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Ask the LR- Rogues - Printable Version

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Ask the LR- Rogues - Prysin - 02-01-2010

why arent you raping the LN caps more often? a 'ghest can rape a cruiser alone...

Ask the LR- Rogues - Sturmwind - 02-01-2010

Something that always interested me:

Do the Rogues have a political approach, like overthrowing the Liberty government and bringing public welfare or something like that, or it's just a generic assembly of pirates who have no further aims than filling their pockets with loot?

Another thing:

What's the Rogue stance on the Liberty-Rheinland war?

Ask the LR- Rogues - Reverend Del - 02-01-2010

dnicu The Rogues are primarily an RP faction. Whilst shooting and blowing up lib caps is an amusing diversion, that is all it is, a diversion. Piracy is the name of the game, and it's become a game we're very very good at.

Maj.Voelkel Overall no. However on an individual basis it can vary. As for the war, would prefer to see Rheinland lose, it's stance toward criminal scum like us is a bit more totalitarian than Liberty. But overall you're just something to ignore.

Ask the LR- Rogues - Sturmwind - 02-01-2010

Great, thanks.

Ask the LR- Rogues - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 02-01-2010

' Wrote:This was something we were discussing once. Ask us what you wished to ask the Rogues but never could be arsed to do so, our members will reply as soon as I hit them with the stick enough.
OK.. Here's my question :
Is it true, that since a lot of people call you Liberty Rouges, you all wear makeup and crossdresses before jumping into your ships ?

Inquirying minds wanna know...

(From a skype conversation right before this thread :
[13:20:01] A&L: Shhhhh.. Dash is here. Stop talking about him.
[13:20:25] A&L: Ohai Dash..
[13:20:36] Michael: i think i just mentally scared a rouge
[13:20:50] Michael: ...
[13:20:58] A&L: A rouge ? or a rogue ?
[13:21:11] Michael: either
[13:21:17] Michael: both
[13:21:21] Michael: at the same time
[13:21:26 | Redigerede 13:21:32] A&L: I wonder if Liberty Rogues wear rouge..
[13:21:26] Michael: oh yeahhhhh
[13:21:31] Michael: wait wat?
[13:21:39] A&L: Crossdressing LR's..
[13:21:53] Michael: and necro LPI's
[13:21:59] Michael: someone call james cameron
[13:22:04] Michael: we have his next movie

A & L Guy

Ask the LR- Rogues - Ash - 02-01-2010

Why did the rogues take on a more sophisticated mafia like structure instead of being just a band of pirates like in 1.0?

Ask the LR- Rogues - Exsiled_one - 02-01-2010

Do you people wish you didn't have LR markings next to your names?

Also, does a single LR actually manage to sustain his ship by piracy and only piracy without funding himself from other characters?
From what I've seen, its nearly impossible to pirate in Liberty without band of people, but LR told me that's what he lives for. The thrill of the chase. I'm wondering can any job be pulled off in liberty without having to run 20 seconds later? (and as we all know, running from engagement = pvp death)

Ask the LR- Rogues - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 02-01-2010

' Wrote:Also, does a single LR actually manage to sustain his ship by piracy and only piracy without funding himself from other characters?

Me and Zapp did some indie Rogues that had no outside funds.

Currently, Ive got a PTrans on that char, and I use it to fund my other chars.

RP Piracy in liberty is easy as pie, youve just gotta be smart about it.

and ready to run like hell

and expecting miners in Penny to come after you with hathors, rhinland GBs, etc etc and engage without notice.

And no, the above GBs mentiond were not a joke.

Ask the LR- Rogues - Canadianguy - 02-01-2010

' Wrote:I cannot speak for the others, however, we are not the best PvPers in Liberty (apart from Jon and Boss as much as I know) so we are a fairly easy target for BHG players, MM~ and independents. So I would say, yes, I would gladly find another way to call us, but even if you do remove the LR- tag, you still get Receive.Bacon or Fuzzy.Chainsaw or the such. One look of them makes your eyes scream ""LR-!''
Maybe some would be an auto ZOMG LR- alert, like let say Push.Button. But some are less known, and many indy pirates are using LRish names.

Ask the LR- Rogues - CzeReptile - 02-01-2010

I got a question.
what is funny about ganking poor newbie lawful players in New York in like 10:2 situations.