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Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - Printable Version

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Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - aznremix416 - 02-04-2010

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Comm ID: Captain Troshna of the Coalition Forces


Our beloved Commisar-Captain Katz have been captured by the fascist Rheinland Military, we cannot make their filthy hands touch such a prestigious leader. Our spies have gained intel that he is being held at Munster Research Station in Bremen, and will be transfered to Vierlande in a few days. I, for one -cannot- allow that to happen comrades! Once Katz is pushed into the hellhole of a Rheinland prison, there is no way out, we must strike fast and with vigilance, we must free our brother! As we speak, the Coalition High Command is mustering a strike force to be launched from Cloppenburg base, and we are sneaking more and more supplies and ships through Rheinland enemy lines. Brothers and Sisters, we will raid Munster, break through any pitiful defence the Military has gathered and free Comrade Katz from the hands of oppression! I want all of you to be battle-hardened and ready to die for the revolution! This task will not be an easy one, you will face a highly trained Fleet of blood-thirsty fanatics, but who says we are not dangerous as well? We will make them run in fear and cower. We will make them regret that they tried to establish an iron grip on our enlightening revolution!

Our Rheinland Revolutionary allies, the Bundschuh has obtained intel on the location of the base and have drawn out a battle map of the best plan of attack

[Image: screen155.jpg]

There will be high security when Katz is transfered, and once he gets onboard a Rheinland ship, it will be nearly impossible to stop the fascists, we must attack just when preperations are made and the Rheinlanders are off guard. We do not know how big the Rheinland force is, but we do not ask how many, we only ask where.

Comrades, fight with honor and fight with bravery, serve the revolution! Go into battle with eagerness and vigilance, and I will see you all at the bar, the vodka will be on me!


So basically the [RM] captured one of the Coalition's high command member Katz, and he is at munster being interrogated and being prepped for transfer to Vierlande, the balance of the forces will be even, and this will be a fleet battle.

The time is set at Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT to fit the Coalition's needs. If the problem arises that some or most [RM] cant come, we will allow indies to even it out. and if Coalition falls short, than the [RM] will lower their numbers


If you are registering a capital ship, be it gunboat or cruiser, please tell me your armour upgrade

[RM] Fleet:

Cruiser 1: Dieter Sphrokets
Cruiser 2:
Gunboat 1:Wolfspirit
Gunboat 2:
bomber: Leutnant Lenora Schneider
Fighter 1: [RM]Hg.Hans.Putzkammer - Wraith
Fighter 2: [RM]Of.Tomas.Meinhardt - Wraith
Fighter 3:[RM]Fl.Xander.Vogel
Fighter 4:
Fighter 5:
Fighter 6:

Coalition Fleet:

Cruiser 1:Banza
Cruiser 2:
Gunboat 1: SCRA|Ben.Warner
Gunboat 2: SCRA|Gabriel.Mao
bomber: Pieguy
Fighter 1: SCRA|Pavel.Medvedov. - VHF
Fighter 2: SCRA|Stenka.Razin - VHF
Fighter 3:SCRA|Angie.Broth
Fighter 4:
Fighter 5:
Fighter 6:

Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - Lobster - 02-04-2010

[RM]Hg.Hans.Putzkammer reporting in (ship class fighter)

// or

Rutger Becket, Captain of the Light Cruiser RNC[SL07]Schmiedehammer ready for duty mein herren! we shall swat those pesky fighters from the sky and drive home our blows with mortar fire onto the hulls of our enemies.

(cruiser has Mk 8 universal)

Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - Sprolf - 02-04-2010

VHF - or bomber, if it's needed.

Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - aznremix416 - 02-04-2010

okay list updated, Sprolf, I will put you on fighter for the time being, if no one takes bomber, I will put you up there

EDIT: For now there will only be one open bomber slot, might change to two, so keep checking

EDIT 2: the LRF -are- allowed to participate if Coalition forces are short on people, you may register, but SCRA have priority

Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - Tabris - 02-04-2010

(LF/GB as needed)

Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - sovereign - 02-04-2010

Leutnant Lenora Schneider reporting for duty. I'll be bringing my Bergelmir.

Just so everyone's clear on when this is, for me this will be 2 AM Saturday morning, as in the morning immediately following Friday night. I'm GMT -5, which is US Eastern Standard Time.

That means it is NOT 7 PM Saturday GMT, or late Saturday night. It is "late" Friday night for the United States.

Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - Colonel.Tigh - 02-04-2010

// 0700 UTC on a saturday that cuts out all the europeans, too bad:(

Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - Belco - 02-04-2010

Aussie EST should be 6pm
i'll be there, SCRA|Stenka.Razin - VHF or bomber as needed

Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - pieguy259 - 02-04-2010

Pretty sure I'll be there on either GB, Bomber or VHF as needed.

Saturday 2/6/10, 0700 GMT The Great Raid - Turkish - 02-04-2010


VHF/Bomber or Gunboat as needed.