems: Omicron Theta, Kappa, Delta, Minor, Lost, Iota y 74.
In this area attack any ship of Nomads or BH you view.

Exclude Omicron-74 and Omicron Iota. Do not even think to enter those systems on regular basis. Omicron-74 belongs to Zoners.
Exclude Omicron-85. I don't want to see entire fleet there, that place is veeery good hidden and defended (in-rp)
Exclude Omicron-82, 81, 80. We aren't intrested in that systems right now. Omicron-82, most of Corsairs don't even know about it.
Bretonia: Exclude Guard systems, Orkney, Lewis (only with permission of Gaians you can enter it), Chester, Manchester

Quote:Left Flank Patrols
Include the systems: Omega 5, 11, 15, 41, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55 and 58.
In this area mainly seek Hessians and BHS to keep them away from the central area. Also "persuade" the cargo to carry food to Crete.
Exclude Omega-52 (this system belongs to SCRA, and it's too good defended in-rp), Omega-55 and Omega-58 (the same, add infection chance)
Red Hessians
Liberty Rogues
Blood Dragons
Lane Hackers
Bounty Hunters
The Wilds
House Corporations
House Police
House Militaries
Move Liberty Rogues, Blood Dragons, Lane Hackers, House Corporations, House Police, House Military to unfriendly. Corsairs have much more impotant business then serious hunting of corporations, for example. Liberty Rogues smuggle our artifacts. The Lane Hackers, we've never met them. Blood Dragons.. just not our deal. We aren't popular in Kusari.
Also move Orbital Spa and Cruise and Cryer Pharmasuiticals to neutral. We're cleared to dock on Hawaii, in return many of us don't pirate OS&C. Cryer is researching cardamine, if Cryer suceeds in this research, Outcasts profits will significatly fall.

HAF Officialization Request - Grimly - 12-23-2009

This is a huge wall of text you have here.

I'll be honest, I didn't read it all (I never supported long long walls of text), but I did read at least few passages.

I would nevertheless invite you to fix your "Alpha raids" part :

Quote:Alpha Raids
Include the systems: Omicron Alpha, Beta, 80, 81, 82, 85 y 90.
In this area attacked all Outcast or their allies they are.

Omicrons 80 to 90 are out of range, Om82 is even a very dangerous system (phantom owned), I will as well not forget that Om85 is the enemy guard system. There is now way we survive in (the fact there is no NPC when the server have more than 170 active players is unfortunately not an excuse).
Eta is also a place where the fights should take place. You're of course welcome to dock with Etna for a stop.
In other raid parts, the same problem occurs, you should not include the guard systems.

Except that details, I wish you luck. Be sure of you before sending the 500M credits;).


HAF Officialization Request - kemira - 12-23-2009

Thank you for the feedback, i must recognize that is my fault the system mistakes, soon it will be fixed, and the Diplomatic relationships are a thing to be discussed we want to be View as a military faction (no pirating no trading) just as an strike force or a defensive one, so most of the Lawful groups are considered at least hostiles to us thats is why choose Guard ID, so them can see us RED on their scanners.
Keep the ideas coming any constructive critisism is welcomed.

HAF Officialization Request - Reverend Del - 12-23-2009

First: Try Raiding Omi 82 and we'll shred you like a piece of waste paper. Phantoms don't like war parties in our system.

Second: Please don't hate the Rogues, we only want to make money of your artifacts, which we'll happily shift provided we can come to an arrangement.

Third: Stick Xenos on the Hostile list, because we will shoot Corsairs if we find them in Liberty. Stay on your side of the fence and we'll stay on ours.

Finally: The IND is not anyones enemy, except the damn filthy Hackers and those pesky Farmers and sometimes the damn Xenos to boot, but not everyone hates us. Besides we do like to move stuff, if you get my jist...

HAF Officialization Request - geohxx - 12-23-2009

okay, we are reading your suggestions, we can do that correction about the systems in omicrons and omegas.

about the 500 millions credits, AUCH!!!, but yes, we will dont forget that.


HAF Officialization Request - mwerte - 12-23-2009

maybe making this image 700px wide so it follows forum rules?

[Image: barraforo.png]

HAF Officialization Request - casero - 12-24-2009

I've said this to kemira while drinking mate on his house, Naming convention, you should use somekind of naming convention.

Or use pilot names, or use ship names, but... you should stick to some more spanish (the language, not the country) names.

Starting with the Admiral.

HAF Officialization Request - VincentFerrex - 12-24-2009

Might want to move the Osiris from your usable ships?