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Horribly.Slow.Murderer - Printable Version

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Horribly.Slow.Murderer - Adam Peacecraft - 01-26-2010

[Image: SpoonKiller.jpg]

"It started as a nuisance. It became a menace."

The horribly slow murderer with the extremely inefficient weapon: A demon birthed forth from the bowels of hell, immortal, wandering the galaxy seeking death and destruction.

The Dom'Kavash forced the creature into stasis when they found it could not be killed. It was left drifting in the far reaches of space until it was awakened by a team of unwitting explorers on the outskirts of Kusari space. There was only one survivor from the expedition. A mining vessel found him, drifting in his escape pod. He had gone insane, screaming one thing over and over again: Ginosaji, or Spoonkiller.

Since making its way to the systems of Sirius, the creature has adopted the Starflea as its primary means of transport. By doing this, it catches its victims off guard, hiding its terrible agenda beneath the guise of an ordinary, harmless civilian.

The creature chooses its victims at random, tormenting them with a relentless barrage of stainless steel fired from the inscrutable, cruelly devised Spoon-Cannon. Those who are targeted for spooning soon discover that there are far worse things in this world than death: Death by spoon-attack.

Its embarrassing. Its painful. It takes forever. The police dismiss it as a prank. The doctor thinks its self-inflicted. Your friends think youre crazy. Your whole world comes shattering down around you as you search for a way to evade your fate.

The horribly slow murderer will hunt you to the ends of the universe. You cant escape it. You cant reason with it. You cant kill it. It will never stop, until you are dead. Now that this implacable demon has been unleashed upon Sirius, the horribly slow murderer will become synonymous with fear, just as it did over 9000 years ago with the Dom'Kavash.

Can you handle twenty thousand spoonfuls of terror?

---Awaiting Admin Approval---