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MND Communiquee #1001 - Printable Version

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MND Communiquee #1001 - mnd-directorate - 12-28-2009

[Image: 1zb8o4o.png]

Destination: Agent Dracheego
Agent Dracheego, the MND Direktorat sends you to your first mission.

We discovered that our enemy, the house of Liberty, faces a new threat from inside. The only thing we know about this group is the name. They call themselves the Neo-Terran Front. In this fight we need every help we can get to become victorious against Liberty.

You are ordered to infiltrate this organization and get as much information as possible about this group. Use appropriate transponders and transmitters, so you can get in. From safe sources we know that they are recruiting Libertonian citizens for their project. It is up to you what to do, in order to get in.

Send every available guncam shots or communication protocols via this channel back to us. The encryption should be strong enough to prevent a casual detection. You will receive a signal, if the amount of information is enough.

Das Direktorat des Marinenachrichtendienstes

MND Communiquee #1001 - Dragonego - 12-28-2009

[Image: 1zb8o4o.png]
Destination: MND Communiquee #1001
Attatched is information regarding my current assignment.

Neo Terran Front has been Infiltrated. Current cover name under Neo Terran Front is Thomas.Hunt. I am now a recruit in their organisation.

I have determined so far that the main center of operations for the Neo Terran Front is Magellan

Current Confirmed Members: (By rank - Lowest > Highest)

Commonwealth --

Hector Marcos: ]NTF[-Ammo.Dump.02 (shared)
(insert name) ]NTF[-NTUV-Faustus

Ensign --

Drake Averos: ]NTF[-Averos
Vayrn Wyard: ]NTF[-Vayrn.Wyard
Leon Jameson: ]NTF[-Lysander

Lieutenant --

Harold Rusk: ]NTF[-NTT-Inspiration
Derek Wulf: (Quartermaster, RP only)
(Anonymous): ]NTF[-Ardor

Lieutenant Commander --

Alan Gresham:]NTF[-Gresham
Millian Savage: ]NTF[-Mistress

Commander, Air Group --

Maureen Folan: ]NTF[-Morrigan

Captain --

Robert Crompton:]NTF[-NTSC-Hinton (shared)

Commodore --

Jake Ryder: ]NTF[-NTBS-Belisarius
Greg Matthews: ]NTF[-Suralin
Jered Koth: ]NTF[-Ammo.Dump.01 (shared)

Executive Commander --

Enrico Rossini (aka Tycho) is the Executive Commander of the NTF.

I shall continue to report as I gain more information.

Senior Agent Dracheego des Marinenachrichtendienstes

MND Communiquee #1001 - Dragonego - 12-30-2009

[Image: 1zb8o4o.png]
Destination: MND Communiquee #1001
Attatched is information regarding my current assignment.

I have just been snooping around in the Kansas System (The Neo Terran Front's primary system), Attatched is Guncam and Navigational information about Kansas.

This communication contains the following attatchments:

Navigational Computer Data

Image of Planet Whichita

Image of Planet Topika from 80Km out

Image of Topeka from 30Km out

I shall continue to report as I gain more information.

Senior Agent Dracheego des Marinenachrichtendienstes

MND Communiquee #1001 - Dragonego - 01-04-2010

[Image: 1zb8o4o.png]
Destination: MND Communiquee #1001
Attatched is information regarding my current assignment.

After spending roughly a week now under the noses of the Neo-Terran Front, I have compiled a document detailing the compilation of the Neo-Terran Front fleet. Following is a detailed document detailing the Neo-Terran Front's past and present Fleet make up.

Neo-Terran Front Fleet data.

Former NTF Capitals.

"Undaunted" Gunboat Class Liberty Navy vessel.
Technical Specifications: Liberty Gunboat Data

An old and very battered Liberty Naval vessel. It was used by the only surviving ex-LSF NTF Operatives when they made their way into a system they call 'Alaska'. The ship was eventually sold for scrap.


"Cassus Bell" Sarissa Class Outcast vessel.
Technical Specifications: Sarissa Technical Data



Current NTF Capitals.

"Belisarius" Spyglass Class Lane Hacker vessel.
Technical Specifications: Spyglass Technical Data

History Unknown.


"Hinton" Conference Class Zoner vessel.
Technical Specifications: Conference Technical Data

History Unknown.


End of Data.

I shall continue to report as I gain more information.

Senior Agent Dracheego des Marinenachrichtendienstes

MND Communiquee #1001 - Dragonego - 02-02-2010

[Image: 1zb8o4o.png]
Destination: MND Communiquee #1001
Attatched is information regarding my current assignment.

Alright Herrs, I'm sorry I haven't reported my status for quite some time, I've been detecting several bugs throughout my local area, and I've been quite concerned about some of the odd looks I've gotten from some of the officers within the NTF. I decide to break my silence now only to transmit a very interesting document I found whilst browsing the 'Secure' files of the NTF. The security within the organisations sensitive documents seems to be a tad on the 'weak' side, although the final layer of protection did take several hours to yield. Once I was within the restricted section of their files (Using the IP address of a NTF Command officers computer, gladly he didn't attempt to sign in while I was 'Browsing' their content.) I found several files that just looked like purchased, stored and sold goods statements, those files I have copied, but not attempted to transmit yet, as the time required to transmit these files would take so long, that my cover may be blown. However, the document that caught my eye was a file tagged "Project Schlarpei" I managed to copy the file cleanly, with no possible links to me or the MND. However, I lack the required computing power to decrypt the file here on Boadicea station. Seeing as this could be greatly important information, I've decided to attach a copy to this transmission. Hopefully our boys down in the IT department can decrypt it for us (I'm sure they will, seeing as the have a 1.2 Billion credit supercomputer sitting there doing absolutely nothing). I've also managed to obtain some other less important documents, however I will not transmit these now, if I stay online any longer I may run the risk of being traced. I believe the NTF already knows they have a mole in their ranks. Next sign in will be in 3 days.

Senior Agent Dracheego des Marinenachrichtendienstes

MND Communiquee #1001 - mnd-directorate - 03-03-2010

Agent Dracheego, we are reminding you, that this mission still has a high priority. Please contact us with the current status of your mission.

Das Direktorat des Marinenachrichtendienstes