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Players in opposite factions - fwolf - 07-04-2007

I was reading the thread about the SCRA being attacked by AW, HF and SA, and then read about Razr being in both HF and SA, and using his SA ship to join the attack, so I thought about this people who join two or more factions, and even opposite ones, and how they can use it for their own benefit. I also remembered when the GoR and Phantoms, factions that have the same players, were attaking the KNF, and a similar thread appeared about "alliances of convenience".

So, I propose the following pool: should a player be allowed to join roleplaying-wise opposite factions? Like for example, HF and SA, or Helghast and RM? Do you think its right to use it for your own benefit in a battle, like for example using a battleship in one faction, or a bomber in another according to the situation? Or do you think it can cause loopholes in roleplay, like factions who carries opposite IDs being neutral with each other?

Share your opinion in this pool, and please, no flames.

Edit: seems the pool is not working.

Players in opposite factions - Mastery - 07-04-2007

In my opinion people should be able to keep characters roleplays seperate, have a clear roleplay for each character and stick by it. That way you could be in two opposing factions. The problem is people might find ways to use their other character for their own good.

Another issue is, how can you stop them even if it wasn't allowed.

People should kill their enemies, if there are two sets of enemies shooting each other, then help one kill the other, then kill the ones left.

Players in opposite factions - Korrd - 07-04-2007

There was a rule which forced players to choose sides in the past.
I always thought that there should be no player fighting on both sides. That makes ward hard to predict, and weird.

The "no players on both sides" rule should be reinstated.

Players in opposite factions - DBoy1612 - 07-04-2007

No, I don't like that. Because reputation can change over night, and you might be forced to get rid of a lot of characters because of it.

If players can't keep there RP separate from other characters, then their on the wrong server.

Players in opposite factions - AG. L.T.Smash - 07-04-2007

It seems that many players on the server have multiple chars, each for a different purpose.

I have 4, a trader, a liberty navy char, a corsair (capship) and a corsair(fighter)

Each char has it's own rep and storyline and they are all seperate.

This doesn't present a problem for me but I have noted a few times that when I have got into bother in one of chars with a player then they will pursue the issue when they are in a different one of their own chars.

Chars must be kept seperate and your interactions in one should not affect the standing of any of the others.

I have noticed that some players use the same name on all of their chars with a dot or somesuch added and then they seem to believe that the previous interaction and rep you have with one char of thiers is valid for all of them.

The only other way I can think of round this is to allow multiple ships on one char but I don't know if this is possible and would frankly be a pain in the neck for me as I like to play the different factions dependong on my mood at the time.

right were did i leave me huntress?????? i feel the need, the need to kill!!

Players in opposite factions - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 07-04-2007

I believe that to avoid indecision and also favoritism towards one particualar faction joined, there shouldbe a rule on it, or limit it altogether, back in November, the olsav char was in both the SCRA and Helghast, when we broke the relationship, i created a series of rp posts where my role as liason officer was terminated.

just saying that it might be prudent to help those that are in alot of factions but participate in only a few

Players in opposite factions - Denelo - 07-04-2007

' Wrote:I was reading the thread about the SCRA being attacked by AW, HF and SA, and then read about Razr being in both HF and SA, and using his SA ship to join the attack,

woahwoahwoah, no. Razr used his HF ship. He DID NOT order, as his SA char, SA to help HF. SA came and helped anyways.

As for the multi faction rule, as long as you keep your RPs right, there's no problem. If you don't... well, then you have a problem and are probably not on the right server.

Players in opposite factions - Razr - 07-04-2007

Well actually i used my HF ship in that fight and anyways it all falls down to faction status. HF and SA are neutral for the time being and AW and SA are unfriendly. The SCRA just happen to be KOS, so really do you shoot the Neutral, unfriendly, or KOS?????? No brainer.

Players in opposite factions - caylith - 07-04-2007

What were the SA doing in Magellan in the first place if they weren't asked to be there or looking for a fight.

That's what I want to know.

Players in opposite factions - Razr - 07-04-2007

I didn't say they weren't looking for a fight, All i said was it was clear whom to shoot at. If you need a reason for SA to be out of liberty read the ID. Believe it has a bit of detail about defending independent systems around the border.