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Member Notice: No longer an assmin - Printable Version

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Member Notice: No longer an assmin - Dusty Lens - 01-27-2010

Hey guys!

I'm neck deep in the next semester and with every ring of the bell find myself more and more deeply mired in a plethora of responsibilities which leave little to no time to do the things one does to rate being an admin on this server.

That and Cannon refuses to wear pants in the admin chat.

So I threw in my badge.

It's been an, ah, interesting ride. I'm glad to have done it. I hope that you feel that my contributions to the server, the tools we enjoy and the rules that govern it are improved from when I began my tenure.

I would like to give very special thanks to Cannon who, despite being the turd who offered me the job in the first place (after admin vote etc etc etc or whatever) was an amazing person to work with and has nothing but the greatest passion and love for this server. It was a lot of fun pushing projects and ambitions ahead with you.



P.S. Mexhat is best.

Member Notice: No longer an assmin - Cannon - 01-27-2010

I have many things I could say, but I'll make this short. Dusty has been a damn good admin and I'm sad that he is leaving the team. Thanks man for everything and give me back my pants.

Member Notice: No longer an assmin - Dusty Lens - 01-27-2010

' Wrote:IBFTL

[Image: DancingLock.gif]

Member Notice: No longer an assmin - looqas - 01-27-2010

Good decision. If you are just too busy no point in breaking yourself trying to be every where at once.


Member Notice: No longer an assmin - Corsair - 01-27-2010

I hope you come back to the only reality that matters some day.

Member Notice: No longer an assmin - Birdtalon - 01-27-2010

Thanks for all you've done Dusty.

Your sanctions will always be win.

Member Notice: No longer an assmin - Exsiled_one - 01-27-2010


Member Notice: No longer an assmin - MrHeadphones - 01-27-2010

But who's going to make us laugh when we ogle other people's sanction reports now?

Member Notice: No longer an assmin - Sarawr!? - 01-27-2010

Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll writeup mock sanction reports in flood every now and then...for the lulz

Edit: But on a serious note, tis quite a responsible choice you made here Dusteh.

Member Notice: No longer an assmin - Adam Peacecraft - 01-27-2010

I feel a bit sad that I'm so new to the community. I'd like to have known ye better, Dusty. Good luck with your studies, they're most important. Don't forget about us entirely!