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Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Printable Version

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Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Tenacity - 01-05-2010

So, the original idea was suggested by dusty in the freighter changes thread to improve cruise speed for freighters to 400-420m/s.

Right now, both freighters and light fighters suffer the same issue - neither really has any advantages that make it worth using over other ships of similar type. Nobody uses freighters as 'serious' trade vessels or smuggling ships because of limited cargo space - similarly, few people use freighters for 'solo' pirating, as bombers or gunboats are more effective in that regard, though freighters do make a good addition to pirating groups.

Light fighters have a manuverability advantage, but suffer when it comes to damage output. Few light fighters (only 2 in the mod) are capable of firing a fighter torpedo (mini razor), and power core limits this even for those that are capable of it. Most light fighters have fewer than 5 guns available, putting them at less than half the damage potential of the majority of VHF's (or even HF's) in the mod.

Both of these ships need a purpose, and they need game balance changes which focus on giving them that purpose. The idea of increasing max cruise speed, and reducing the time it takes to charge the ship's cruise engines, solves this for both ship classes.

1. Freighters:
Freighters, ideally, should be the primary ship of choice for smugglers. Everyone uses big 3.5-5k transports for smuggling nowdays, because it's more profitable and freighters offer no advantages over transports when it comes to hauling cargo. The idea here is to turn freighters into 'blockade runners' - capable of out-running most other ship types at cruise speeds.

Not only does this change improve the freighter's ability to evade or escape from policing or pirating forces, but it also means that a smuggler will make more money over time - particularly on routes which do not heavily utilize trade lanes. A ship cruising at 420m/s will reach it's destination almost 20% faster than any current ship, which translates to a direct improvement in profit margins for those characters wishing to make more money. You still wont make nearly as much as a high end transport, but you'll be far safer.

The other dominating role for freighters is for cargo piracy. Freighters usually work in groups to fill this purpose, because they have a hard time taking down a transport's shields and hull on their own - however, they're perfect for pirating smaller transports alone, and can more easily deal with lawfuls than a transport would. In terms of piracy, having a 420m/s cruise speed on your ship allows you to chase down any fleeing opponent, and freighters would become an invaluable part of any pirating group - able to run down and disrupt an enemy trader who is fleeing a piracy event.

For lawful freighters, like the house freighters, the speed bonus translates into both an increase in profit with this class of ship, as well as increased ability to avoid or escape pirating groups.

I suspect that with the cruise speed increase to 420m/s, up from the current 350m/s - and with a reduction in cruise charge time by 25-50%, the population of freighters and those using them would at least double on the server. I've always loved freighters, but rarely fly them because they currently lack any specialization which makes them worth using over fighters, bombers, or transports.

2. Light Fighters:

We cant go giving a bunch of smugglers and pirates super-fast engines without also adding a way to counter it, and this is where light fighters come in. Despite that they are lightly armed and usually only considered support vessels in combat.

In most modern or sci fi genres, we have craft designated as interceptors - which are lighter than combat craft, but fast enough to hunt down and hassle even the fastest enemies. This is what I see light fighters becoming - purebred interceptors.

With a cruise speed of 420, they'd be capable of chasing down everything except the new freighters, and would equal the new freighter speed, allowing them to keep up. Perhaps, if needed, the freighters could only be boosted to 400m/s speed, while the light fighters go clear up to 420, allowing them to hunt down any enemy craft.

This also emphasizes the disruptor-only restriction on most light fighters - by having a higher cruise speed, you can leap ahead of your allies, chase down the fleeting enemy, and disrupt them so that those allies can catch up for the battle. The cruise disruptor would become the signature weapon of light fighters, with their speed they'd be able to disrupt nearly any target.

This doesnt just apply to policing craft trying to hunt down those new freighter-flying smugglers, most pirate factions have light fighters as well, which could be used in small pirating parties to run down and disrupt enemy transports.

The change might not increase light fighter use quite as much as it would increase freighter use... but LF use is already slightly higher, so it would even out.

All in all, I think that this simple change (420 cruise speed, 25-50% cruise charge time reduction) would shine new light on both ship classes.

Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Dusty Lens - 01-05-2010

Well, atop the speed change I was hoping for a weapon boost.

Right now the number of freighters you can take into a scrap is pretty slim.

Class 6 turrets would be a nice little wink, probably not that useful.

I think armor/power/agility is good at the moment.

I think gun classes are weak.

If we put actual guns on the things we would basically be building SHFs that don't have torp slots and have a speed boost for blockade running and hunting.

I don't think that'll destroy disco.

Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Birdtalon - 01-05-2010

I think that if this were introduced, more freighters would have to be added to the game.

Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Dusty Lens - 01-05-2010

' Wrote:I think that if this were introduced, more freighters would have to be added to the game.

I feel this is a pro.

Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Zeela - 01-05-2010


I think its not bad idea but there must be limits of what these ships can intercept.

In my oppinion capital ships including large transports lets say over 4k cargo and liners must not be interceptable by these vessels. You can still use LF/FR to block jump gate if such ship flees but everything else you will be making just another scissors for our paper caps.

Redesign disruptors into classes and leave those powerful enough to disrupt caps for VHF and above.

Quote:Although i do hope capital ships would be given ability to flee any combat unharassed becose no goverment would ever give 800 million to build ship that can be ganked by single bomber. Also note when capship leaves combat with like 2/3 hull damage their repair can go well over 5 million and thats fair.

Or may be its bit overkill with freighters giving them not only ability to run but to intercept others?

Are you trying to make them into light gunboats?

They are small trading vessels if you look for their eqivalent in todays world such ships sacrifice most if not all weaponry for speed.

Some FR can already use codename weapons so what exactly are you proposing with bigger guns? Freighter mortars/razors?


Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Zukeenee - 01-05-2010

' Wrote:I think that if this were introduced, more freighters would have to be added to the game.

' Wrote:I feel this is a pro.

Definitely. More people need to experience the awesomeness of freighters.

This entire proposal sounds good to me. Light fighters and freighters both. I'd be happy to see some of this implemented.

Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Varok - 01-05-2010

Great idea,but how to make this implemented? :rtfm:

Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Armageddon - 01-05-2010

Forgive me for questioning this premise but my limit knowledge suggests that you can only have one standard cruise speed setting? My guess is that you are using FLhook to get around this?

Apart from that i am in total agreement with you people. I love my tiny LF craft, but you seem to have forgotten something to mention in the column however. This might make Freelancing/Mercenary work more used overall. As well as for Bounty Hunters they might actually use the mk II LF of thiers.

Because they could go at a higher speed than most bounty targets, it would mean more profit for these groups.

Overall and excellent idea and for what it is worth.


Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Athenian - 01-05-2010

I like these suggestions.

I especially favour the introduction of harrier/interceptor class ships and the speed boost for LFers would be a nice touch. The only thing is that I imagine traders could never, ever escape a pirate working with a LF wingman. Which would be fun to watch.

Freighters would be very attractive given this boost as well.

' Wrote:As well as for Bounty Hunters they might actually use the mk II LF of thiers.

There are 15 Sea Serpents in total on the server, of which our faction has 11. So yes, the Sea Serpent is being loved, but is monogamous.

Freighter and Light Fighter Proposal - Friday - 01-05-2010

/signed 100%

Ive said it before and I shall say it again - if there is one ship class that SHOULD be spammed it is the Freighter!

If freighters had access to bomber turrets then they could certainly pose a danger to transports and small capital ships. In the GMG, a bomber wingman and I took down three (3) Tridentes just using bomber guns and CDs.

That being said the lower turning and non-cap defenses make them equally vulnerable to return fire. Enough freighters could challenge any sized ship - but no way in hell will they all survive...

In terms of introducing more freighters, every major faction should have one. In fact (dont shoot me for heresy) I would even suggest some factions who have a gunboat class ship, would be better served if it were converted into a new and decent Freighter!

As for different cruise speeds/charge time. Other mods do it - I think they might do it by using a dedicated piece of engine equipment?