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Epic Sound Modz - Bobthemanofsteel - 01-11-2010

So myself and a friend have begun working on a sound mod for Freelancer, dubbed the 'Epic Sound Modz'.
Essentially, we are changing EVERY sound in the game, into ones voiced by ourselves. (Excluding music - But that's getting replaced... other music)

Think a child playing with his army men. His machine guns don't sound too realistic, do they? But chuck them into a war movie and they're quite enjoyable:P

Just thought I'd post this up to generate interest, mayhaps some input, though it's hard to give input on something you've never seen. I'll try to get a FRAPS vid up as soon as all the basic sounds are done, but I can tell you, Justices are our patron weapons now.

There's nothing quite like Launching from Erie, and firing a few rounds of 'PEW PEW PEW PEW' in a high pitched voice.

But anyway, this mod is in no way meant to be serious, just a bit (or alot) of fun. Editing only vanilla FL sounds, so it's compatible with Disco! :yahoo:

We're not sure on the distribution yet, as our replacement .wavs are quite... large compared to the originals.

But yeah, a bit of sillyness... All in good fun ;D

Give us yer thoughts.

A demo video can be found here.

Epic Sound Modz - Tenacity - 01-11-2010

Interesting idea =P

Wonder what my nomad guns would sound like...

Epic Sound Modz - Waratah - 01-11-2010

' Wrote:Interesting idea =P

Wonder what my nomad guns would sound like...

I know whinge whinge whinge ...whinnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Beware hes Nuclear Moan Dropper.

Epic Sound Modz - Bobthemanofsteel - 01-11-2010

' Wrote:Wonder what my nomad guns would sound like...

Well, right now it's me shouting 'ALIEN LASER!'.
Quite funny in the omicrons when coupled with the BHG's 'LASER!' in battles.

All with high refire XD

Oh, Razors and Mortars sound EPIC. This massive 'KADURH!' with reverb XD

Epic Sound Modz - Athenian - 01-11-2010

I would love to see engines shout "Run Away" a la Monty Python when cruise is charging. Or the word "Boring" when you fire a mining laser. Maybe "Vroom" rather than the thruster sound?

Epic Sound Modz - Bobthemanofsteel - 01-11-2010

' Wrote:I would love to see engines shout "Run Away" a la Monty Python when cruise is charging. Or the word "Boring" when you fire a mining laser. Maybe "Vroom" rather than the thruster sound?

Problem being, the gun noises are based on weapon type. Therefore Particle, Plasma, etc.

Actually, Mining lasers use the same sound as Bluebells XD Which is currently 'Sploosh' Thus with a chainguns it's 's-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sploosh.'

CD's shout 'IMA COMING FOR YA!', and charging your cruise engine is in a very Shoop da woop fashion 'IIIIMMMAAAAA CHAAAAAARGIN MAAAAAA CRUUUUISE ENGINES!'

Epic Sound Modz - Vape - 01-11-2010

Hmm, can we Mandos get some guns that play "Rage of the Shadow Warriors" when fired?

Epic Sound Modz - Sprolf - 01-11-2010

I like Athenian's idea.

Try to put a lot of Monty Python in it, that's golden humour.

Epic Sound Modz - darthbeck - 01-11-2010

Needless to say, i approve of this.

You should put in some truely epic firing noises for missiles.

Epic Sound Modz - Corsair - 01-11-2010

Yus please. Make SNACs go "MONKEY.. BEAN!" and Novas, "THE SINGULARITY IS OPENING!"