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Need an Admin ruling - Printable Version

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Need an Admin ruling - TFinnegan - 12-30-2009

Dear Admins,
I have a question that has been plagueing me for some time now.
I have asked a number of you in PM's, and had little response.
Rather than PM the wole lot of you, and act like an impatient teenager, I thought an open call might be slightly less offensive. Forgive me if I have overstepped or placed this in the wrong Thread.

As many of you know, I have been gone some time, but am looking to make inroads back to the GC server, even posting some RP on comms/watering hole channels.
The Wake is a SpecOp ID'd Spyglass that I had previously applied and been approved for as a Junker guardsman. I have MUCH RP, events, VR/LH approval, and over 400 hours behind her.
She's no warship, not armed for it. She has good standing on Malta, throughout Liberty and Bretonia, and is well known among the smuggling crowd as a fine escort vessel, as well as firm protector of Puerto Rico and Inverness. (endorsed by Congress)

Upon returning, I found that my SRP approval was removed (due to my inactivity?) during the Forum cleanup, and left out of the edit by Cannon.
Now, My Spyglass is still on my account, with the proper ID still mounted.
I am reticent to fly her, however, without admin consent/SRP approval that I can point the 'what the *blank* is THIS?' crowd to.
Also I noticed that the new SRP rules require Faction Leader approval.

I am working towards joining the .:j:.Congress upon my return, and have the following questions for admin ruling;

1) -Is my already mounted SpecOp ID grandfathered in, and my removal from SRP list an oversight, allowing me to fly it immediately? *crosses fingers and hopes*

If the answer is No, ... *frowns*
2) -As rules about factional leaders filing the app have changed since then, and IF they'll have me, do I still need .:j:.Congress leaders to re-file it for me?

and finally,
3) -Why on earth did they ruin Sesame Street with CGI segments? it just aint right...TELL ME!!!

The Wake remains parked, out of respect for your decisions until further notice.
Thanks for your time, patience, and efforts.
-T.Finnegan, Junker.
(and Acting VP, Bring Back the Muppets Coalition)

Need an Admin ruling - Fellow Hoodlum - 12-30-2009

The problem is you left, lets say rather publicly, SRPs are then usually revoked. This seems to be the case
here. We'll add it back to list for appraisal again.


Need an Admin ruling - Dusty Lens - 12-30-2009

The chief concern at the time of your departure was that the vessel seemed to be carrying the possibility of transfer into the hands of another, which is problematic with SRP vessels.

Other than that your conduct and general excellence of person is a matter of public record.

Need an Admin ruling - TFinnegan - 12-30-2009

The vessel will stay firmly in my hands, Dusty, or be destroyed utterly with me aboard.
I worked too hard with events etc to give her away, or sell her for less than my soul.

I appreciate the quick response from you cats.

Aside from launching her for the requisite 5 minutes today, I will keep her parked until I have your go-ahead.
Until then I can be reached as Connor Sinclair, captain of the Junker Salvager 'Grindhouse', scouring Kusar space for the Wake, which may or may not be destroyed. *wink*

Again, thanks.
If there's any additional steps that I need to take, plese don't hesitate to tell me.

EDIT: What about Sesame Street, though? They've ruined it! *shakes fist*

Need an Admin ruling - TFinnegan - 01-19-2010

Righto, lads!
*bows deeply*

Thank you admin staff
for all your help in resolving this matter.
I am in your debt.

As I am one-handed for a few weeks due to shoulder surgery, I am unable to enjoy the new lease on The Wake, but am heartily looking forward to rejoining the rich pageant in the weeks to come.
