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Race proposition - Zeela - 02-01-2010

From: Zeela
To: General public
Subject: New York Race proposition
Greetings everyone,
I would like to organize Race event in New York system called New York Race. Everyone would be welcome, although I think Liberty police wouldnt be very happy from pirates.
Race course:
Start: Newark Station
1st Circle: Manhattan West Point, West Point Norfolk, Norfolk Fork Bush, Fort Bush Manhattan
2nd Circle: Manhattan West Point, West Point Norfolk, Norfolk Fork Bush, Fort Bush Manhattan
End: Manhattan Docking ring
Start point: Racers will be aligned along side of Newark station (Graphical details will be provided if race will be organized).
End point: Final line is Docking ring, because it works on 1st come, 1st serve basis and will be judge of who is first. Dont forget that you can enter docking ring queue from almost 1 kilometer, there is no need to fly close to it.
  1. Winner will receive 3 000 000 credits + all entry fees, 2nd will get 1 500 000 credits, 3rd 500 000 credits, 4th 100 000 credits, no other place will be awarded.
  2. Entry fee is 100 000 Credits
  3. Destroying other racers during race is not allowed and will get you disqualified.
  4. Using cruise disruptors and countermeasures is allowed.
  5. Using weapons and mines is not forbidden, but is limited by rule nr. 3.
  6. Trade lanes pre-set speed is setting hardwired minimum time of each circle, anyone completing race in time less then this will be disqualified.
  7. Race has only one checkpoint at Manhattan, note that you have to pass this checkpoint to enter 2nd circle. This pass is also affected by rule nr. 6.
  8. Any racer approaching Manhattan during race on vector over 45 degrees different of Fort Bush Manhattan Trade Lane will be disqualified. This counts until you pass last working trade ring of Fort Bush Manhattan lane. For example if last ring doesnt work and you drop before it, you can immediately set course for next objective. But if you somehow come to Manhattan from Detroit Munitions trade lane, you are out of the race.
Cruise engines are allowed and recommended. The race will test your skill in fast docking with trade lanes and orientation in space as well as handling unpredictable situations like disruptions of trade lane system. You are allowed to disrupt cruise engines of other racers and they can do it to you.Collisions are NOT forbidden, but if you collide so hard that it will cost someones life you will be disqualified. Having a team mate on track, who shall resupply you with nanobots, shield batteries, countermeasures and disruptor rockets is also allowed. Taking someone elses supplies is not considered cheating.
This is only proposition to find out if there would be someone interested at all. And if yes to open discussion about rules if you find some of them not so good.

Please feel free to contact me on this channel with questions, comments, upgrades, anything that you think might contribute to this event.


Race proposition - aerelm - 02-01-2010

It's a really nice Idea, but I have only one question:
Why in Liberty ?
We can move the same idea to New Berlin, New London or New Tokyo, so there wont be any "olololo look there a race goin on!1!1!! me wantz join muhuhuha DX" in system chat.
Also, there is another Option, the Ring next to Battleship Hood, remember SP Campaign ?;)

Race proposition - Mao - 02-01-2010

' Wrote:remember SP Campaign ?;)
:dry:No, coz I can't play it with the mod active :(

Ontopic: Yus! Nice idea but AE is right. Liberty is NOT the place to be.

Race proposition - Akura - 02-01-2010

Not in Liberty.

Never in Liberty.

Race proposition - Zeela - 02-01-2010


thanks for comments.

Quote: Why in Liberty?

It can certainly go in other systems + my idea was to include people you mentioned too so they would see it happening even if they didnt read about it on forum and it could spark their interest in forum. And later if established it could take people interest out of core systems.

Quote: Why not in Dublin?

That race ring is ... small, too small and with no suprises. Trade lane system even on full server can generate NPCs making it more unpredictable and challenging, implementing luck factor.


Race proposition - MrHeadphones - 02-01-2010

Allow me to illustrate a flaw in your plan:

The race has just begun. All of the racers have docked with the Manhattan-WP lane. One player slowdocked and so is several seconds behind the others. The first group speeddock on the lane to Norfolk. The second one slowdocks again, and is now 25 seconds behind the rest. A pirate with some friends, sitting on the WP-Norfolk lane sees the group, thinks they are traders and disrupts the lane. All of the first group are now slowed down. They try to run, but the pirate disrupts them and asks for credits. The person in last place has now reached the point where he would have been disrupted, but the lane has now reached the 5 second window where it still seems down but people already in the lane can pass through. The person in last place is now in first, because he avoided the pirates. How is this fair?

Race proposition - Zeela - 02-01-2010


this is exactly what i was hoping for, that just because you got on first place in 1st 10 seconds doesnt mean that noone can outrun you.

This race should lead to chaos in roster because trade lanes are unpredictable, it is also reason why i proposed it in New York system, so chance of runing into such scenario would be highest possible, making it a bit more exciting.

Thats why i also proposed only minor rewards and fee so you wont lose that much in case some dreadnaught crosses your path. ;)


Race proposition - Prysin - 02-01-2010

can i bring my Sarissa????

i wanna see pwetty fighters go up in smoke when i enter the TL's

Race proposition - Mr.Sanguinetti - 02-02-2010 data...


The last racing event, is not yet even finished and there's already another in sight. And just the type what I like! Illegal zooming around in Liberty! What's more New York! The best fun of all. I would never ruin it by masking my IFF. Count me in man! terminated...

Race proposition - Vergil - 02-02-2010

A tradelane race? A race of who can quick dock the quickest?

Am I the only one who follows the REAL racing technique?