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final rheinland battle transport - Jinx - 02-01-2010

since the last revision - i decided against the rather abstract container transport with the "tree-like" turret mounts ... and rather to go with a more simple and compact version that is not a simple copy of the other C-transports.

[Image: rheinlandcontainertransport.png]
so - this transport is - as i said - rather compact AND smaller than the bretonian or kusari version.

so - here are the differences to the other C- transports ( and its of course open for debate )

- it is around 10% smaller and slimmer than the other C-transports - making it considerable harder to hit for average SNAC jockeys.
- it features 14 turrets ( 12 forward, 9 sideways, 10 backwards, 14 upwards, 8 downwards )
- i have currently only given it 3200 cargospace - making it a medium sized transport rather than a lower end large transport

right now - i have given it an experimental freighter shield maximum ( 30.000 capacity ) instead of the usual lvl7 transport shields. - BUT due to the high amount of turrets... a gunboat powerplant.

all those ideas are rather experimental.

final rheinland battle transport - Sprolf - 02-01-2010

Looks good. I mean, it doesn't scream Rheinland past the paintjob, but it is a fine lookin' beastie.
(If you want the truth, this screams "BHG TRANSPORT" to me. I bet Agmen would be happy to have something like this, heh. That'd actually make sense, a heavily armed transport for the BHG... but I digress.)

The windows on the cockpit should be extended to the sides of that particular block, not sure why you didn't do that, maybe for a reason I don't know.

final rheinland battle transport - Jinx - 02-01-2010

if the stats could be done as i thought them out.... - it should be both - tearing up pirates, but also go down in flames to a pirate quickly.

final rheinland battle transport - atlantis2112 - 02-01-2010

This looks stunning Jinx. There is little more to say, I don't having anything else.

final rheinland battle transport - ryoken - 02-01-2010

I like it. But i think alot will complain about the firepower. Even though you gave it a smaller shield,peep's can always just go and buy an advanced trans shield for it. Not a problem i think,as it still has 1000 cargo less then other container's. I think this fits great with Rheinland style ship's.

final rheinland battle transport - Thexare - 02-01-2010

' Wrote:Even though you gave it a smaller shield,peep's can always just go and buy an advanced trans shield for it.
Um, no, if it maxes at a freighter shield then it can't use a transport shield. that's the way the hardpoint limitations work.

final rheinland battle transport - atlantis2112 - 02-01-2010

' Wrote:I like it. But i think alot will complain about the firepower. Even though you gave it a smaller shield,peep's can always just go and buy an advanced trans shield for it. Not a problem i think,as it still has 1000 cargo less then other container's. I think this fits great with Rheinland style ship's.

Is this coming from a pirate who's scared of a trader that might actually be able to fight?

If a shield restriction is placed, it will make sure that "peeps" will not be able to put those scary shields on.

final rheinland battle transport - mwerte - 02-01-2010

The only problem I have is the cargo size, Rheinland currently has the Behemoth at 3000 cargo, I requested this to fill the 4200 cargo capacity slot. And being 90% of the size means that it has 75% of the cargo capacity? O.o

I'd rather have it be bigger and keep the cargo space. Or be 10% smaller and have 10% less cargo space.

Other then that, I love the model, it looks like the Colossus' little brother. Who is also a bodybuilder. :D

Edit: Bomberwhores should fear the smaller shields. :)

final rheinland battle transport - Shagohad - 02-01-2010

Only 3200? I'd say even it out at about 3600 or 3700. The Rheinland Behemoth is even at 3000. If anything, this will be a step back.

final rheinland battle transport - Prysin - 02-01-2010

good looking model as usual... even better looking stats

and aye.... freighter shields have a scary regen.... their "weak" but their darn stubborn. If you know what i mean.

and i agree with the others - make it 3600+ or maybe 4200...

OR... retexture and make it a BHG Deep Space Supply-ship