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Bounty Hunter Ship - akka1000 - 01-12-2010

This ship is a light fighter. It dies to 1 nuke mine, armour or not. The only way for it to kill things is to outnumber and gank your target.

These are some comparison pictures with the Guardian and Eagle, VHF's that are still quite agile
[Image:] [Image:]

This is the Sea Serpent with the Liberator, similar stats, turning, etcetera

Is this properly balanced and fair? The BHG| can't figure out how
A 25-30% size decrease appears to be in order to fix this up, as shown below (30%)
It is still a large target from the sides, but smaller at the front to compensate, most importantly it is closer to other light fighters.

* akka1000 counts the miliseconds until corsairs arrive shouting 'olol nonono'

Bounty Hunter Ship - Dashiell - 01-12-2010

*Dashiell grabs stopwatch*

time is running... now.

and yes, the Serpent is way too big to be a LF. It's just a Manta without the flat wings on the sides. It's massive target from the sides.

Bounty Hunter Ship - jdftheman - 01-12-2010

giving a quick look here, I would say perhaps a decrease of 25-20% should be better, but that's my opinion. But I do agree that it needs something to make it match other LF

Bounty Hunter Ship - Athenian - 01-12-2010

Size doesn't really affect the SS since its turning got a boost. Sure it's big from the side but whoever gets to see it for very long?

The real issue is firepower, which affects all light fighters, apart from the few that can load a mini-razor. In most fights in my Sea Serpent I hardly ever use regens.

There are 15 Sea Serpents in use on the server last time we checked, and a single faction owns 13 of those. They are very effective in swarms, as they should be. Remember, it's called swarming, not ganking.

Bounty Hunter Ship - Andrew_Bonesovich - 01-12-2010

Resizing is not an option. It's a vanilla model, and those can't be resized without screwing up textures entirely I believe.

Anyway, nearly all LFs need some kind of buff, something that would make them unique. There are many threads about that around.

Bounty Hunter Ship - Tenacity - 01-12-2010

Huh, back when I flew my Serpent I managed to win 1 on 1 duels with VHF's just fine. I cant say how it would do outside of 1 on 1 fights, though.

Bounty Hunter Ship - Athenian - 01-12-2010

' Wrote:Huh, back when I flew my Serpent I managed to win 1 on 1 duels with VHF's just fine. I cant say how it would do outside of 1 on 1 fights, though.
Mjolnir? Is that you?

Bounty Hunter Ship - Tenacity - 01-12-2010

' Wrote:Mjolnir? Is that you?

ohnoes, the secret is out.

Srsly though, according to most 'veteran' pilots around here, I was doing it wrong! I was actually jousting VHF's in the Serpent, <3 strafe with vertical oriented ships.

Bounty Hunter Ship - Zeltak - 01-12-2010

It is way too big for a Light Fighter, and the fact that the size along with its natural wideness makes it an easy prey for Mini Razoring, a size decrease is in order.

(Almost all my characters are hostile to the Bounty Hunter Faction, if somebody wants to come and cry about bias.)

Bounty Hunter Ship - Dashiell - 01-12-2010

Word has it it can't be resized. I dunno if that;s true. a resize or something would be nice. it`s size is a tad silly now for a LF.