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Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - Printable Version

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Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - majkp - 07-06-2007

Out of character recruiting has been closed.

If you want to join us, you have to do it as your character in the Recruitment office of the Brotherhood ([TBH]).

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - yurineova - 07-06-2007

I'm intrested, got a bit of experience under my belt, but a bit rusty, since I hadnt played fl in about a year. I used to play on FW, so I have a few skills. As far as my RP goes, Yuri is a completely new char of mine, so I currently have no story behind him as of right now. I guess a format may be better;

Name: Yuri Neova
Age: 25 (NOT real life:P)
Occupation: Preferably Merc, but always glad to serve as a Pirate. Hate tradin... ((As you may see, my job stance is extremely unstable:)))
Background Story: *Insert Story Here* ((As I mentioned, completely new char with no story yet.))
Skills: Since I used to play on FW, I am used to flying with no bots/bats, which allows me to stay in a battle for a long time. Also, I rarely use CM, yet most missles still miss me.
Misc info: Just a player who wants to have fun and kill a little time (And hopefully get high on some cardimine....:yahoo:)
Preferable ship: I am skilled in fighters mainly, and probably will take a fast fighter. I'm not half bad in gunships either.

If ya have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - majkp - 07-06-2007

Brother Yuri, welcome to the Brotherhood, you have been accepted.

Have fun with us..

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - malleusvandire - 07-07-2007

Hi there, im interested in joining the brotherhood i have alot of experience in pvp from countless servers, i love the consept of your clan and wish to be a part of it:)

Game name: Malleus Vandire, repentia
Real name: Jay
Occupation: rouge, pirate, merc, i often trade however much i dislike it.
Background story:(to come soon)
Skills: im used to being up to my neck in foes with lasers, i gained the skills to survive such mass confrontations whilst i was on north quadrent, we where an anti human clan, and 1 of the 3 non human clans.
my skills are vast not mastered, but vast..

Pref ship: im an odd one, i like to fly ships that look the best, not fly the best, im a good enough pilot to compensate.

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - majkp - 07-09-2007

Brother Vandire, welcome to the Brotherhood, you have successfuly passed the entrance tests.

Have fun with us...

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - uspatriotsf - 07-09-2007

Name: AC Merc

Age: 31

Bio: I was a member of a secret elite force of the Liberty Navy. We were assasins, we were shadows. Our actions were not always "lawful," therefore our families were relocated to the other houses so that we could be erased from existence. My last mission was to take out a high ranking member of the pirate organization the Outcasts. My mission was a success, however high the cost was. You see the Outcasts somehow latter found out the location of my wife and children. They had been moved to New London. They captured them, raped and killed my wife and slaughtered my 3 children. As I did not exist, the Liberty Navy was unwilling to retaliate on my behalf.

This is when I decided to enact my own revenge. I left the Navy, became a mercenary, and hunted down and killed every Outcast I could find. For this I was labeled a defector in secret and a criminal to the public. I was hunted by police, corporations, military, and of course the damned Bounty Hunters (scum of the galaxy second only to the Outcasts). Anyway while I was "hunting" in Sigma 19 the BH ambushed me. I was vastly outnumbered and severely outgunned. Out of missiles and my hull integrity down to 20% I was dead in the water. Then, out of nowhere came 6 Corsair ships. They desimated what was left of the BH. With my ship debilitated and life support failing, they instructed me to eject. They tractored in my escape pod and took me back to Planet Crete. Having heard of my conquests against the hated Outcasts, I was accepted into their society. I have been a Corsair ever since.

I now wish to join The Brotherhood and wipe the galaxy clean of our enemies. Long live the Corsairs.

I only fly fighters. The Titan is my ship of choice. After all it is the finest piece of machinery in all of Sirius.

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - McNeo - 07-09-2007

The members of the brotherhood, and the Elders, welcome you into the clan.

We will clean the infestations of Sirius together and, if you wish, help you take revenge on those who betrayed you.

Only one thing remains. We have a small test on the rules of the organisation and the rules set out by the devine space gods. I will send you the test in a private channel (PM) and when you pass, you will be accepted into the clan.

You can change the answers any time you wish, and if you get any wrong, I will help you get them right.

Long live the Corsairs!

Long live the Brotherhood!

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - McNeo - 07-10-2007

Brothers, AC Merc has completed the test successfully and is a part of the brotherhood!

All that is left now is to set him up with everything he needs and he will be ready to kill his most hated enemy. Welcome to the Brotherhood AC Merc.

Also, we would appreciate it if we knew your real name and not your callsign:cool:.

Have fun flying with us.:D

Edit: Damn typo, I put not part of the Brotherhood:crazy:

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - uspatriotsf - 07-10-2007

I will uphold the code of The Brotherhood, and defend it with my life if need be.

I have adopted my Corsair name of Torres_[TBH] and forsaken my LN code name of AC.

Oh and my real name is Aaron.

Long live the Corsairs! Long live The Brotherhood!

Join the Brotherhood! ([TBH]) - octavius - 07-11-2007

Miguel Castillo would like to join the Brotherhood, to be known as Castillo[TBH]

(RP & more to come)