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Cannot connect to anything - Printable Version

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Cannot connect to anything - TankTarget - 07-18-2007

Yes my mom just got a massively stupendous computer. Except for the part where it comes with Vista and a bunch of programs we know little about.

However, all is well...for the most part. I can play Freelancer perfectly fine, but! I cannot connect to any server. The connection is being blocked by a program on the computer.

AND before anyone asks, yes this is using the administrator account, without user account control, windows defender is not online, neither is spy sweeper. McAffee has Freelancer as allowed on the firewall. So does anyone know of why FL would not be able to connect to a server? I can get the global server and the server list. I hit connect and I immediately get the message. "You cannot connect, server may be down, restarting" blah

Cannot connect to anything - BestFlyerHere - 07-18-2007

Tank... I'll come over and fix it. I know the solution....

Cannot connect to anything - TankTarget - 07-19-2007

BFH, no one in my house is gonna let you near the comp.... You can still come over... But! Tell me how to fix the damned thing... I still have a great FL setup I just wanna use the 1900x1280 monitor and the 512MB Nvidia GeForce:cool:

Cannot connect to anything - BestFlyerHere - 07-19-2007

Mcafee is evil. In every single post I've made about making FL compatible with Vista, the computer that hosts the network cannot have Mcafee, Norton, or Avast. Get AVG, or FL is gone..... Or you can just be unprotected...

Cannot connect to anything - Drake - 07-19-2007

I always have to shut down my firewall when I play online. I tell it to allow the Freelancer stuff, but it ignores me.


Cannot connect to anything - TankTarget - 07-19-2007

Peachy, well my mom has two user accounts on her comp... I guess one can have AVG and the other not... :/

Cannot connect to anything - TankTarget - 07-20-2007

Aha! Well the problem is fixed. All I got to do is, leave McAfee on but! Disable the firewall. And when I am done...turn it back on. And of course I can use the windows firewall. However my mom is evil and is trying to keep me from using the comp....

Cannot connect to anything - BestFlyerHere - 07-20-2007

Use ZoneAlarm Firewall.... Free, but 10 times as good.

Cannot connect to anything - Shadow_killer05 - 07-20-2007

' Wrote:Use ZoneAlarm Firewall.... Free, but 10 times as good.

Yea if you really need to have a firewall then zone alarm is good.

Dont bother with firewalls myself, more trouble that its worth tbh, and ive not had a virus in years.

Cannot connect to anything - bloodysaw - 09-27-2007

god dam norton it sucks so much iv been havening the same problem