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To All XA Pilots - Printable Version

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To All XA Pilots - Tanker - 12-27-2009

Location: Ouray,Colorado
Sender: Jonathon "DeathAdder" Jones
Recipient: All XA Pilots

Okay folks, let's get one thing clear the Xeno Alliance isn't working. Originally we set up shop to teach a few folks how to play a Xeno. It was more about the politics than the explosions. We ran about had some laughs, talked endlessly in New York and then found us some traders to hassle. Sometimes we'd get jumped by lawful folks and then we'd blow up or they would, but ultimately the job was to make traders scared, not to give the Navy some target practice.

Recently the tide has changed we've become more about the explosions and less about the trade. The recent spate of indy Xenos in NY running around shooting at folks is our fault. Why? Because it's what we do right now.

This behaviour is what the XA was set up, in part, to get shot of. Folks were complaining rightly about the issue, and they've started again.

Flying with the XA has become something you do when you want to blow stuff up. Used to be only one in four of us would carry a torp on our fighters, now only one in four of us carries a TCD. Kind of indicative of the general atmosphere.

Most of us seem to have forgotten what it is that Xenos are supposed to do.

Without that knowledge the faction can hardly fly as a faction anymore. So we are left with a choice. Either we disband it or we ask, sincerely, that it's members work towards making the faction work properly. Work to make this faction what it was, can be and should be.

To make this a reality instead of a dream, I need each and everyone of you to reread the faction history. Think about it, and decide if this is for you. THEN, I want you to post here with your intent.


Jonathon "DeathAdder" Jones
Xeno Alliance

To All XA Pilots - Reverend Del - 12-27-2009

Read and Understood, boss. Coachwhip will fly under the colours.

To All XA Pilots - Laowai - 12-27-2009

When im in, you can count on Adam Greerson and the Retribution to be far more handy with words and propaganda than guns!


To All XA Pilots - Capt. Henry Morgan - 12-27-2009

Well, boss, you know I'm in. We'll kick these pilots into shape, even if we have to make them clean the Ouray latrine on chili and taco night!

Glenn "Falcon" Thacker

To All XA Pilots - jammi - 12-27-2009

Caeon may resurface to cause hell with the Colorado Blazers. May. I'd hate to see the Alliance go down the pan considering the history I've had with it.


To All XA Pilots - horvat - 12-27-2009

Understood Boss even though it goes against my trigger happy nature ill follow your orders for the greater good of XA.

Billy"Green Mojave"

To All XA Pilots - Akura - 12-27-2009

Heck, I ain't going back to scrubbing Tarantulas... count me in.

Let's get some!

- Ellis 'Diamondback' Shane

To All XA Pilots - Dusty Lens - 12-27-2009

*pokes his head in, gives Sunbeam a dirty look, nods approvingly, goes back into retirement*

To All XA Pilots - Sorcha - 12-27-2009

ID: Jonathan Hype

Jonathan Jones?
I remember you. Didn't we start together? Or i shortly after you?
Mhm, can't recall.
But now, first congratulations to you for making it to the leader of our small family.
Second, if you'd wish, i could always make the Condor fly again to show some people what beeing a member of the Xeno Alliance mean. And if it would only be for a short time.


To All XA Pilots - Elsdragon - 12-27-2009

Is why ive been here, and way ah came. ain gunna leave jus cus we decide to get a bit trigger happy!. eyes on the targeet everbody, an dun lose yer sight.