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Shade's heart - Caelum - 01-04-2010

//Please be sure to read Shade's biography first!//

//This topic is currently open to anyone interested in being passengers/real refugees/fake refugees/crew members/whatever. No, I won't kill your char or anything, encase you're wondering//

Shade's heart - Caelum - 01-04-2010

817 AS

Shade merely sat in his pilot's seat, leaning back and occasionally glancing at his sensor readings. He watched as ice crystals floated through the nebula, forming a serene, peaceful sight. No matter where Shade looked, all he could see was the icy nebula.
The sights, however peaceful, were not what he was here for.
Again, he glanced at his sensor readings, this time stretching for a moment, then engaging cruise engines.

"This is Shade to the Freeport," Shade whispered, "Requesting permission to dock."
"Speak up, man!"
Shade merely sighed, then whispered sharply - hissed, almost: "I can not. Now, prepare a docking bay for me. Now!"
"Uhh, yes, of course sir, coming right up."

Shade's face was hidden behind a mask, as usual, but behind it, his lips curled in a slight smile. His plan was proceeding perfectly.
Within minutes of his docking, the cargo ship he was after should arrive, picking up "refugees". Among them, Shade.
Once in deep space, Shade would make the ship come to a grinding halt, and get what he wanted.

What he had a right to demand.

Shade's heart - Caelum - 01-04-2010

Shade pushed his way through the crowd, violently pushing and smacking other refugees to the side. With his cybernetic limbs, the crowd had little choice but to let him through, as everyone continued to rush for the transport: a stampede of refugees, impossibly capable of all fitting onboard the cargo ship, trampling those in their path to the airlock.
Of course, there was plenty of space for civilized, rich men, but Shade knew he risked being noticed if he tried that route.
Smacking an unfortunate man in the face with his gloved cybernetic hand (and instantly knocking him unconscious), Shade walked into the airlock.

Dressed in brown, filthy robes - rags almost, only just covering his cybernetic components - Shade seemed less than dangerous. He had even removed his facial mask, showing a desperate, burnt face, that had not even seemed slightly human for years.

For all intents and purposes, he was a refugee, as he walked through the airlock, into the cargo ship.

It was beginning

Shade's heart - Jeremy Hunter - 01-04-2010

Izzy Archer felt a hard slap on her shoulder. SOme guy was rushing past. She frowned and but kept her eyes out for her target. Any nomads who decided to show. Izzy checked her concelaed Defender tachyon 493 close combat automatic sidearm. It was safely tucked way in her jacket. She smoothed some wrinkles in her dress and continued to walk. She discretly called her friend Ellie, who was hiding nearby in thier massive ship, the Orion.

"No jelly."
"Too bad. Anyone play a wildcard?"
"Well, keep at it, will you? I'm here, and so is Flyboy or loverboy, dependaing on how fast i can-"
Izzy heard a squeal of pain.
"Ow! Note to self: Don't tease twin brother when twin brother is silently creeping up behind you when you are not looking. Note to self: Don't tease Order Recon Major who's job is to come and go silently.
Jeremy didnt leave silently actually.
Izzy smiled and continued to walk.

Onboard, she found and empty seat and sat down.
Her dress was simple, and fit the part of refugee. She checked her pack. Jeans, shirt, and her Guardian 2235 Pulse autmoatic rifle, a rifle made for breaking down. She also had a brush. As she brushed her hair, a small girl creeped up. Izzy looked at her, smiled, and handed the brush to her. The girl smiled and brushed her haphazard hair.
Izzy out the brush away when it was returned and sent thje girl skipping happily to her mother.
Sometimes little hings made people happy.

Shade's heart - Caelum - 01-04-2010

Shade muttered something to himself as he walked to his newly acquired personal quarters. It had taken a few bribes, but he had managed to convince the right parties to assign him private quarters.
As opposed to most other refugees, who were stuffed inside the cargo hold or stuck in simple rows of seats, he would atleast have some luxury whilst he would be onboard.
Luxury aside, it also made it easier to reach the command center, as he wouldn't be under 24/7 surveillance.

Shade opened the door in front of him, gazing at the simple, small room. Inside it were a chair and a bed, nothing more. He grinned - something that would have looked almost inhuman on the burnt remnants of his face - his plan was going quite well.

Shade tapped the gun he had hidden in his rags' left sleeve for a moment, then reached into his right sleeve, finding his mask there.
Relieved, he put it back on. From this point onwards, nothing could go wrong, even if he would still have to wait a while to execute his plan.

At that moment, an electronic voice boomed through the ship.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this vessel will depart in two hours. Repeat, this vessel will depart in two hours."

Now to find some proper clothes...

Shade's heart - Jeremy Hunter - 01-05-2010

Ellie was till.
It couldnt be.
it couldnt be.

"ellie to Izzy, I need to pass on priority one intel."
"Go ahead."
"Navy broke NFZ ariund Bethlehem...Jeremy....he flew into a sun in Penns..."

Izzy was frozen...the mission was going to be in jeopardy...

"Continuing with mission. We can mourn later. Offical reprort?"
"Sent a couple hours ago...he is listed as MIA by a Comm Officer on Isis."
"Thanks. Izzy out."

Izzy sat back down. She out the feelings in a box with a time lock.
She took out her PDA and started to play a game to pass the time.
Her hands where never too far from her weapons.

Shade's heart - Caelum - 01-05-2010

"Excuse me sir, could you give me a hand with something?" Shade whispered politely at the man wearing the clothes he fancied. The man gave him a strange look, then replied, "Sure thing, what'cha need?"
"I'll show you. This way. Sorry, you really have to see it." Shade whispered.
"Ummm...alright, then..."

Shade walked the man to his quarters, closing the door behind them.
"Well then, what is it?"

The man was getting suspicious, Shade knew, but as all humans, wouldn't risk embarrassing himself encase Shade really was harmless.

"I'll be wanting your clothes and your silence about it," Shade whispered.
The man hesitated for a moment, assessing the situation. With a slight sigh, Shade put his pistol in his hand.

"Okay, okay, I'll give them to you, and I swear I won't tell anyone! Honestly, I swear, man!"
Behind his mask, Shade smiled slightly, then whispered, "That's not what I had in mind. Dead men tell no tales, either."
"Please, sir, I--"

The man ducked, running for the door Shade was standing next to, hoping to escape.

Within moments, Shade grabbed the man by the neck, breaking it with a single snap.

Ahh, the many uses of cybernetic arms, even if they did make a bit of a mess. Still, the man wouldn't be missed too much until it was too late, so long as Shade hid the corpse somewhere discrete. Besides, humans were, per definition, meaningless organisms like any other. He himself was hardly more evil than the next person.

A leather jacket, fancy that...

Shade's heart - Jeremy Hunter - 01-05-2010

Izzy sat up straight as her PDA beeped. She checked it.
Out of the countless refugee biosign indicators she ahd discretly placed on them with help from the crew, one went out.
Someone was dead.
Izzy walked over to a girl named Cassie.
Who happened to be a friend.
"Biosign went out. Pass it on."
Cassie nodded and continued.
From a 13 year old girl to a forty year old man, twenty 'refugees' discretly moved around, checking for the dead person.
So far nothing. Izzy wentt o the bridge and entered the Captain turned.
"Ah, Miss Archer."
"Someone is dead. Please be on alert...discret alert."
The captain nodded.
Izzy returned to her spot. the others to thiers.
Izzy contacted the Orion and sat back.

Shade's heart - Caelum - 01-05-2010

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have departed. Repeat, ladies and gentlemen, we have departed."

Shade sighed, sitting on the bed, impatiently. Again, he tapped the gun with his cybernetic fingers, merely sitting there and waiting.

Slowly, the ship came to life, as the engines powered up.

Any moment now...

Shade's heart - Jeremy Hunter - 01-06-2010

Izzy tensed as the ship left.
All around the ship, members of Izzy's covert action squad, dubbed Shadow One, discretly got ready.
Dead men tell no tales, and some one didnt want the guy to tell one.
Izzy sat back and relaxed.
In appearance only.

Outside, hidden from the refugee ship's sensors, followed the mighty Orion.