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New ships... why not new cockpits? - Printable Version

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New ships... why not new cockpits? - Kyte_ - 01-22-2010

Okay, with all the new ships, I have been asking myself the same question. Why the same old tired cockpits? Couldn't they too use a facelift? Some that are in place simply don't fit the bill. you have this massive freighter or transport... and you go to cockpit view and you're in a cramped lil fighter cockpit? Whaaaa? How does THAT work?


I thought... okay... why not do cockpits too or bridges for the larger vessels? Is this beyond the realm of reality? I spend a great deal of time in my 'cockpit' view... and I for one would love it if you talented folks out there would dedicate some time on that. Please?

Love n' Lustre,


New ships... why not new cockpits? - ProwlerPC - 01-22-2010

Not bad of an idea maybe I'll get GMG| to put together a cash reward to make a GMG cockpit to replace the Bretonian cockpits we use.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Boss - 01-22-2010

I could probably hard-model a bridge on that liner, Kyte. No promises on results though.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Guest - 01-23-2010

I was trying out something before on making custom cockpits, where you could actually see parts of the ship (if they extended into the cockpit's view)

but theres weird crap you have to do with it to make it look decent.

For example,
A Nyx Cockpit, you can see the outside wings since they extend past the cockpit and into its view, however, it has a clipping issue at the center/bottom, and the cockpit CMP itself had to be stretched by 200% along its Z Axis to look normal when in cockpit view.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 01-23-2010

The Liberty Siege Cruiser needs a crosshairs in cockpit view:P.

But yeah cockpits that match the ship would be awsome.

For caps, just have a big broad view as if from a bridge, with dark siloutes of crew infront of you.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Corsair - 01-23-2010

All of the cockpits in Freeworlds have been redone for each ship. It looked quite cool to be looking out a TIE Fighter cockpit, then into a Y-Wing.

I agree, cockpits need work.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Frey - 01-23-2010

it would be nice, if every ship has different cockpit.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Oldum - 01-23-2010

' Wrote:The Liberty Siege Cruiser needs a crosshairs in cockpit view:P.

Same goes for the Blood Dragon Cruiser:D

But back on topic, it would be nice, cause now, some transports have the same cockpit then Liberty fighters (guardian fe.)

But that is just one ... it would be good, although I can't really do modeling so I leave it to the professionals:D

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 01-23-2010

What'd be cool is if a small team went and made cockpit views based on each craft's actual model.

IE: if it should be visable from the cockpit, then it IS visable from the cockpit.

With the way some ships are setup, it'd lead to some intersting cockpits... or in some cases 'omg why can I barley see' suprise.

For the squiddies I say no cockpit at all.

New ships... why not new cockpits? - Kazinsal - 01-24-2010

Logically, caps should have their command centres in the middle of the vessel somewhere. Extruding bridge = easy target.

Ergo, we should do cap cockpits as a few small objects and a viewscreen.