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TO: Front desk of the Liberty Navy |FROM: DSE Corp. - Printable Version

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TO: Front desk of the Liberty Navy |FROM: DSE Corp. - Bazza - 01-02-2010

[[Receiving Updated Information to Database]]
[[Loading Facsimile]

From the desk of A.J. Ransom; Site Manager for Deep Space Engineering Utility Section, Manhattan Orbital Docking Ring.

To whom it may concern within the Liberty Navy:

It has come to our attention that one of our utility craft, DSE - Rochester was recently fired upon by a Liberty Navy gunboat, carrying the callsign of Eld_Retribution operating in the vicinity of Philadelphia Station within the Pennsylvania System.

The testimony from the controller of the utility craft leads us to believe the operators of the gunboat in question acted without just reason, causing significant damage to the lifter itself and putting the life of one of our employees at severe risk.

The controller, who shall at this point remain nameless, concedes to verbally assaulting the commander of the Navy ship through the radio communication system. However that does not come close to excusing the actions of the commander in question. It is simply appalling that such a fragile officer was awarded a position with such power.

Black Box recordings are available and have been attached to this transmission. [[File Link]]

I, as site manager and overseer of the lifter and its operations, will be seeking compensation on behalf of Deep Space Engineering. Myself and my company hope you will co-operate with us and we can avoid dragging this issue through the courts. A detailed list of the claim is below:
  • 1,740,000cr for damages to spaceframe and external equipment.
  • 230,500cr for lost productivity.
  • 174,800cr to cover the cost of transporting the disabled craft to a repair facility.
  • 60,000cr as payment for injuries sustained by the craft's operator.
Total monies requested is 2,205,300cr, to be transferred to the neural-net account of the lifter in question, lifting_the_jumphole. I do apologise for the unusual name, however it was decided upon by the craft's crew and I see no reason not to let them have a bit of fun.

We believe our request to be highly agreeable when compared against the costs of seeking this reimbursement through the courts. Additionally to that, provided our conditions are met no-one needs to know about this incident beyond those involved. Otherwise, I can make no guarantees the press will not be involved.

The controller of the Rochester will not be disciplined in this case as it is my belief that he should not be held at fault for what amounts to nothing more than a handful of bad words from a teenagers' mouth - the fault lies with the commander of the gunboat in question for being unable to brush off such petty provocation. I suggest he be taken back through basic training to toughen him up a bit, because it clearly hasn't worked.

A.J. Ransom.
Site Manager for Deep Space Engineering Utility Section,
Manhattan Orbital Docking Ring, 12NC-W-5

[[File End]]

TO: Front desk of the Liberty Navy |FROM: DSE Corp. - Sonja - 01-02-2010

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Norfolk Shipyard

Broadcasting on this channel;

This message has been redirected after consideration to Vice Admiral Anderson, as a paperwork exercise. You are quite lucky that I am not replying directly.

Do not reply to this notification. The next message will be addressed to you with the backing of High Command and in Galen's name.

I look forward to reading the Vice Admiral's reply to your enquiry.

Transmission Terminated

TO: Front desk of the Liberty Navy |FROM: DSE Corp. - Contaan - 01-02-2010

--Incoming Transmission--
Sender: Vice Admiral Galen Anderson
Location: Battleship Ottawa

Well it seems another one of these 'troubling' matters rears its ugly head. I sure hope the controller and the crew of yours are unharmed in this incident, as it would be unfortunate if they didn't. You see Mr. Ransom, what do you think would happen if the controller did his little antics in Rheinland? Just having the crew and controller alive along with the corporation staying afloat would be too leniant of a punishment over there. Also, it would indeed seem that the controller was going against a clause in Liberty's Laws:

"Disrespect the law or those enforcing them, and severe punishments will follow."

In bolded and colored writing if I may say so.

Deep Space Engineering I see... based in Liberty yes? And yes, the Eld_Retribution is in the Secondary fleet, they still have the responsibility of protecting the citizens that live in their sovereignty. Now herein lies the problem.. with this insulting. Perhaps a bit more respect to those that are trying to keep Liberty from being overrun by the pirates and those Rheinlanders wouldn't do too much harm? Do try to to bring this to court, and you'll be seeing the clause once again, Mr.Ransom.

Quote:"We believe our request to be highly agreeable when compared against the costs of seeking this reimbursement through the courts. Additionally to that, provided our conditions are met no-one needs to know about this incident beyond those involved. Otherwise, I can make no guarantees the press will not be involved."

I believe that the request here from the Navy would be more agreeable, Mr.Ransom. You won't have to waste your time and effort in bringing this into court and your crew learns at least to value the men and women working to protect this house.

Oh and perhaps the controller himself should be going back to grade school, yes?


Vice Admiral Galen Anderson

--End Transmission--

TO: Front desk of the Liberty Navy |FROM: DSE Corp. - jimmy Patterson - 01-02-2010

====inbound Transmission====
sorce: Office of Homeland Warship Deployment and Regrestration
comms id: Captian James patterson CB-19 fort Louisbourg Commanding officer HWDR Director
subject: Eld_Retribution's use of force
ok Ill Be Breif, Secondary Fleet Vessels are my Responsabilty along with Naval ensign Jack Will's,when i get the chance il lamende the Regrestry to place the Eld_Retribution on the Watch list. Admrial Anderson,im asking you to pass word to your respective men of the Navy as i myself am a Marine.

to Mr Ransom i can assure you if this happens again ill personally compensate you as reguardless of harrassment he had no right to fire on a ship that posed no threat to his command it violates the core of the Military Oath we took "to protect the people of this nation from all threats both foregin and domestic" and various ROE poloicys

To the Captian of the Eld_Retribution: you have 48 hours to give me an explantion or by the power vested in me by the Navy,il lmark your ship as rogue and orders to capture or if need be Destroy your ship will follow. do not test my patiants commander,i have the full support of the Primary fleet and whiole gunboats might not be requiored to post there info there "strongly encouraged" to do so for logistical reasons i can,and wil lfind you,i dont tolorate seeing civilians get hurt

<end Transmission>

TO: Front desk of the Liberty Navy |FROM: DSE Corp. - Bazza - 01-02-2010

[[Receiving Updated Information to Database]]
[[Loading Facsimile]

From the desk of A.J. Ransom; Site Manager for Deep Space Engineering Utility Section, Manhattan Orbital Docking Ring.

Very well then.

As a citizen of Liberty I should be free to voice my opinion that attempting to kill a nineteen year old boy for mouthing off (as nineteen year old boys often do) is closer to how an Outcast might conduct governance than the great house of Liberty.

It should be clear now I don't really care about that heavy lifter. It's my employees that I'm looking out for. Yes he's a bit rough around the edges but he's a good kid. He does an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. I really am disappointed that the men and women assigned to protect me can do something like this for such petty reasons.

If I'd found out he'd been given a black eye or a concussion for being a smart-ass, I would have said he deserved it. But he doesn't deserve the death penalty and I believe anyone who condones such dictatorial actions should consider moving to Rheinland and set up shop where they'll be appreciated.

Since the Navy has made it clear they are going to stonewall me to my grave I'm simply not going to bother.But don't expect your transports to be loaded as quickly as you'd like while I'm on duty, pals.

A.J. Ransom.
Site Manager for Deep Space Engineering Utility Section,
Manhattan Orbital Docking Ring, 12NC-W-5

[[File End]]

TO: Front desk of the Liberty Navy |FROM: DSE Corp. - Contaan - 01-02-2010

--Incoming Transmission--
Sender: Vice Admiral Galen Anderson
Location: Battleship Ottawa

Indeed, no one, and especially in this case deserves the death penalty. Captain Patterson has made his orders to the captain of the Eld_Retribution perfectly clear. In the future however, lets keep the taunting stowed away so no one has to deal with this kind of situation, yes?


Vice Admiral Galen Anderson

--End Transmission--