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Regards from the Kaizoku - Printable Version

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Regards from the Kaizoku - Heraklion - 01-07-2010

****Incoming Transmission****

***Vessel: N/A - Barrier Station***
**Location: Coronado**
*Comm ID*
[Image: twinsign.png]

Konnichiwa BAF and BHG pilots.

I am Yuka Kaizoku, captain of the Kaizoku|Hinode

I might look familiar... remember? I was one of those engine trails you where desperatly trying to follow in New London.

You sure gave Captain Hiroshi, my little sister Yuki, and me reason to laugh.

First you make a mistake by letting the Yopparai "leave" the system without an escort...

And when you sighted us again, the pursuit was just.... Hilarious...

Honestly... 4 of you... against 2 of us... we seperate our paths and all of you jump on Yopparai...


And still you failed to capture him?!

We shall return to your beloved Bretonia soon... now we know BAF is no match for the Kaizoku!

****Ending Transmission****

Regards from the Kaizoku - pbrione - 01-07-2010

Fleet Admiral Nelson looked up from the screen

"What the hell is this? Get the technicians to bring this off the air and get me a trace on the source. Some idiot sending us pointless messages devoid of content. If the sender shows his face again, have him arrested for harassment."

Regards from the Kaizoku - Athenian - 01-07-2010

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Communications Service.--
-Location: Capetown Station, Omega 56--

Thank you for your recent communication.

-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

(in the background...)

What is this? Some kind of mental retard who brags about how fast he can run?

Tell him he's a moron, Brian.

(mumbles) You're a moron.



Regards from the Kaizoku - Stoat - 01-07-2010

Incoming transmission

Comm ID : Stoat, Bretonian Gulidmaster, Bounty Hunters Guild
Location : Planet Leeds
Target : Kaizoku group, Barrier Gate Station

Dear dear Yuka

That's quite a claim you make, all things considered. You'd better learn from the lesson we taught you when we caught up with you near Fort Bush, just the other day, or you and your pilots will be languishing in a cell before long. Next time you should probably consider just surrendering, rather than trying to catch us unawares. It'll save your some face in the long run.

[Image: th_screen5-3.jpg] . [Image: th_screen6-3.jpg]

If this is what we can expect whenever our paths cross, then the BAF surely have nothing to fear!

Stoat out.

Transmission ends

Regards from the Kaizoku - Heraklion - 01-07-2010

****Incoming Transmission****

***Vessel: N/A - Barrier Station***
**Location: Coronado**
*Comm ID*
[Image: twinsign.png]


Hmm... You just where lucky on that one Stoat-san.

When we meet again, you better be ready for us.

And to admiral Nelson-san

Pointless transmission? You should thank me for telling you this!

Just so you know you have some incompetent officers flying around...


Anyhow... If this transmission is "so" pointless... i'll put an end to it.

Yuki-chan, cut this transmission.

Will do Yuka-sama.

****Ending Transmission****