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Sirius News Network - Printable Version

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Sirius News Network - agentmike - 12-30-2009

This is a Sirius News Network Live broadcast in New York covering pirate activity along the trade lanes.

[font=Times New Roman]Sirius News: Live in New York

[color=#FFFFFF]This is John Bailey, from Sirius News.

Its appears there is a gathering over by a currently un-named location.

The law enforcers are no where to be seen at this time.

For now, I would stay away from New York. It is far too dangerous.

I am John Bailey, and this has been a Sirius News Report.

[font=Times New Roman]This is exclusive coverage of the battle that took place in New York, shortly after our live broadcast of pirate activity.

[color=#FFFFFF][font=Times New Roman]This Just In:

Today, after our first live report, those very same pirates attempted to rob a Gateway Shipping transport, here in New York.

Shortly thereafter, the Navy arrived to defend the area.

Sirius News was on site for the bloody bath that took place, and we present to you an exclusive look, first hand, of that battle.

The pirates refused to comply to the orders of the Navy and would not back down after being told to do so.

The navy soon engaged the pirates, forcing some of them to flee to the nearest jump hole into the bad lands.

Warning: What you are about to see is not for the faint hearted. We suggest you use discretion.

Several of the pirates were successful in escaping. Although that was not the fate for all of them.

Ss you can see, several of the pirates faced a cold death today by the hands of the Liberty Fleet.

Unfortunately, the fleet suffered one casualty as a result of friendly fire.

A liberty security force pilot, with the call-sign executor was killed by what appeared to be a stray mine.

Services will be held by the LSF on Wednesday, at ten hundred hours.

This has been a Sirius News report, brought to you by [color=#FFFFFF][Omicron]Weapons.Dealer.

[font=Times New Roman]If you, or your company, are interested in paying for an advertising slot in one of our broadcasts, contact us for details.