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New Mandalorian Signatures - Printable Version

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New Mandalorian Signatures - Dieter Schprokets - 01-21-2010

For Consuls : Personalized

[Image: mmsagittarii.png]

[Image: mmdiana.png]

[Image: mmbriikase.png]

[Image: mmdhapiruna2.png]

[Image: mmgratua.png]

For Alor'ads : Two Options

[Image: aloradh.png]

[Image: alorad.png]

For Warriors

[Image: mmwarrior.png]

Alor'ads and Warriors, feel free to further customize

New Mandalorian Signatures - Sassafras - 01-21-2010

Thank you Mandalore.


New Mandalorian Signatures - Dieter Schprokets - 01-21-2010

Your Welcome Briikasse, try it on.

New Mandalorian Signatures - Lanakov - 01-21-2010

Major kudos to you boss. These are really great looking, very well played !

New Mandalorian Signatures - Dieter Schprokets - 01-22-2010

Flo's revised

New Mandalorian Signatures - Halogen - 02-08-2010

Hi - I'm trying to get a bottlenose as the ship image, but having trouble with that -- where did you get the images of the ships, and what effcts did you use to get it going?

New Mandalorian Signatures - Dieter Schprokets - 02-13-2010

Reminder memo.

New Mandalorian Signatures - Recoil9000 - 02-13-2010

I was beginning to wonder if the warriors had their own, cause all I've been seeing is the Mandalore and Consoles.

On a side note: These images are a little hard to edit without the original psd files.

New Mandalorian Signatures - Weedalot - 02-13-2010

cool sigs

New Mandalorian Signatures - Dieter Schprokets - 02-21-2010

Bump for the new guys.