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What did "Mad.Jack".Byron "do"? - Printable Version

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What did "Mad.Jack".Byron "do"? - Jake.Watson - 01-05-2010

Firstly if I'm posting in the wrong place and the character was not sanctioned or punished and the loss of his gear is down to some technical issue, I'm sorry. However I have searched back a whole month and can find no record of such an action against him, yet he is missing all mounted gear and his ID, altough his rep remains unchanged. Due to various issues I have not been online for a while and hadn't been on the server since before the last update.[All my other Characters appear fine]

The characters name "Mad.Jack".Byron is based upon that of the poet Byrons father who was a British Army officer who died young. [The nickname "Mad-Jack", by the way, is an affectionate one still given to Brave and Dashing Officers by their men in the British Military], thus no offence of any sort is/was intended.

Briefly, my idea for this character was to set him up in a Bomber and work on his rep with the BAF until such a time as he could become a Bretonian Privateer. The name etc seemed quite apt to me fo such a role. I thought it was ok to work away as an Indy miltary and then become a solo Privateer....maybe checking out a more official Player Faction later to see if they'd have me. I found him missing his Bomber guns, Nuclear Mine , Train disruptor and Nova Torp. More importantly his mounted Id is also gone. His rep seems untouched and he is still tagged as BAF etc......As I say I am unaware of any wrong doing using this guy and have searched the forum for any record of punishment in vain. His condition seems to bear all the hallmarks of sanction though, so maybe I have offended RP conventions in some manner through ignorance for which I apologise. If this is merely a result of some glitch or whatever,maybe due to the update, [I know Bomber Guns were changed for example], then no worries as I can easily buy new gear but I was just wondering what happened to him.

What did "Mad.Jack".Byron "do"? - Agmen of Eladesor - 01-05-2010

I don't have access to ALL of the goodies here at work, but I don't see anything specifically.

It is possible that between the server move and the recent turning on of character wipes that something bad has happened. (Actually, if you haven't been on the server with that character within the last 90 days, it's a good thing it's only his gear that's missing, and not just all of him.) If you have nothing in your cargo hold, then it's probably something like that, as we like to drop little notices in there.

Oh, and this ought to clear up some rumors, too, so we'll see how many people catch this. It is per character, NOT per account, that you need to log on and show activity to avoid wipes.

What did "Mad.Jack".Byron "do"? - Jake.Watson - 01-05-2010

' Wrote:If you have nothing in your cargo hold, then it's probably something like that, as we like to drop little notices in there.

Nope, I just double checked and there is nothing in his hold except some debris and a 10k sirius credit card....all tractored in from his last NPC downed , I guess. I suppose so that its just some oddity that occured randomly and, as such, is no big deal. I was last on, incidentally, not more than 30 days back, much less 90 so I guess its all safe then, deletion-wise. Thanks for your fast reponse and the info. I'll just simply rebuild him then.

Many thanks to Cannon for the extremely generous help to rebuild the character.