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Discovery FL server news - Printable Version

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Discovery FL server news - Igiss - 06-25-2005

Discovery Freelancer is back online and will work 24/7 since today.

New version of Discovery mod released (4.73), available for download here:

Installation instructions here:

Note that you'll need to use FLMM only if this is the first time you are installing Discovery. If you update, unzip into your Freelancer folder and rewrite required files.

Discovery FL server news - Elvalia - 06-26-2005

Okay, this might seem like a really stupid question but um what does this mod do exactly? I've played freelancer periodically so I'm curious.

Discovery FL server news - Igiss - 06-26-2005

Okay... a quote from mod readme file:
Quote:Discovery is an attempt to make a mod that will not spoil the Freelancer universe with unneeded or illogical changes, but rather retain the atmosphere and balance of original game and add several nice features to make gameplay more interesting - capital ship encounters, enhanced NPC AI, almost all original Freelancer ships flyable (capships, transports, etc.), rebalanced ship prices and more.

Complete readme file (with full list of new features) here:

Discovery FL server news - Igiss - 06-27-2005

New link to upload the mod:

if the primary link doesn't work for you (it happens sometimes, though I don't know why).

Discovery FL server news - Igiss - 06-28-2005

Info about Discovery server was published on today. LancersReactor is the leading site about Freelancer servers and mods, so this should bring new visitors to our forum (and players to Discovery FL server, of course).

Discovery FL server news - Fenris - 06-29-2005

Igiss,Jun 26 2005, 03:34 PM Wrote:Okay... a quote from mod readme file:
Complete readme file (with full list of new features) here:


The link to the readme-file won't work :(

Discovery FL server news - Igiss - 06-29-2005

Working link:
Thanks for noting.

Discovery FL server news - Igiss - 06-29-2005

Small, but significant mod update available (30 Kb). Fixes several bugs and changes freighter stats, so be sure to have this one. If you don't, get ready for crashes and loss of data.

Install by unzipping to Freelancer folder and rewriting files. NO FLMM if you already have earlier version of Discovery installed.

Complete mod version also updated.

Download here: - Latest version of Discovery, complete, includes all updates - Latest update from 4.73 version (cumulative) - Latest update from 4.73 version (cumulative, high compression)

Discovery FL server news - Igiss - 07-03-2005

Starting sum increased to 12000 due to numerous requests from players. This allows to buy Patriot after one mission if you are choosing the military way, or makes purchase of Rhino easier if you choose trading. I'm not quite intended to increase the starting money anymore, you must earn your freighter.

P.S. However this will cause abuse again I guess, so in the next version price of Starflier will be increased significantly and starting money will be back to normal.

Discovery FL server news - Play_god - 07-04-2005

Igiss,Jul 3 2005, 07:34 PM Wrote:Starting sum increased to 12000 due to numerous requests from players.
P.S. However this will cause abuse again I guess, so in the next version price of Starflier will be increased significantly and starting money will be back to normal.

Good, cause i think i almost started exactly as you changed it because i started with 2500 credits and about 1 min later my brother started with 12000. THAT was very annoying! :(