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update the freeports ? - Printable Version

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update the freeports ? - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 01-24-2010

Just a thought...... but shouldnt some of the freeports recive updates ?


Freeport 1, oldest Freeport.

Add a few more biodomes.

Add another solar pannel ontop of the current biodome.

Add a few more modules and generaly make it a little bigger.

Freeport Five

Add a few modules onto it to generaly make it a tad 'bigger'.

Prehaps get a hexagon of solar panels, with a sixth one in the center, attached by an arm and set between the neutron star and the freeport as a 'radiation shield' (IE: a shield designed to asorb hte strongest of the rads)

Just a few quick examples, but yeah, all in all just flesh them out a tad more. Not to mention the bars need heavy revising.

Actualy, the Bar's need the most work of all, not just because quite a few are copy/past jobs but because doing things like updating the rumors and what not could really enhance RP.