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Phantom Non-Capital Line - Printable Version

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Phantom Non-Capital Line - Guest - 01-19-2010

[Image: phantomlfsubmission.png][Image: phantomhfsubmission.png]
[Image: phantomvhfsubmission.png][Image: phantombombersubmission.png]
(Click each for a larger image)

Well, judging the responses i've received in the original thread. The models are complete.
I'm not really going to go into turning speed, armor, powerplants etc as thats all up to balance.

As for guns, I was thinking:
Bomber: 4/0 or 4/1(forward or full)
VHF: 7/0 (instead of a generic 6 gun VHF, keep it more along the lines of the Raven Claw)
HF: 6/0, 5/1, or 5/0
LF: 4/0

Again thats all up to balancing.

Phantom Non-Capital Line - Akura - 01-19-2010

' Wrote:Bomber: 4/0 or 4/1(forward or full)
VHF: 7/0 (instead of a generic 6 gun VHF, keep it more along the lines of the Raven Claw)
HF: 6/0, 5/1, or 5/0

Bomber - Sounds kewl
VHF - As long as it doesn't actually fly as drunk as the RC, yeah, that's cool
HF - I'm partial to 6/0

Beautiful models, I can't wait to see those crappy old ones we have now burn, it'll give me the same joy I get when I see people burning modems.


Phantom Non-Capital Line - Virus - 01-19-2010


Phantom Non-Capital Line - Unseelie - 01-19-2010

Well, can the open market have the Slipstream and the Rc back, please, then?
Open market ships are ludicrously slim on the ground...

Phantom Non-Capital Line - Sprolf - 01-19-2010

I imagine that the existing ships would be replaced with these models.
I think we certainly don't need any more open market ships, especially bad-looking imports/Non-FL-Designs.

Phantom Non-Capital Line - teschy - 01-19-2010

Too sharp D:

Persian arrow heads.

Phantom Non-Capital Line - Dieter Schprokets - 01-19-2010

' Wrote:Well, can the open market have the Slipstream and the Rc back, please, then?
Open market ships are ludicrously slim on the ground...


Merc ships?

Phantom Non-Capital Line - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 01-19-2010

Yeah, civie line of ships needs to be expanded greatly.

Phantom Non-Capital Line - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-19-2010

Then I would suggest making your own thread please ... Nice job on those particular specific models Raisu

Phantom Non-Capital Line - BaconSoda - 01-19-2010

' Wrote:Bomber - Sounds kewl
VHF - As long as it doesn't actually fly as drunk as the RC, yeah, that's cool
HF - I'm partial to 6/0
Beautiful models, I can't wait to see those crappy old ones we have now burn, it'll give me the same joy I get when I see people burning modems.

I like what this guy says. I would gladly take 6/0 with a normal flying fighter. I would actually prefer 6/0, mainly so that I can fire my guns more than 4 times, but meh.

On the HF, I would prefer 5/1, mainly because that's just cool, but again, meh.

Nice models, really. I look forward to seeing them ingame. :)