Discovery Gaming Community
Shield Suggestion - Printable Version

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Shield Suggestion - AG. L.T.Smash - 06-26-2007

heres one for ya.

a chameleon shield. Its RP so u cant flame my sorry ass for this one!!!

basically it would be a camoflage sheild that would make your ship look like something it's not.

i'e your a pirate, u got a battleship and u make it look like a fighter or u a trader and u make your ship look like a dread.

no protection from the shield and it u cant fire through it either.

could be quite useful if your up to no good!!!

anyway "winces" flame away!!

Shield Suggestion - BestFlyerHere - 06-26-2007

No flaming, just doesn't sound possible through the FL engine. In order for something to look different, each shield would have to have its own skin. It would be huge, and there'd have to be lots, as many as the number of ships.

Nice idea, but not very practical.

Shield Suggestion - Nightfall - 06-26-2007

Impossible in FL and please, there's a suggestions thread, use the search button, read the forum before you post, maybe someone thought of that before you.

Shield Suggestion - AG. L.T.Smash - 06-26-2007

sorry nightfall, I can't find the suggestion anywhere? pointer?

Shield Suggestion - Tortured_Soul - 06-26-2007

Discovery Mod Discussion
Feature requests, suggestions for Discovery, as well as bug reports and modding questions.

Shield Suggestion - AG. L.T.Smash - 06-26-2007
