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Ahoudori (Kusari Explorer) - Bolverk - 01-25-2010
Quote:the Explorer has found a valuable after-market for Freelancers and wealthy Kusarians alike
My guess would be Kusari Civilian.
Awaiting answer.

Ahoudori (Kusari Explorer) - Quorg - 01-25-2010

' Wrote:

My guess would be Kusari Civilian.
Awaiting answer.

I think it is a "Civilian" ship regarding the rules.

Ahoudori (Kusari Explorer) - Zelot - 01-25-2010

It is the "Kusari Civilian" box on the tech chart.

Ahoudori (Kusari Explorer) - Canadianguy - 01-25-2010

' Wrote:I think it is a "Civilian" ship regarding the rules.
Yup, but its Kusari civilian, which mean bretonians cant use it.

Ahoudori (Kusari Explorer) - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 01-25-2010

Well a bretonian COULD use it, if their RP was that the ship was bought BEFORE the current war.

THAT would make RP sense, although there WOULD likley be in RP consequences to deal with.

That said unless said bretonian is a researcher IDd player it still wouldnt fit that well.

Ahoudori (Kusari Explorer) - Prysin - 01-25-2010

' Wrote:Well a bretonian COULD use it, if their RP was that the ship was bought BEFORE the current war.

THAT would make RP sense, although there WOULD likley be in RP consequences to deal with.

That said unless said bretonian is a researcher IDd player it still wouldnt fit that well.

indeed, infocard does state its an old ship...

i would guess a SRP would be needed, if not you would atleast need approval from both BAF, KNF and their respected leaders (The Emperor and Queen Carina)

Ahoudori (Kusari Explorer) - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 01-25-2010

' Wrote:indeed, infocard does state its an old ship...

i would guess a SRP would be needed, if not you would atleast need approval from both BAF, KNF and their respected leaders (The Emperor and Queen Carina)

Depends. If you're researcher IDd bretonian It'd be ok.

If you're using a bretonian faction ID, you'd proabaly need some kinda faction approval and/or SRP.

If your just merc/FL/BH IDd and your char history sets it as having had the ship for years, then I think it'd be ok.

Ahoudori (Kusari Explorer) - Bolverk - 02-03-2010
Quote:Then we have a Kusari Explorer with Pirate ID and Liberty Rogue IFF
Quote:you can post here and let us know what ship you'd like to trade that Kusari ship in for
Hmm ... Looks like it's not civilian after all. Or is it?

Ahoudori (Kusari Explorer) - sovereign - 02-03-2010

Liberty Rogues, emphasis on the Liberty.

KU Explorer + Pirate ID is certainly fine, take a look at the Joker.

But LR IFF implies you work with the LR, and that means your tech should match up with them too.

Ahoudori (Kusari Explorer) - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 02-03-2010

Pirate ID and a non FL IFF basicly means your tech use should match pirate ID or, if they OKd it, your IFF