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Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - Printable Version

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Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - Prysin - 01-06-2010

Well i made this thread for my wallpapers.... take'em if ye want


SOME of my Previous:


If you want i do happen to make custom wallpapers....for the neat price of 25 000 000 credits (ingame)

Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - Prysin - 01-07-2010

Comments and Critisism would be appreciated

Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - schlurbi - 01-07-2010

I doubt that you make those yourself, and why should someone pay you Credits for a Desktopbackground?

Anyway, for things like that we got this Thread already:

Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - mwerte - 01-07-2010

if you did make them they're kinda nice, got any widescreen ones?

Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - Prysin - 01-07-2010

' Wrote:if you did make them they're kinda nice, got any widescreen ones?

well i can always resize them


That is me... need more proof?

Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - schlurbi - 01-08-2010

Your Link doesnt show me anything, "Prysin" is as well on DeviantArt.

Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - stardust47 - 01-09-2010

Last one looks like Vegeta from DBZ.

Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - Prysin - 01-09-2010

' Wrote:Your Link doesnt show me anything, "Prysin" is as well on DeviantArt.

That would also happen to be me -_-.....
i go by 2 aliases; Prysin or Dnicu

now i don't see your problem, somewhat people think that a guy with a lame ava cant be good at gfx.. fact is, im too lazy to make a ava for disco, same with sigs

Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - SolCommand - 01-09-2010

The effects used are cool. If you feel like it can you do a widescreen wallpaper with a space/planet/asteroid background and my derelict mining station and Anna destroyer in orbit ?:DIf I'm not asking too much hehe

Dnicu's Wallpaper Collection - Prysin - 01-09-2010

' Wrote:The effects used are cool. If you feel like it can you do a widescreen wallpaper with a space/planet/asteroid background and my derelict mining station and Anna destroyer in orbit ?:DIf I'm not asking too much hehe

im lazy as hell

but sure, post pic/render of both and ill give it a shot

i will also need your wanted resolution