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Homeworld Ships Revisited - Printable Version

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Homeworld Ships Revisited - AlexPaladinStorm - 07-24-2007

Well, it's been awhile since I was here...

Unfortunately, I haven't worked too much on the ships since last I posted (and for some reason I can't find those posts).

However, I'm curious if anyone's figured out the hitboxes/collision surfaces... what were the files? .sur? I remember having real trouble with trying to get my new Acolyte model's collision zones to work right. It always clipped. Pissed me off. Eventually moved on.

Just decided to check back here on a whim and see what's up. If people can handle the .sur files for me, I can see about continuing to churn out Freelancer-styled models of the Homeworld ships.

Homeworld Ships Revisited - Qunitinius~Verginix - 07-24-2007

Weren't you the one who did the really awesome looking Homeworld ship a while back? Whatever happened to it.....

Post some pics if you can.


Homeworld Ships Revisited - AlexPaladinStorm - 07-24-2007

Yeah, that'd be the Acolyte I mentioned.


I could never get the hitbox to work right (most of the model always disappeared into other models when it flew into them), so I kinda gave up.



This was apparently my latest version of the model in 3DS MAX. The green block that's currently transparent was an attempt at making a model to be used as the hitbox, but I just couldn't get it to work.

Homeworld Ships Revisited - Equinox - 07-24-2007

Id love to see the homeworld ships removed/redone and added back with a more "Freelancer" look.

There the only thing that really niggles me about discovery, the HW ships don't integrate into the mod that well imo.

Homeworld Ships Revisited - Vilmundi - 08-04-2007

Hello all, I just started playing discovery earlier this week. Glad to see these mods so well developed.

After obtaining my first Homeworld model fighter (hw_p2_lf) I recognized that the Homeworld ships could "fit" better into Freelancer if the geometry was as complex as the default Freelancer models.

After about half a day, I was finally able to extract/convert the previously mentioned model and textures for the purpose of adding detail in Maya. As experiments such as these usually go for me, I ended up spending several hours building mesh details using the existing texture as a guide. It eventually became necessary to make a few changes to the UV layout. I also changed the texture itself to accommodate side windows and a different color palate - and doubled the resolution (not sure if that is a problem).

I submit for your review this WIP: an updated model in .obj format. As tricky as it was to extract the model from .cmp, I have as yet not had success reversing the process. I've read the posted methods for doing so, but to no avail. Any assistance on getting it into the game would be most appreciated. I also welcome feedback, of course.

I would be willing to continue contributing to this modding community provided I can reach a point of experiencing my efforts in game. :rolleyes:

Thank you for your efforts, Vilmundi.

Edit: I discovered that my .obj was only opening in Maya, so I took it down. Hopefully after i get it as clean as possible the conversion process to .cmp will actually work.



Homeworld Ships Revisited - me_b_kevin - 08-04-2007

i like it

Homeworld Ships Revisited - Gamazson - 08-04-2007

I'm all for replacements / redo's of the home world ships. In truth though you would need to fix the textures as well as the models. Nexus sees something he can tinxer with...............

Homeworld Ships Revisited - AlexPaladinStorm - 08-11-2007

Cool. And I agree with NEXUS on the textures (mainly, I think the in-game textures, which are already used by the original Freelancer ships, should be used to approximate the look of the ships... but if brand-new textures can be made to do the job better, that's great). As well, all the weapon ports that are modelled into the actual ships should be stripped out and replaced with the proper Freelancer weapon mountings, like with my revised Acolyte. It's probably one of the better examples of how these ships should be redesigned.. I've generally gotten good feedback on it. However, there's still the problem with the 'surface'/hitbox not working right still. If anyone knows how to make a proper '.sur' file, or whatever file does the hitbox if it doesn't do it, I'd be glad to pass that part of the project off to them, as it's likely easier than trying to teach me how to do it right.