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Mollys - Prior tech grant database - Printable Version

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Mollys - Prior tech grant database - Molly - 01-08-2010

The [M]ollys
[Image: logo3c.png]

The [M]ollys approved the following:

Exact Player Name: Lost.Highway
Exact Technology Granted: Use of Saoirse Gunboat Turrets

Exact Player Name: JTS-Maelstrom
Exact Technology Granted: Use of Rogue Cruiser Turrets.

Exact Player Name: Jessamine.Blume
Exact Technology Granted: Use of Barghest.

Exact Group Name: \CS\
Exact Technology Granted: Use of all Molly weaponry.

Exact Group Name: LR-
Exact Technology Granted: Use of any Molly weaponry, excluding Saoirses. Use of Rogue Cruiser Turrets.

Exact Group Name: LWB|
Exact Technology Granted: Use of Trefoils. Use of 2 Werewolves.

Exact Group Name: [RHA]
Exact Technology Granted: Use of 2 Barghests.

Exact Group Name: [HF]
Exact Ship Name: [HF]-HFD-Iblis
Exact Technology Granted: Scylla Destroyer

Group: The Joker and his Thugs
Exact Technology Granted:
Use of Molly weaponry
Use of 1 Scylla (The.Joker)
Use of 1 Pirate Gunboat
Use of 2 Werewolves
Use of 2 Barghests
(exact names forthcoming)


Exact Player/Group Name(s): Julian Du Pancake
Exact Technology Granted: 1 RA-4 Liberty Rogue Gunboat

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Krieger Voinovich
Exact Technology Granted: 1 Barghest

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Stefan Mortensen
Exact Technology Granted: 1 Barghest

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Oneeyed.Flint
Exact Technology Granted: 4 Trefoil guns and 1 Trefoil turret

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Miley.McGreave
Exact Technology Granted: 4 Trefoil guns and 1 Trefoil turret

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Firebrick.Reaver (or variations)
Exact Technology Granted: 1 Z-5900 "Werewolf" Super Heavy Fighter, 1 Tartarus" Pulse Cannon, 12 Molly guns/turrets.

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Captain Adain Erylian of 101st Ghosts of Razgriz
Exact Technology Granted: 1 Barghest

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Salem Jansen (and variations
Exact Technology Granted: 1 Barghest, 1 werewolf, 1 greyhound, 1 Molly Gunboat, use of Molly guns

The individuals above have agreed to the terms we list here.

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Wild Geese
Exact Technology Granted: All Molly ships and weapons

Exact Player/Group Name(s): RV^
Exact Technology Granted: 4 Barghests

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Hellfire Legion
Exact Technology Granted: 2 RA-4 Liberty Rogue Gunboats, 10 Tartarus Pulse Cannons

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Red Hessian Army
Exact Technology Granted: 2 RA-4 Liberty Rogue Gunboats and free Trefoil usage

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Rot Front
Exact Technology Granted: 2 RA-4 Liberty Rogue Gunboats, 1 Scylla and free Trefoil usage

Exact Player/Group Name(s): AGS
Exact Technology Granted: 3 RA-4 Liberty Rogue Gunboats, 2 Barghests and 18 Molly gunboat turrets

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Reavers
Exact Technology Granted: 3 Barghests
Terms listed here

Special Permissions:

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Display Name

Exact Player/Group Name(s): El.Torturador
Exact Technology Granted: Free usage of Saoirses
Note:Justine and his battlewagon want stuff that won't fit.

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Steve Holloway
Exact Technology Granted: Free usage of Trefoils
Note:Senor Franco ou lala, keep supplying Mollys with fresh cucumbers

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Jimmy Banjo
Exact Technology Granted: Free usage of Trefoils
Note:Persian plans on conquering Sirius, we are simply providing him with tools.

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Bastet's.Claw
Exact Technology Granted: 1 RA-4 Liberty Rogue Gunboat a
*CBF* gunboat that was request to have it's tag removed for different RP. It will be removed when it has been completed. Owner - Jeremy Hunter

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Dishonorable.Salvage
Exact Technology Granted: 1 RA-4 Liberty Rogue Gunboat and a single Molly Saoirse gunboat turret
Note:Another gift for persian friend.

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Tigger
Exact Technology Granted: Free use of Molly ships and weapons
Note: Oh look, few minutes passed and she gave herself free stuff. I'm proud that I taught something useful [Image: emoticon-0142-happy.gif]

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Pirat.F6
Exact Technology Granted: Free use of Saoirses
Note: Emo pixie deserves them [Image: emoticon-0147-emo.gif]

Exact Player/Group Name(s): Johnny Walker
Exact Technology Granted: 1 Barghest
Terms listed here

Exact Player/Group Name(s): ChaRUS aka Charos aka Proteon
Exact Technology Granted: Free use of Molly ships and weapons
Note:[Image: emoticon-0174-bandit.gif]

Mollys - Prior tech grant database - Molly Council - 07-16-2010

The Molly Council has approved the following technology requests:

Exact Player Name: [color=#FFFFFF].:j:.Dropkick.Murphy

Exact Technology Granted: Use of 3 Trefoil class 5 turrets

Exact Player Name: The.Boat.That.Rocks
Exact Technology Granted: Use of 8 Molly gunboat turrets

Exact Player Name: Lady.Mendax
Exact Technology Granted: Use of a Barghest

Exact Player Name: Gaelic
Exact Technology Granted: Use of a Scylla

Exact Group Name: Pygaran
Exact Technology Granted: Use of a Molly gunboat

Mollys - Prior tech grant database - Molly Council - 02-28-2011

Molly Council Tech Grants

Exact Technology Granted:
Use of Saoirse Gunboat Turrets

Exact Technology Granted:
1 Barghest.


CrossBones Foundation *CBF*
Exact Technology Granted:

21 Werewolfs
11 Greyhounds

6 Molly Gunboats
16 Barghests
limited MOLLY Weaponry* (No Destroyer Guns/Equipment)
Unioners, AGS-U|
Exact Technology Granted:

5 fuly Kitted Molly VHF's
1 Molly GB

Exact Technology Granted:
Use of all Molly weaponry.
LIberty Rogues LR-
Exact Technology Granted:
Use of any Molly weaponry, excluding Saoirses. Use of Rogue Cruiser Turrets.
Exact Technology Granted:
Use of Trefoils. Use of 2 Werewolves.
Red Hessian Army [RHA]
Exact Technology Granted:
Use of 2 Barghests.
Hellfire Legion [HF]
Exact Ship Name: [HF]-HFD-Iblis
Exact Technology Granted: Scylla Destroyer
The Joker and his Thugs
Exact Technology Granted:
Use of Molly weaponry
Use of 1 Scylla (The.Joker)
Use of 1 Pirate Gunboat
Use of 2 Werewolves
Use of 2 Barghests