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idea for event - Printable Version

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idea for event - Dashiell - 02-03-2010

I had an idea. *gets in flamesuit*

I dunno if it has been done before, but how about an event revolving around a rescue operation?


- LN/LSF vs Order
- in Alaska
- 1 LN team and 1 Order team are looking for a ship in trouble
- both teams have 1 S&R ship
- the team that find and extracts the pilot of the missing ship wins.


a LN ship (fighter or bomber from some important officer) goes missing in Alaska. no one knows exactly where. Only transmission the LN/LSF got from the ship introuble is some vague coordinates. for example '... northwest of Kodiac...'

The Order intercepts this message and sents out a squadron to capture this LN officer for some juicy intel.
Both sides have the same vague clue as to where the ship may be, but they will both have to look for it.
Both teams consist of a number of fighters and a Search and rescue ship. ( a Grizzly or something)


- 1 player is the missing ship. he lies still with low health and no B&B. preferably with the burning animation from heavy damage. (may need neutral id or 1 time ninja rep to get the pvp whoring NPC noms off him)

if teams are taking too long to find him, he may give additional clues in system chat.

- LN and Order both have a team of 4 or 5 fighters and a S&R ship. If a team loses its S&R ship, it loses the event. so keeping your S&R ship safe is important.

- both teams may attack each other at will, but they need to find the downed ship as well. So prioratising is important.

- once the downed ship is located, the S&R ships need to extract the pilot via trade request. ONLY the S&R ship may extract the pilot.

- LN wins if their S&R ship extracts the pilot and lands on, let's say, Juneau. Order wins if their S&R ship extracts the pilot and lands on, let's say, Minor (as Atum is supposed to be top secret)

- a team loses if:

A their recue ship dies
B all their ships are down
C the other team extract the pilot to safety

ideas? suggestions? rants?

idea for event - Pingu! - 02-04-2010

Very good event idea, it could boost Order activity up a bit.

idea for event - Varok - 02-04-2010

Looks good, sadly I'm not an Navy ,neither an Order.:(