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Live: Ageira Technologies Press Conference - Printable Version

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Live: Ageira Technologies Press Conference - Tales23 - 01-04-2010

[Image: Ageira.png]

Jeremy McSmith wanders into the conference room. Young, shaved guy in a red baseball cap. He looks around and finds a seat amongst the last rows. He adjusts his tie, and checks his recorder than sits down.

In the middle rows sits a slim man clad in a traditional business suit, a fedora hat and a lose tie. He's eagerly chewing a pencil while looking at the surroundings. You're quite sure this man is bored of waiting.

Alexander Brown walks onto the center stage, he's wearing is custom made business suit with the collar going over to one shoulder and an Ageira Logo on his upper right chest.

The man stops chewing his pen for a minute and examines the man who has just ascended the stage.

Alexander Brown: Welcome members of the press and representatives from various corporations and companies. First, some of you may recognize me as a previous Director of Ageira. The rumors of my death at the hands of Lane Hackers were greatly exaggerated. I have taken control of the Company, the power was given to me by the previous Director in case the current Director did not meet certain expectations.

Jeremy McSmith starts whispering with his neighbour. As he's probably the youngest man in place, he tries to conceal his nervousness.

The man continues to chew on the pencil while looking the director over. After a minute he starts writing on an old-fashioned notebook.

Alexander Brown: Some of you may think that this choice was unwarranted and some may think the opposite, the decision came down to what I thought. Seeing as nothing had been done with Ageira I felt it was one that needed to be made. Now, before I continue are there any questions regarding this?

Joseph Burton: So, Mr. Brown, may I ask what benefits does Ageira offer to its employees?

Alexander Brown smiles as he fixes his collar. "Well, first off I have redesigned he entire corporate structure in a effort to provide more positions for all employees which means more room for advancement."

The man straightens his posture and puts his left hand up high while smirking.

Alexander Brown points to the man with his hand raised. "Yes?"

"Charlie Milton here. So... where've you been all this time, eh? Must've been a good hidin' spot since nobody knew where you went."

Alexander Brown smirks expecting someone would bring up this question. "Well it just so happens my vessel was attacked by Lane Hackers while on my way to Bretonia. Luckily the ship I was on had a new experimental FTL drive, unfortunately it sent us six months from the closest Jump Gate."

Jeremy McSmith: Khm. Hey.. It's McSmith from the Denver Courier. So umm... What were those expectations which the previous director did not meet?

Alexander Brown: "Well, the previous Director made plans to do make some changes to the Company, when the changes were never made and no sign of the Director was found I felt I needed to step in and take control of the situation."

The man starts writing while retaining a small hint of a smirk on his face... he whispers "This is going to be big..."

Alexander Brown:"Now if there aren't anymore questions I'll continue."

Alexander Brown: "I would like to announce the first and biggest change in the Corporate structure. To bring in this new Ageira I have replaced the title of Director with one more suiting, from this moment on the title given to the current head of Ageira will be President, and Vice President for his second. I feel the change will show that Ageira is changing for the better. But that is just a minor change; Ageira Technologies is about the future and not just the future of Liberty the future of Sirius. But before we can start shaping Sirius I believe we must focus on fixing Liberty."

"Yer talkin' about the... Liberty Rogues and those Hacker types, arn't ya?"

Alexander Brown: "Actually Im talking about the growing unemployment rate that is causing Libertys once great economy to crumble."

"I s'pose you have point. What'd you plan to do about it?"

Alexander Brown: "As President of Ageira Technologies I have a plan to help boost the Economy in Liberty by increasing our job demand by fifty percent, but not just jobs in Ageira. What Im planning will utilize other companies as I am happy to announce Ageira Technologies over a period of a few years will be creating a number of new space stations for various purposes."

Alexander Brown goes over his papers and than looks at the press. "Now before I continue are there any further questions about this?"

Alexander Brown: Moving on I would like to also announce the creation of three new Departments within Ageira. The Ageira Security Force, Surveillance Division and a joint project with Deep Space Engineering that will maintain and repair the entire Gate and Trade Lane system."

"How much authority will your security forces have over the civilians of Liberty?"

Alexander Brown: "The ASF as I like to call it will only hold authority over Citizens carrying Ageira Products without our said permission, as well as those near Ageira owned bases and planets.

On the subject of Ageira Security, they will act as Gate & Trade Lane security protecting an asset owned by Ageira and taking care of anyone who tries to disrupt them. What this means to the citizens is that we will assist anyone who is being targeted by Lane Hackers or others who disrupt our lanes for the purpose of pirating or murder. "

"And will the security of those "white boxes" or yours be tightened as well, eh?"

Alexander Brown: "Yes one of the directives of the Ageira Security Force will be the patrol of ALL gates and lanes owned by Ageira which is almost all gates within Sirius, excluding the lanes which were stolen by Gallia and Rheinland."

"Ye, but what about the white boxes containing the components? I have a reliable source tellin' me that they are being smuggled to Gallia on a daily basis."

Alexander Brown: "On that subject I'll be saying that Ageira Technologies has left that unanswered for far too long. I will only say this, anyone who smuggles Ageira parts will be dealt with swiftly under my ownership."

"Lock down the entire system known as "Tau 23"? That is, after all, the focal point of all the smugglin' operations."

Jeremy McSmith: *whispering in the back rows*

Alexander Brown: "Let's just say that I've already taken measures to deal with the situation."

"Oh ye? A deal with the Colonials and their IMG minions?" He starts penning more words down on the notebook.

Alexander Brown: "I don't have any comments regarding those "Factions" that dwell in the Edge and Border worlds. Now, are there any other questions?"

Jeremy McSmith: *whispering gets a bit louder, than ends suddenly*

Joseph Burton: Oh yes, there is.

Joseph Burton: Is Ageira currently maintaining any trade lanes in Rheinland?

Alexander Brown: "No we are not, Rheinland stole ownership of the trade lanes from us so we will not nor will we ever maintain the lanes in Rheinland."

"Ey! Do ya expect the stock holders to accept the enforcement of a blockade in a heavily contested system?"

Alexander Brown smiles. "Who said anything about a Blockade?"

The man smirks. "Because there ain't any other way yer going to stop the smugglers from reachin' Gallia."

Alexander Brown: "Well Mr.Milton was it? I'm afraid I cannot comment on what Ageira is going to do as that wouldn't be very smart of me to let all the smugglers know. However I feel the plans that I am making will not have any major issues."

"True enough. Heh..." -Milton tips his hat down and relaxes his posture somewhat-

Alexander Brown: "Now I dont have much more to announce at this time, however I will say that everyone in Liberty will benefit from the new Ageira I am creating, well almost everyone. The new Security Force should make it harder for the various unlawful groups from pirating in Liberty. In the end though I believe we are on the verge of a new Liberty one strengthened once again like it once was. "

Alexander Brown: "With that said before we end this Conference are there any other questions?"

OOC:Post any questions below and I'll reply Icly... Keep everything IC.

Live: Ageira Technologies Press Conference - Tales23 - 01-04-2010

A Lawyer walks on to stage and whispers something into the President's ear, Alexander sighs as he straightens his collar. "I have a correction I'd like to make, due to my haste in getting things done I have not had the chance to go over all of the information. When I disappeared relations with Rheinland seemed to be getting worse but it appears we are still maintaining the gates and lanes for the moment. I will not make any comments about this subject I am simply correcting an error."