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<Hasir> Food n Trade - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Stories and Biographies (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=56) +--- Thread: <Hasir> Food n Trade (/showthread.php?tid=32722) |
<Hasir> Food n Trade - nephandus - 01-11-2010 The bar and trade hangar, of ,,K" depo has its own rules. Beside the daily conflicts between the Rhei Military, and the pirate groups operating in Rheinland, the public bases like Kreuzberg, had to set up its own army, and security systems. The bar, has 5 separated private rooms, for traders and anyone who can pay its price. These rooms are well guarded, and hided sopts, their security systems has the best kind of countermeasure hardwares and softwares, at least their walls are thick. After the pilots and capteins, left their ships, they can instantly move to the bar with personnal lifts from the ship hangars. In the bar, on each table there is a holo-page with the usual menu. -see that below- if you are lucky there is a live old electric-violin musician In the bar. He seems to be gypsy or so....but you cannot be sure in space: -Live act in the bar- The crew of the bar is kind and helpful, In all daytimes there are 5 decorative and willing female waitress, and 3 male waiter, The chief barman is the ceremony master of the public room, and he manages the reservation of the private rooms. The people who have eyes and clear enough to watch can realize: there are 3blond women and 2 black haired in duty, and 3 black haired man and 2 blond. There are 10+12 security soliders in the bar, 2 near each private room door And 2 at the main entrance.10 other soliders are standing on the strategic locations of the main cantine. These well trained, and over-wared soliders are one of the resons: How the junker bases could stay that low on violence and murders. In space there can be more deadly soliders, but in a base or a station, the amount of cyber an nanowares, plus the skill wares of the soliders are dominant. And the Sec. force of Kreuzberg seems to lead in that term. So, the weapons are highly suggested to wear in the bar, just to show that you are brave enough to dare to face the best killing machines, it is usually never comes to the point to use them aganist anyone...even if you just saw the killer of your daughter. The atmosphere of the cantine hangar is usually friendly, beside each group can use their separated room to celebrate or trade, and the barmaids are well trained to manage the procedures among the opposing groups. In the case of any agressive situation, or if the security force of K depo is not capable to solve the problem (what has never happened before), there are still a dozen of methods to neutralize anyone who dares to harm the no-violence rule of the Junker bases. The bar is an old one, and its private rooms are safe enough to handle any kind of hand-to-hand trades. There are usually 20-500 people in the main cantine depending on the time, and it can handle over 3500people. On each table there is a holo-pad, with neural net acces, and the current menu Menu: Seductive flavors both exotic and familiar and did we mention irresistible? Kreuzberg's top food personality creates a delicious table for all tongues. Dishez: Zucchini-flavored Patties with Feta...................................................35c Flaky Cheese Rolls.........................................................................24c Fresh Spinach-rolls with Garlic-Yogurt Sauce.....................................29c Spicy Lamb with Charred Eggplant Pur?e and Pita.............................47c Tomato and Mint Salad with Pomegranate Dressing ..........................13c Syn PAstomatto..............................................................................5c Salty Fishstick.................................................................................10c Snack and Crunchies: Baklava.....................................................................................3c Beer Biscuit................................................................................1c/e Bread.........................................................................................5c Kifli............................................................................................2c/e Ales: Augsberg Stiff 6/.........................................................................3c Aleister's Yellow...........................................................................2c Buffalo Brown..............................................................................12c Bretonian Standard.......................................................................6c Craddimino Label ........................................................................50c Liberty ale...................................................................................187c Dublin Duster...............................................................................21c Maltesen Malt................................................................................7c Soproni Betyaros...........................................................................1c Undoriito Ihatatlan.........................................................................2c Coctails: Buccaneers Breath..................................................................17c Dresden Massacare.................................................................23c Infested Trader.......................................................................19c Junker Juju.............................................................................30c Palinka...................................................................................44c Walter's whiskey.....................................................................21c Sail's Bloodfest.......................................................................58c Kruger Luger..........................................................................31c Gallian Freccs.........................................................................21c for- Narcotics, Medical supplies, Cyber- Nano- Bio- modification procedures Please Ask from the waitress-they will be glad to give you additional Holo-pads. Private room rent....................................................................2000c/hour-all inclusive for 10 person with private chef Please limit the amount of inhaled alcoholics and narcotics. Our medical crew will gladly help you to reach your sleeping-box. Hasir couisine of Kreuzberg open till: <-621-> <Hasir> Food n Trade - Szerano - 03-05-2010 Walking into the bar slowly. The captain of the M&S vessel entered the bar called "Hasir". A waitress stepped up to him with a pleasant smile to her face. Waitress: "Guten tag sir, where would you like to be seated today?" M&S captain: "Ah yes well I'm here t see someone, I don't remember his name but I think he owns this place..." She nodded slowly. Waitress: "Right this way sir." Following the waitress, he looked around at the seemingly nice atmosphere of the bar. No arguing, no yelling, no fighting...simply...perfect... Waitress: "Here we are sir." "Here" was a private room being guarded by a cybernetic soldier. It looked and felt like privacy, heck it even smelled like privacy...nice. Waitress: "I trust you know our rules and regulations on the board before you walked in?" M&S captain: "Yeah I did thanks for asking. I have a friend coming too or so I am told. He will be carrying a rather slender bag and I suggest you don't touch it nor do you ask him about it...also if it won't offend I heard they have a escort female thing? He will probably want that before he leaves." The waitress bowed. Waitress: "I will see to it all that is accomplished." The door to the room was shut and Greg was left alone to ponder his thoughts. <Hasir> Food n Trade - nephandus - 03-05-2010 The young chief-scientist just finished his painting in his core-pad, and finalized the procedure. He pressed the : -Launch- button and another cyber-modification procedure has started. From now, the sub-scientists and the automaticed devices could handle the procedure. A few minutes later when he finsihed his shower, his inner radio started to send signals to his back-hand, so he answered the call. - Konnichiwa Dr.Takamura Soto -sama. Our guest has arrived senseii- The protocoll droid of the Hasir was in the line. -Wkarimas'ka- growled the young chief-scientist.- lemme prepare me suit. -Your gear and your guards has been activated Senseii. Plese send your sign if you want us to grant our guest our special catalog with escort personnel till you arrive.- the droid paused and waited for positive or negative line from the scientist. The ex-Kusarian doctor Noded, and the Guest received the catalog instantly on the comp of the private room. -Inform the personnal assitance unit if you need anything else Senseii- and the droid cancelled the transmission. -Damt..They want me to jump in. Now I have to take care of the special project.- the doctor turned off the steam-shower and turned on his personnal assistant droid. The beautiful young kusarian girl turned into active mode. She flexed her body and her tight kimono showed our her perfect and muscular shape.She thought his master needs special service since he was naked and just stepped out of the shower,so she knelt down and opened her mouth. But the master left the room and ignored her-so she stand up and followed his senseii. She helped him to dress up and prepared a breakfast from real vegetables and meat. While the doctor meditated and prepared for the day, the guest of the room already received the catalog of the special escort personnels and made his statements about the services of the Hasir. <Hasir> Food n Trade - nephandus - 03-05-2010 -Special Catalog- -Catalog ID: luxury escort units- -Only Accessible directly from the secured rooms Comp- -Escort persons: -Customize body shape- -Customize face and markings- -Customize cyber-modifications- -Customize pleasure-modifications- -Customize additional items- -Customize Knowsoft-links- -Customize your personnal informations- -Customize number of orders- Please pick one or more item form the lists, and customize your order. Your special escort assistant will be ready in 15 standard sirian minutes. The price of each escort agent: 200.000 sirian credits per day while you are resting on our base in the special diplomatic rooms or in a personnal quarter. If you want to purchase the personal assistants after your visit, you can do it for 2 million credits/item cost. This purchase will allow you to pick 7 standard cyber modifications on your assistant, and 3 pleasure modifications, or 5 pleasure modifications and 2 standard cyber modifications. All of these persons are 87percent regular humanoids. They receive fast bio modifications to fit your requests and they are willing to escort you in all cirmustances. Please fill up the ,,special request form, and add it to your order if you need any items or modifications what are not on the lists,and our technicians will contact you to customize your purchased or rented escort personnel to fit your desires. Thenk you for using our services. <Hasir> Food n Trade - Szerano - 03-06-2010 Greg sat back in the chair, it was very comforting but not as soft as his command chair on the M&S....not even close...A holo-pad on the table lighted up and a program was displayed. Taking a quick peek at it, he assumed it was what he ordered for his friend, so he left it alone. He pressed a comms button nearby and a waitress appeared on the screen. Waitress: "Is everything alright sir?" Greg: "Yeah I can order a drink please?" Waitress: "Well yes you can sir, we are here to server any and all of your needs." Greg: "Ah well I'll like a Kruger Luger please and my friend well..." Waitress: "There should be a holo-pad with our luxury escort program loaded and ready..." Greg: "Yes I see it and I would like to thank you for it but I'm only thinking of something he would like....perhaps a Maltesen Malt?" Waitress: "Right away sir..." 'Hmm, I wonder why I was called into here...' Kanze Kurlie walked into the Hasir bar, over his back, a long bag which held his modified sniper rifle, was slung. Waitress: "How may I help you today sir?" Kanze: "Well I'm supposed to meet a friend of mines, he is supposedly here..." Waitress: "Can you describe him for me please?" Kanze: "Oh he i probably a miner. I was told he was meeting someone important..." Waitress: "Ah right this way sir, we have a room already waiting for you." Kanze followed the girl and couldn't help but notice her body. Slender and tempting. He almost tried to make a move on her, but it seems she was already ahead of him. Waitress: "We have others for you to choose or create if you want, I'm not the only one..." Kanze: "You reading my mind now?" Waitress: "Oh no sir, that would be rude. Here we are..." Kanze looked at the dark cornered off room. It was guarded nicely...almost too nicely... Waitress: "Your friend is waiting for you inside..." Kanze: "Aren't you going to ask me about my bag on my back? It could be dangerous..." Waitress: "Should anything go wrong to disturb the peace we have guards for that. Otherwise you can have whatever you want wherever you want..." Kanze entered the room, a strange feel to the bar now that he thought about it... Greg: "Well well, we finally meet..." <Hasir> Food n Trade - nephandus - 03-06-2010 -Herr doctor. We received bio-neural suggestion from a guest to improve the confrot level of our seats in the private rooms. Would you like to improve the softness of the used materials?-The old technician-scientist of the private rooms was surprised. They never received such a suggestion form anyone before and he was sure that it was only a flashing idea from one of the current private-room guests. He lowered the sensibility of the desire-alarm-system, and raised the softness and the confort level of all rooms by 13 percent, and ordered the seats and furnitures to react faster for the body shape of the room 3 and 6. After that he continued his dinner. -Senseii, the second guest has arrived. Would you like me to inform them about your e.t.a.?- The young ex-Kusarian scientist finished his mediation, and slowly slipped back to his body. -Yes. - the short answer was enough for the droid. It cancelled its transmission.-And you are professional in disturbing me just a few seconds before I could finish my current task. I will have to ask the droid-techs to reprogram you.- the scientist growled silently. In the private room of the bar the two guest received the information that the representative of the Seader will join them soon- in 30 minutes. When the doctor left his personnal apartement 30minutes later, his bodyguards joned him. He was wearing a simply black buisness kimono, and his customized-casual face fitted well to his current role. His taller guard was wearing a traditional green-orange Kusarian battle armor with a human-looking- daemon mask and a pair of swords. He seemed to just step out from an old holo-chip. The other guard dressed in simple grey urban-training suit, and he had a small S-K logo on the heart of his top. He had short white hair and ice-cold blue cyber-eyes. He had no visual weapons, but anyone who already encountered a brand-new version of the security agents of the junkers would realize these units doesnt even need additional weapons. They entered the private room from one of the hidden back-doors after they sent a signal to the guests, and received a positive response. THe guards stopped near the wall and the kusarian doctor walked into the room, and smiled on the not-too surprised guests. He stopped in the middle of the room and bow towards both guests. -Greetings mein Herr, my name is Dr.Takamura Soto, and I represent the Seader-Kruger in the current situation. Please beleive me when I say: we have reasons to start the negotiations with you, since we want to save more lives on the fields of the omegas. I suggest to start the discussion, and please forget my bodyguards. The samuraii in the armor is my personnal guard from Kusari, and the onther gentlemen is the youngest son of one of the Directors of the Seader-Kruger, and since he received his bio-mantic rituals he is considered to be more than loyal. Plus he is the current alpha commando of the ground-agents of the Seader-Kruger Conzortium.-the young-looking kusarian doctor paused and waited for a reply. When he received it, he sat down in one of the chairs and the conferance has begun. <Hasir> Food n Trade - Szerano - 03-08-2010 Greg sat back in his chair and considered his options. He had just received a transmission from another important person who had to be reached. As if being considered, his chair softened up, a strange sensation as the chair was changed to fit his needs. It really felt comfortable now. The door to the room opened and man called "Kanze Kurlie" entered. Greg knew it was him because he was told he would be protected by a spy the boss had planted within RFP. Greg: "Well well, finally meet..." Kanze: "Yes, I must say your not what I expected..." Greg: "Nor you, my friend." He sat down and rested a large bag next to him. Curiosity poked him in the back and Greg couldn't help himself. Greg: "What do you have there?" Kanze: "One of the best things to happen to me since I joined our little group..." Greg: "Is that so...Well oh the table is a little...gift for you if you will..." Kanze sat in a chair and looked the holo-pad on the table. Kanze: "Is this...what I think it is?" Greg: "Yup, go crazy." Kanze: "Aww sweet! It's about time my efforts pay off!" Greg: "I'm buy of course..." A waitress came in with their drinks, Kanze didn't seem to notice her at all, his head was occupied with the holo-pad. After a few minutes Kanze had finished with his selection. Kanze: "Hmm I really hope se looks as good as I imagine..." Greg: "Perhaps....perhaps..." After a few minutes, a man entered the room, he bowed first of all and Greg and Kanze returned the favor. The man: "Greetings mein Herr, my name is Dr.Takamura Soto, and I represent the Seader-Kruger in the current situation. Please beleive me when I say: we have reasons to start the negotiations with you, since we want to save more lives on the fields of the omegas. I suggest to start the discussion, and please forget my bodyguards. The samuraii in the armor is my personal guard from Kusari, and the other gentlemen is the youngest son of one of the Directors of the Seader-Kruger, and since he received his bio-mantic rituals he is considered to be more than loyal. Plus he is the current alpha commando of the ground-agents of the Seader-Kruger Conzortium." Greg: "Guten tag" Kanze: "Greets" Greg: "I trust those bodyguards are for protecting your life rather then taking ours but that is a bit self explanatory ja? I'll be blunt, I haven't been told much from Das wilde, but I'm sure I can safely speak for their interests...Let us see what this becomes hmm?" <Hasir> Food n Trade - nephandus - 03-08-2010 -Dont worry. These two fine gentleman will not cause any troubles. They are here to represent that I speak in the name of Seader-Kruger and my own Cabal at the same time- the young kusarian doctor smiled and sat down on a confortable seat. -Now please, Tell me: What could we do for you, or for your freinds, and what can you offer in exchange. <Hasir> Food n Trade - Szerano - 03-14-2010 Greg: "What we can offer? Well, I have been in talks with Das wilde for a while now, They seem to be nice under their...hmm should I say the have shells? Emotional protection or covering? Something like that....anyway The claim the mineral fields as their own...Perhaps I can get you into a meeting with one? Oh and before-" (Click click) Greg turned his head and noticed Kanze was placing in his order for a woman. Greg: "Found something you like there?" Kanze: "Hell yeah, don't mind me you keep doing what your doing..." Greg: "Very well..." He turned back to the good doctor. Greg: "As I was saying, before you come to any conclusions it's not mandatory nor is it a requirement...plus I want you to look at something they gave to me personally.." Greg dipped his hands into his pockets and took out a nice sized piece of ore in his hand. Greg: " Cobalt ore...my favorite...look.." Greg turned the rock over revealing the Das wilde logo on it with a bright purplish glow...Greg rested the ore piece in front of the doctor. Greg: "You can take a look at it if you want, just dont KEEP it-" (BZMMM) Greg: "Oh excuse me, that's my comms can you excuse me?" Kanze sat back filtering through his options and without much thought he started to create his dream girl... -Body shape: Slim, large chest, medium behind- -Face: Soft, red eyes, grayish hair- -Cyber-mods: Reflex wires- MkII, Bone-lace-plastic,Cerebral interface, Cerebral Mod.MkIV,- -Pleasure modifications: PlSoftSkin MkIII with supraplast plating, MidnightLady sexual implant MkII.- -Additional-items:Arm tattoo- -Knowsoft: Firearms GIII, MeleGIV,Sniper MkII, Escort serv. mk VI- -personal information: Her family is missing,was a part of the Rheinland LWB revolution but left so work as an escort to smuggling organizations. She met Kanze in a fight and fell deeply in love with him.- -number of orders:one- Kanze sat back and waited for his dreams to come true... <Hasir> Food n Trade - nephandus - 03-15-2010 The kusarian Doctor was surprised. He was not ready for an insult like that, but his training was perfect-he did not show out his emotions, just smiled. Since he represented an organisation what had agents everywhere, it was not easy to surprise him-but this situation was somthing what he was not ready for. -Hai. Please do not hesitate to use our systems to answer your call.- A few minutes later, when the messenger of the Wilde finished his call, the conference continued, and the kusarian doctor started his monologe- So. Lets see that I understand it right. You try to say that Das Wilde, want to use regular miners-or infested ones? it doesnt matter at this point, -so they are just willing to mine with miner ships? What are they want from us? What are they trieing to say- since you did not tell us anything till now. It is not a secret for Das Wilde, that if they try to force out our interests from the region, they will end in our labours just in the past. Trust me. There is no place among the stars where could be more wilde.... We know more about das Wilde than any other faction or side in the known or un-known galaxy could know, if we doesnt count them and their formal masters. A few Scorpions are not enough to make us fear or run away shocked. At this moment it seems they can kill like 1 ship/week from our interests what is quite like nothingwhile our agents and companions eliminate ALL of htei appearing units if they nt land or escape fast enough to stay unnoticed after a few kills. They are simply not nomerous enough to stand up and fight in the omega-7 region-even if they are fearsome enough to scare a few unexperience un-modified miners. They can do the pathetic Corsair like hit-n-run tactic, but you cant tell us that we have to fear from somone or some side, what pops up- shoot a few rounds than runs away. Since they think they are strong enough to act- they are attacking us on Kreuzberg aswell. Well the elimination of the Congress salvager in this week was a serious mistake from them. It made us give out several Wilde hostages to the Congress, with some additional resoults about the interrogation of the captured units. If Das Wilde has somthing to offer: We are willing to listen for it. Otherwise we just buy a cheap and replacable miner and send out a new miner ship after they destroys it. Plus we buy three bombers to our merc, and contracted pirates and company plus military friends. And for each miner unit, they loose a scorpion-its that easy. If they come out. We can hunt them if we wish. Anytime. Anywhere. Its up to them what they offer. Its not too good buisness for them- they wil run out of resources ages before we could even reach the amount what we could call deficit. Trust me. They are individuals. Infested one by one. But we have thousands of faceless miners willing to hop in the seats of the machines, and since we are using cheap second-hand Hegemons we can manage to send over 100 ships to the region per week. Could you imagine how big money are we talking about? I guess not. But as it seems your Wilde froinde does. So. You Wilde froinde has one Huge problme. They cant change by time. They cant adopt hte new circumstances, and teir technology become outdated. Tell me: what they offer, and what they ask. -The Doctor paused first time in this speech- Ohh and just to inform you. We granted your new toy the hardware packaged what will make her immune to the mental trick of the Wilde. Its a present for her to fulfill her role better on your side. We hope you will like her-or just come back and modify any of her attributes with our techs if not. Your new assistant will be ready in a few minutes. Now please talk. We are eager to hear your offer.. |