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A tale of Extraordinary people... - Printable Version

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A tale of Extraordinary people... - Seth Karlo - 01-23-2010

No matter where humans have been, no matter when they have existed, there have always been tales of those with powers, abilities, those who are not merely ordinary, but those who are extraordinary.

These creatures, sometimes human, sometimes evil, sometimes fantasies of a deranged mind, have been documented as hiding in the shadows, often scared of their powers until the time comes for them to be enlightened.

But no matter when or where the human race is, there always seem to be incidents that are... inexplainable. Events that cannot be understood, cannot be quantified. Sometimes people fear them, sometimes people are intrigued by them, but people usually like to listen to tales of them. And that is what this is.

This is a tale about 5 extraordinary people, how they met, how they attempted to live, and how most of them died. Listen closely, for whether you believe or not, this is not just a tale, this is the truth...

A tale of Extraordinary people... - Seth Karlo - 01-23-2010

Her hair glistened in the bright light, seeming to radiate outwards from her like a halo. How she hated the sun. Usually she would avoid venturing out in the daylight, but this was seemingly important. She sighed lightly, wondering about the mysterious transmission that had appeared on her screen...

"I know what you are. I know who you are.
People fear what they don't understand, and hate that which they fear.
I have a proposition for you, come to Planet Houston in 4 days time, and go to the main spaceport.
Look for L14."

And that was it. She had two choices really, dissapear, or go to Houston. But then again, she was always invisible, so if this person had managed to find her already, she had no doubt he could find her again.

She stood outside the spaceport and looked around, eyes alight with curiosity. Though she hated the sun, she understood why others liked it so, it had a strange beauty assigned to it, a beauty unmatched by almost everything. Humans moved around her, ignoring the young looking woman who stood there, smiling. Everytime a human moved too close to her, she breathed, inhaling the scent of human beings, and the urge within her grew stronger.

She pushed it down, she had fed recently enough, and if she tried anything here, in daylight and in front of so many people, she would be killed instantly. So she ignored the urge, and moved into the spaceport.

High above the heads of people, outside the tunnels to the various ships that loomed left and right, were plastic cards. To the left, a row of cards from B1 to B20 hung from the metal holders, and she smiled as she realised what L14 meant. With a determined look, she started searching for the card that was assigned to her.

She found it easily enough, and gasped slightly at the sight of a Luxury Yacht moored lightly at the other end of the tunnel. As she moved towards it, a young woman emerged from the crowd and stepped into the tunnel. She slipped into the shadows, and watched her.

Ariel shook her head, moving the locks of brown hair from her face. She had recieved a mysterious transmission the night before, and now here she was, striding around Houston Spaceport, looking for a damned tunnel and hopefully providing some answers.

She found the tunnel with relative ease, people ignoring her lithe body and plain hair. They didn't notice her eyes, which glowed a mysterious green. She smiled as she entered the tunnel, two guards standing near the end. One held up a hand, and she held up her own, waving it across the air in front of the two men. Both lowered their weapons, and smiled sweetly as she passed them. As soon as she had passed them, her fingers clicked and the two guards returned to guarding the tunnel.

The LSF Guardian made a graceful arc, or as graceful as it could make it while trailing sparks and a damaged reactor core. Thren smiled from behind the controls of the ship, watching as the man's ship exploded. The pilots escape pod rocketed upwards, and Thren ignored it, pointing his vessel towards Houston. He had a meeting to attend.

The guards stood vigil at the tunnel, when they were both hit in the back of the head by someone. They span around, looking madly everywhere, trying to spot whoever hit them. There was noone there. A second later, both of their weapons shot out of their hands, as if pulled by strings, and whacked them both in their respective noses. They crumbled to the floor, their guns dropping to the ground a few metres away.

When she heard the thud of the guards hiting the floor, she moved away from the shadows and crept down the tunnel. Her elegant black dress hid the curves of her body, and she was glad, as the men around the spaceport were not the nicest of men. She shivered lightly as she reemerged from the darkness of the tunnel underneath the yacht. The had enjoyed the shadows, and being in the light again made her powerless.

Just then, a hand laid itself on her shoulder, and she span, a blade appearing in her hand from seemingly nowhere to plunge towards... nothing. The knife she held was long and elegant, curved in a strange soft S shape.

"Interesting" came the voice, and she slashed towards it. There was an invisible being here, possibly dangerous. Was this a test? She leaped towards the shadows of the tunnel, moving faster as the light around her faded, until she was in the shadows. Not perfect darkness, but it would work. She grinned lightly, and sniffed the air lightly. Her ears and eyes sharpened, and she waited.

Thren leapt from the cockpit of the Ravens Talon, walking past a group of teenagers who openly gawked at it. He pointed to one of them.

"You, like it?"

The boy nodded enthusiatically, wondering if he was about to get a ride in it. Thren, without looking back, flipped the starter chip through the air towards the boy, who numbly caught it.

"It's yours."

Then the large man was gone.

Ariel watched the woman with amusement, and then with slight confusion. How could she stand there in the tunnel without the guards noticing her? She made the connection as she felt a hand close around her throat from behind.

"Stay still" came the voice.

Ariel didn't move, waiting for the right time.

"Now, tell me why you contacted me."

Ariel chuckled lightly.

"It was not I who contacted you my friend, but he contacted me also."

The hand released it's grip, and Ariel spun, her hands ripping into life as lightning appeared around them. The lightning exploded outwards as Ariel threw her arms forward, ripping towards the unseen foe, shocking everything it touched. But nothing, the voice and hand was gone as mysteriously as it had appeared, and she looked around again to find the woman from the tunnel right in front of her. Her elegant S blade touched Ariels throat, and Ariel sighed.

"What is with people and my throat today?"

The woman in front of her grinned.

"You wouldn't want to ask me that."

Ariel pondered it for a second, and then shrugged. She looked into the womans soul, and with a smile tightened her hold around it. Then, as soon as she attempted to tighten further, to take control, she felt it slip away from her, pushing her back.

Ariels eyes flashed and she gasped.

"What are you?"

The woman in front of her grinned, showing her teeth, and Ariel felt a shiver run down her spine.

Thren walked into the courtyard, emerging from the tunnel, and as soon as he did, a large metal door closed behind him, sealing him in. Across the yard there were two women, looking straight at each other. Other than that, the place was empty except for the yacht floating magestically overhead.

Then a voice boomed out across the courtyard.

"Greetings, extraordinary people."

Thren looked up to see a man standing upon a raised platform, he had a mask on, and a black cloak. Thren raised an eyebrow, wondering what the theatrics were for.

"You four have been called her today to listen to a proposition... please, board the yacht. And yes, that includes you Mr Henlik."

The two women stepped away from each other, and moved towards a large ramp that descended from the bottom of the Yacht. Thren paused for a second, and then followed. He had no idea what was going on, but hopefully it would become clear soon.

A tale of Extraordinary people... - Seth Karlo - 01-26-2010

The Yacht was dimly lit, and once all three of them had boarded, the door leading back into the light closed shut.

The woman breathed deeply, relishing the darkness, felt it burst through her veins to add to her power. Then, she felt a crackle that illuminated the area brightly, and she silently cursed as the power fled away from her.

Ariel stood there, her fierce eyes illuminated by the lightning crackles that shot between her fingertips. She turned to Thren and asked him.

"Mr Henlik?"

The man shook his head.

"Not I... I am called Thren."

Ariel nodded.

"And I am called Ariel, pleased to meet you."

Then, from nowhere, came a tired voice.

"I am Richard Henlik."

All three span around, looking for the mysterious voice. Ariel's eyes narrowed and she thrust her hand out, lightning extinguishing. A strangled cry was heard.

"What... what are you doing!?"

Ariel didn't speak, her eyes closed in concentration as her hand twisted in the air.

"That's enough Ariel" came yet another voice, and she stopped, looking at the man in the mask who had entered.

"Greetings to all of you, and welcome on board my Yacht. We're currently stood in the cargo hold, so shall we head up to the lounge?"

Eyes darting between everyone, the 4 followed the masked man up a flight of stairs into a brightly lit, expensively furnished room. The masked man took a seat at the far end of the room, looking upon the others. Thren took a large chair, while Ariel and the woman sat together upon a sofa.

"Ah, my friends, welcome. I am known as V, and you are all here because you are extraordinary... some call it 'powers', some call it 'mutations', but no matter what people call it, each of you have an ability, and together you should be unstoppable..."

He paused.

"How about we all get to know each other? Let's start with Mr Henlik, as you have yet to see him..."

The air above the other sofa shimmered slightly, and a balding middle aged man appeared, wearing a large assortment of knives. He looked around the others, smiling slightly, though looking a little nervous.

"Good" thought Ariel.

Thren's eyes narrowed, but other than that there was little response from the others, which seemed to aggravate Henlik a little, but he shrugged and introduced himself.

"Richard Henlik at your service. Chemist by trade, assassin by profession."

V spoke next.

"Mr Henlik here managed to stumble upon a formula for invisibility, and it took him another 5 years to figure out a way to become visible again."

Henlik nodded tiredly.

"I can only be visible for a limited amount of time though, which can make things annoying."

V nodded slowly, and then looked at Ariel.

"Spirit Mage, am I right?"

Ariel shrugged slightly. She looked no more than 20, but neither did the other woman, and she was over 300.

"I've never heard it called that before, but it's an apt name. I can close my fist over peoples souls, control them and use it as power... hence my ability to use pure energy..."

One hand erupted into blue flame, while the other crackled once again with electricity.

Thren leant back, feeling like this was turning into a freak show.

"Thren... you have an interesting ability do you not?" came V's voice, almost a drawl.

Thren nodded slightly.

"But I'm not showing it off, I'm no entertainer..."

V inclined his head.

"And finally..."

He looked at the woman sat next to Ariel.


The woman looked at V and smiled, showing her teeth. Thren's eyes shot wide, and Henlik almost fell off his chair at the sight of Sia.

Sia had fangs.

"V-Vampire!?" came Henliks surprised stutter.

Sia smiled.

"Yes. Vampire. Is that a problem?"

She looked towards Henlik with a sweet smile, who hastily shut up. Sia looked towards V.

"So... why have you gathered all of us freaks together?"