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Pirate a Pirate? - Printable Version

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Pirate a Pirate? - Eppy - 06-26-2007

I have been, in recent times, been hit an inordinate amount of times by...PIRATES. I HAVE TO MAKE MONEY, TOO. LEAVE SOME FOR ME, DANGIT. Dun dun dun. Yes. Similar things have been brought up before in other threads, but I think this is unique enough for its own.

So. My question.

Can I demand money from a pirate fighter, and if so, can I do so in a Destroyer? It seems that semi-lawfuls, if their convoys are attacked, should be able to bring in their big guns and make some quick cash as retribution.
Heh heh heh...

Pirate a Pirate? - ryoken - 06-26-2007

I agree lets pirate the pirate's.treat the scum like they treat us not so scum like>:crazy::crazy::crazy:

Pirate a Pirate? - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-26-2007

Errr, read your ID and see what it says about pirating ... Think that counts for all forms of it.
More getting round the rules again. What is it about not being able to follow a few ? Everyone stop looking for
loopholes that ain't there please. If you want to kill them go ahead, if you want to make money, follow the rules.


Pirate a Pirate? - MrSns - 06-26-2007

So u are propseiong that when u get pirated u log of and log on to a seprat char with bigger guns?

If so than that would be way out of RP if u want to pirate a pirate and u are semi lawful u should wait for that pirate to come through the system your faction (or NPC faciton) is alined with and Tax them.. Simple, but loging out and on to another char is waaayy out of rp

Pirate a Pirate? - Eppy - 06-26-2007

No, I'm talking about actually hunting pirates in gunboats and destroyers and forcing protection money from them. There's no logout involved, and it's not 'Pirating,' technically. I wasn't looking for a loophole. I just want some stress relief:lol:

Pirate a Pirate? - Kira1997 - 06-26-2007

Hmmm, whenever you feel froggy, please attend to me. I shall be more than happy to oblige ya maties:)I pirate whom I wish, when I will. Few do I call brethren, hehehehe.

Pirate a Pirate? - Gamazson - 06-26-2007

Hmmm seems to me less than a few weeks ago there complaints about the decline of piracy. Now that we have some good pirates everyone is upset.

The Ockenfels knows how to deal with a pirate. All twelve barrels are lock and loaded. My cargo does not come easy!

Pirate a Pirate? - Doom - 06-26-2007

when i pirate, i pirate all ship types (yes i will ask even Cap ships for money and safe passage) lawful and unlawful...most of them don't complain...

Pirate a Pirate? - Victor - 06-26-2007

Fine... here's a question. Say I get a contract from one of the traders to protect them during there next run (which is fine according to my BH ID) and a pirate tries his luck on them, am I allowed to kill him on the spot without warning (it is within my agreement with the trader to protect him...) ??

Pirate a Pirate? - Maranzo - 06-26-2007

Well if he attacks you are allowed to engage him without a warning... And it seems logic to me, to attack a pirate on sight... me as being a pirate myself wouldn't look strange from such actions...

So if ya have a agreement to protect, and the trader is being attacked, kill the pirate:)