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Sierra Squad - Bobthemanofsteel - 01-31-2010

[Image: sierra.png]

Katherine Walker

Katherine was raised on the Silver Shovel, a Junker Salvager crewed by ‘The Three Families’. She enjoyed a fair bit of status and safety, being the younger sister of Malcom Walker, the former captain of the Frigate. When dissention among the Three Families began, the Walker family began some ‘under the table’ dealings with shady ship merchants, using the heavily armed Salvager to capture other ships and give them to the dealers for a high fee. Katherine headed the boarding parties, which took the ship using any means necessary.

Soon though, the Three Families Clans collapsed, and the Walker Family stole the Silver Shovel, selling it to a mysterious buyer for a large sum of credits. They lived well, staying off the radar in various systems. On a regular trip to Trafalgar for resupply, Katherine was approached by a strange man, informing her that he had cheap supplies on his ship. She joined him to investigate the goods, only to be knocked out and assimilated by the Consortium agent.

Katherine acts rather immaturely at the best of times, often changing subject at will and just acting childish. She finds men rather distasteful, but knows she has power over them, even with her alterations, and uses that to bend them to her will.

Katherine is the squad leader and Jack-of-all-trades.

Tara Lane

Tara was born in Rheinland, the daughter of an ace pilot in the Rheinland Military. He had enjoyed the services of a Libertonian hooker while on leave, and never knew that a daughter was born from it. Her mother was cold to Tara, all but leaving her to fend for herself. When she was old enough, she joined the Rheinland Military, in search of her father. She served originally as a mechanic on the Regensburg, before being scouted by a fighter wing that was short a member. To their and her surprise, she passed initial training with flying colours, quickly establishing herself of one of the wings best.

She finally tracked down her father; only to find out he had died on board the RNC Donau. She developed a distaste for Liberty and her own blood, seeking to cut all ties with her family on that side. Luckily, a Consortium agent did that for her, infiltrating the Regensburg and kidnapping her, assimilating her into Sierra Squad

Assimilation has removed more of Tara’s personality then originally planned, perhaps because she was the original member of Sierra, a testbed. As a result she is rather cold and emotionless, only showing signs of irritation irregularily.

Tara acts as Sierra Squad’s mechanic and pilot, and can drive or fly any vehicle known to the Consortium, on top of her natural piloting skills.

Mitsu and Yuki Takayashi

Mitsu and Yuki are twin sisters, born in Kusari. Their father was left to raise them after their mother died giving birth to the identical twins. As a result he was forced to leave his job in the State Police, and by the time the twins had turned six, he had turned into a drunken wretch. Blaming them for his wife’s death, he would curse and beat them in drunken stupors many times a month. They had learned to zone out and just take the punishment, for crying or protesting only served to enrage him further.

Around their eleventh birthday, he made the mistake of kicking Yuki to the head in public, as a Golden Crysthanemum agent watched. Within the hour, he was lying face down in a pool of his own blood, with his daughters clinging to this particularly zealous woman. She took them with her to Ainu, where they lived until the age of fifteen. It was at that time the Consortium expressed an interest in them, and they were whisked away for the Human Engineering project.

Mitsu is Sierra’s resident Science Officer and Medic, often found keeping subjects alive in the field, or patching up one of the Squad members, much to their protest. She has a kind voice, but is known to be exceedingly cold towards enemies, torturing them with the plethora of substances she has at her disposal.

Yuki handles the hacking of ship systems, granting Sierra access to areas defenders though locked tight, and more importantly, flight controls. Flight Codes mean nothing when Yuki is around, a ship can be under her control in seconds. She is blind, as a result of rather savage attack from her father, and chose to remain that way, even though it could have been fixed. As a result her other senses have been heightened naturally and artificially, and she often knows when something’s coming before anyone else.

Sara Keller

Born on Denver, in Liberty, Sara was put into the Foster care system from the age of one. According to the orphanage she spent her early years in, her father was an important political figure that couldn’t afford the scandal of having an illegitimate child in their life. As a result, Sara spent most of her life trying to prove to others she was worth being around. Unfortunately this branded her as a bit of a try hard with others, always looking to excel in whatever she does.

She was trying to prove to some of her classmates in Basic Training for the Liberty Marines that she could in fact make it to New Tokyo in a stolen Grizzly, when she was intercepted by a Consortium patrol and deemed acceptable for the Human Engineering Program.

Sara often strays on the border of insubordination, often questioning orders given by Katherine. She follows them to the letter however, as expected. It seems such a trait was left in her, for that very reason; to make the leader of Sierra think whether her orders are the correct thing to do.

All members of Sierra Squad are implanted with a Consortium Neurocyte, making them loyal to the command without question, as well as granting them access to the Consortium Network. It also takes control when they become angry, or enter a life threatening situation, turning them into emotionless killing machines. The change to and from this 'Cyborg State' is often unanounced and startling for people not used to their quirks.

Being a part of the Consortium 'Forced Evolution\Human Engineering Project, they have all been infused with Feline genes to grant them catlike grace and flexibility, as well as increased vision (with the notable exception of Yuki). The test was not a complete success, due to the unforeseen addition of cat ears and tail, and the alteration of Katherine in particular's personality.

Their primary directive is to board and secure crew and passengers of ships, assimilating those needed in the Consortium, and culling the rest, taking the ship in the process. They utilise a Pelican class Armoured Transport, the LCA13 for this mission. The ship contains many Transhuman soldiers that excel at close quarters combat, and are little more than beasts under an iron control. In addition the ship contains a basic Virtual Intelligence which can control systems independently on orders, but is not capable of independent thought.


Sierra Squad - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-02-2010

Brief overview of activities since original documentation

Sierra participates in dozens of Snatch operations, gathering mid level politicians within the Kusari Sectors, allowing them to be reembedded into the Imperial Structure and act as moles within the Target Government.

Consortium ranks are swelled by the hundreds of captured civilians at the hands of Sierra Squad and the LCA13.

A newly assimilated unit, Katsumi Kudo, is attached to Sierra, providing support in an air superiority role. She is fond of, among many other things, shiny stuff and tanks.

Katherine and Katsumi develop a close relationship, but Katherine's memories and feelings for the latter are erased by the Consortium Command when she confesses herself, seemingly as some sort of experiment. Despite this, they continue to grow closer and closer. The memory wipe is undergone half a dozen times before the entire experiment is trashcanned. Katherine's neurocyte suffers yet unnoticed damage as a result of these experiments.

Sierra's actions become more erratic than is the norm, and Katsumi is retasked to another operational wing.
Katherine begins to take actions that negatively affect the Consortium's consolidation of power within the region.

Consortium Command issues a KoS order for the LCA13 and Sierra's new Slave Liner the APA13, and the Squad disappears. The Consortium is unable to ascertain the reasons why Sierra's Neurocytes had become nonresponsive to commands.

Sierra remains hidden from all view, assumedly in the unknown reaches of space.
The Consortium Command structure collapses, shutting down control of the neurocyte network. Many of the implanted subjects die of severe brain hemorrhaging, but some continue to live like nothing had ever happened.

Katherine is somehow arrested by the Kusari State Police, and is detained for two weeks before her brother, Malcom, finds and rescues her. She enters a catacombic state after laying eyers on him, and he flees Kusari under chase by authorities.

Barely managing to make it to Galileo, their ship is critically damaged. Malcom's mayday is answered by none other than his current employer, one Evangeline McDowell.

With Katherine still unresponsive, Malcom enlists the help of a Lane Hacker, going by the name of Shadowhand. His knowledge of electronics allows him to successfully deactivate the neurocyte in Katherine's brain, a task made much easier due to it's already damaged state.

Katherine regains consciousness, reuniting properly with her brother and then working for Ms McDowell in order to help pay off his brother's debt to the Junkess.

His debt finally repaid, Malcom decides to stay on with the McDowell Company Fleet, having grown attached to his eccentric boss and coworkers.

Katherine leaves under no little protest by her brother, in order to find her adopted sisters in Sierra, and a certain shinies-and-tanks loving girl.


Sierra Squad - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-02-2010


Sierra Squad - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-02-2010
