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Arg FL IFF status.. - Printable Version

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Arg FL IFF status.. - Envomni - 01-22-2010

I am stuck in what seems like a never ending circle! My character, in defending self, had another IFF over-take the planned/desired Freelancer IFF. Now I can't get any of the others to go down enough for FL to take the association.

Anything I take out to put into a position for using droprep, bumps up other faction affiliations.. all the while, the freelancer one sitting just millimetres off its mark for IFF! It's infuriating! Does anyone have a magic bullet path to drop others and make that last excrutiatingly tiny blip bump forward ? The closest I've had it is 2 factions ahead of FL.. then in taking out a Xenos, 3 more rose above. Arg!!!

Arg FL IFF status.. - ryoken - 01-22-2010

It is quite easy. DO NOT SHOOT NPC"S. Thank you come again.

Arg FL IFF status.. - Corsair - 01-22-2010

If it is below all the other reps, drop rep it to the top. Then, take bounty hunter missions. They increase FL rep, by a little. Two or three should be enough if it is almost there.

Arg FL IFF status.. - Not Espi - 01-22-2010

make a new character, fly to barrier gate, quad bribe, done.

or just droprep and get a zoner bribe. those increase freelancer rep aswell.

Arg FL IFF status.. - Calego - 01-22-2010

I know Zoner Bribes increase Freelancer, I didn't think the BHG bribes affected Freelancer Rep because Freelancer bribes don't affect BHG rep.

Closest sure fire place to get a Zoner Bribe is Pecos, the IMG planet in Coronado. Unless you've gotten green to them, that complicates things horribly. Bribes won't be offered if you're already green to the Zoners. You may either want to not have an IFF or just make a new character. Otherwise you've got to find a way to get just below friendly to Zoners (Either finding storage depots or shooting NPCs, storage depots are strongly preferred), then grab a bribe.

Arg FL IFF status.. - Envomni - 01-24-2010

Gee ryoken, that was such a helpful reply. But everyone has to kill an NPC to keep from being killed at times sir.

As mentioned I have used drop rep a few times to re-position things but it just never quite got it to the right levels, something else always got in the way. Ok I'll try the BH and Zoner approach - many thanks for those useful suggestions!

Arg FL IFF status.. - Mounteblanc - 01-25-2010

Uh, actually, the Freelancer faction has no Empathy for any group, whatsoever, unless FLStat lies to me.

If you're trying to use the BHG or Zoners to get Freelancer rep, you're out of luck.

So, if your problem is that your Freelancer rep isn't completely full, then you'll have to hunt down Freelancer NPCs, and get your rep to a point at which you may take double bribes. Oh, and killing a copious amount of Nomad, Phantom, or Wilde NPCS may help, due to the Negative rep modifiers. To expand upon Ryoken's 'Don't shoot the NPCs', a balance of NPC killing can be effective for keeping your rep in check.

Arg FL IFF status.. - lolciclepops - 01-25-2010

' Wrote:Uh, actually, the Freelancer faction has no Empathy for any group, whatsoever, unless FLStat lies to me.
Settings > Reload Ini Files.

Well I suppose I'll just throw in that I my FLStat shows that Freelancers have a 0.20 empathy rating for Zoners.

I do remember back in 4.84 Bounty Hunters used to effect Freelancer reputation. I believe that's changed now, though perchance that's the reason why some order players are hostile to Freelancers.