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Zelot's Movie - Printable Version

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Zelot's Movie - Dieter Schprokets - 01-19-2010

The Angry Farmers Association, or whatever..

Download Zelot.wmv here Ees Veddy nice!

Zelot's Movie - Zelot - 01-19-2010

Here you go too.

Zelot's Movie - Zelot - 01-19-2010


Zelot's Movie - neko_soilder - 01-19-2010

Why do you always fail Zelot....>_<

Zelot's Movie - Zelot - 01-19-2010

' Wrote:Why do you always fail Zelot....>_<

I won..... twice in fact.:(

Seems to be some confusion. Dieter was the Scimitar filming the battle, I was the Black Dragon killing him.

Zelot's Movie - pchwang - 01-19-2010

Wow, Dieter, you're REALLY bad at this...

Just kidding.

I am the worst pilot in the world. : (

Zelot's Movie - neko_soilder - 01-19-2010

well thank you zelot for explaining but its your fault i didn't know and its your fault he died (wow thats acturally true)

go AFA then WOOT

Zelot's Movie - Dieter Schprokets - 01-19-2010

It is Zelot's fault I died.

This is actually true.

Zelot's Movie - Marcus Lindberg - 01-19-2010

When one man dies, it is a tragedy. When one million die, it is a statistic.

sweet video by the way.

Zelot's Movie - BaconSoda - 01-20-2010

[Image: ArtisanPic.png]

It happened. The AFA happened. And the AFA won. Remember folks, Farmers always win. Oh, the pitchforks, the plows, and the shovels. Oh, lord, the shovel! You have seen its power today...

Excellent video, Mr. Dieter. The music fits perfectly. :)