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Hmm guess I missed this.. - Printable Version

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Hmm guess I missed this.. - rschoen - 01-25-2010

Well, I'm mostly posting on here now after finding out from my younger brother that this section actually exists (yeah, I don't know how I missed it.)

But I digress..
(I apologize in advance for the lengthiness.)

Hello there members of Sirius!

I've been playing on this server for a couple weeks now. My older brother first started me on the game with the idea that I would help him out (trading and such). I've expanded my role a little more as I've become more accustomed to the RP idea (Something I've never done before). Many of you who hang around Bretonia may have seen me already. I fly the ship by the name of the SS-Botany.Bay. I've gotten a few people in-game who recognized the name and responded appropriately. For example, *ahem*....."KHAAAAAN!!"

So now that I've established I'm a Trek nerd, it's obvious that I named my ship after the infamous vessel. However, it seems the name has become nothing more than an homage. My character is vastly different.
I initially did have the idea of playing "Khan stuck in the world of Freelancer" but I felt maybe it was too hokey and not welcome. Early on in my trading career, I would pass through systems asking about Kirk and pulling other Khan lines like "On Earth 200 years ago, I was a prince..with power over I'm stuck hauling garbage!" Other RPers either would get it, or respond in RP noting that I couldn't possibly be a prince 200 years ago on Earth in the timeline of Freelancer. So I would play it off that perhaps I was stuck in cryogenic freeze for longer than I thought.

Quickly though, I started to take the character in another direction. I kept Khan's smooth elegant attitude from the TV episode and turned myself into a proper law-abiding citizen. Since I needed to pay back my brother for the huge investment he made on my ship, I needed to get all the help I could find while trading. So I often hung around the BAF (who I have some funny rescue stories about) so that I could show my support for them and, in-turn, maybe get some help shipping the goods I needed to use to pay back my brother.
After I did pay him back, I just did my own thing more or less. I had my own trade route worked out and a RP explanation for it. My character's name was Robert Rhodes (my brother already picked out the last name and if we were to be brothers in the game as well, I figured I had to go with it). I still pal'd around with the armed forces. I even thought maybe I should try to join them, but I'm not sure if I have the time or dedication to do so now that I'm back in college.

I also don't quite know where to take my RP. I've mostly been doing nothing but trading, but I don't know to what end. Most people trade as a way to eventually fund their other character ideas. I figured I would do the same, but I hadn't decided what I wanted to do. As I played more and more, I just seemed to enjoy trading, period. I liked the long trips, the thrill of getting stopped by pirates (good ones), and also that I didn't owe my brother anything anymore. I liked just making money and RPing as helping the Bretonian war effort. I had the idea that maybe I could save up for some CAP VIII armor for my vessel. I figured maybe I could RP as a transport for the BAF (instead of just a BMM one). I could carry various military-like commodities on me at all times, and have the best armor so pirates would have second thoughts on having a go at me. I could be something that continued to pal around with the armed forces and give them something they had to protect. But saving up for that armor will take a long time, and I don't know if I should just invest in another character instead...

My idea for another character, ideally, would be something like a vigilante, an outlaw like Josey Wales, who's stern and tough and protects the innocent(traders) if I see them run into pirates. I've never really seen any vigilante IDs on the server and I thought maybe I could make it fun. I would fly in a completely decked-out gunboat (or bomber since I think the vigilante ID doesn't allow gunboats) of some kind and sometimes follow traders to see if they get pirated (The only thing is, I'm not sure if this counts as "escorting" which the Vigilante ID says you can't do). But anyways, once the trader would be stopped, I would distract the pirate(s) long enough for the trader to escape, either taking down the pirate, or going down in flames allowing the trader to escape. When in house spaces, I would criticize the local law enforcement for not doing a good enough job against injustice. They wouldn't like me for that, but would appreciate what I do to help. (Sounds kind of like Batman actually. Hey, there's a Joker character on the server. Why not?)

So, yeah, I probably should have posted most of this material in another part of the forum, but it all just kind of came to me while I was typing. If I need to repost some of it elsewhere, just let me know.
Anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself (after playing for a few weeks already) and hopefully get some feedback on my ideas and whether or not it's possible to do them within rule limits.

Oh and to all the pirates I've been demolished by...


Hmm guess I missed this.. - Evan_ - 01-25-2010

Hey there man! Welcome to disco.

I like you attitude - it reminds me of a song... Sorry, I couldn't resist. Players behind pirates have a deep secret hope that if they roleplay well, their victims maybe got influenced by an rp-approach. I hope you will do your thing good enough to do the same with the pew-pew pirates who you always hear about.

See you out there!

Hmm guess I missed this.. - Jansen - 01-25-2010

Wall of Text alert!
Welcome and have fun, good to have you here!