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Factions vs Independents - Printable Version

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Factions vs Independents - Fletcher - 01-14-2010

The war between the factions and independents has raged for hundreds of days.

Let it finish now.

So... opinions on somehow having a faction vs independent fight to silence teh conspiracy theorists once and for all?

Maybe we could slot some admin ships for extra chaos?

This is just an idea, details can be worked out down the line :P

Factions vs Independents - Dieter Schprokets - 01-14-2010


I'm tired of this "Factions vs Indys" thing.

Its older than the streaks in my undys.

Its a false dichotomy.

Should be "Good players vs lousy ones"

Or more properly "Good players helping lousy ones except those beyond help who need to then be put down like rabid dogs."

Factions vs Independents - Akura - 01-14-2010

' Wrote:Or more properly "Good players helping lousy ones except those beyond help who need to then be put down like rabid dogs."

Agreed, there are alot of people here who shouldn't be, because they are complete douchebags who don't understand how the game works...

This event will end in tears.

Factions vs Independents - Thurgret - 01-14-2010


No event, thanks.

Factions vs Independents - teschy - 01-14-2010


Factions vs Independents - Boss - 01-14-2010

I think he meant an actual battle on the server...

Factions vs Independents - Fletcher - 01-14-2010

' Wrote:I think he meant an actual battle on the server...
What he said. A fun event I envisage, but if people think it'll be lame, at least say what can be done to make it good. If it does go ahead.:unsure:

Factions vs Independents - Alex. - 01-14-2010

How the hell would you role play this anyway?

Factions vs Independents - Fletcher - 01-14-2010

' Wrote:How the hell would you role play this anyway?
As preposterous as it sounds, a space rupture occurs (Star Trek style) and a parallel universe is in motion in Connecticut, where the battle ensues... That's all I can come up with without a Sirius wide chemical attack...

Factions vs Independents - n00bl3t - 01-14-2010

I am unsure whether this will ease tensions or escalate them.