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To Rheinland Military High Command - Printable Version

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To Rheinland Military High Command - Dashiell - 02-04-2010

--:: incoming transmission::--

comm id: Guildmaster Damian Damoclass

message begins:

g'day to you all Rheinwehr high command.

I have a small matter to bring to your attention. Well, not small really. Cruiser-size more like.
Today our proximity sensors picked up an unknown signal in Omega 56, near the entrnce from Omega 15.

We launched 3 warships as the scanner signature was rather obese. One of our Guard cruisers intercepted the intruding vessel. It turned out to be a Military cruiser, the RNC Leipzig.

We had a rather pleasant chat with the captain of the cruiser near the Halle jumphole. Some lass called Elizabeth. Very decent and polite. Lovely voice as well.

Here's some footage:

The ship in question

Oh bloody hell. Wrong one. Heh, never mind that. Just a picture of the sister of my XO. I have NO idea how that came in my possession.

Here's the proper footage:

The REAL ship in question

recordings of bit of our chat

As it turns out, said captain was not informed about the fact that the Guild likes its privacy. We have spotted more Military ships awfully close to Rostock station. I am not saying that is in fact a crime (although rather annoying) but I get the feeling Omega 56 is used as a shortcut from Omega 15 to New Berlin. This is to stop.

Please infrom all your lads and lasses not to venture into our core space. We don't like visitors, unless they bring guns, dead pirates or money. The Military brings none of those. So, I'd rather like to see no more warships in our space. Cheerio.

Damian Damoclass

end of message.



To Rheinland Military High Command - Sturmwind - 02-04-2010

**********Incoming transmission**********

Transmission source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin system.
Encryption code: AZ21-Z22-OI79-XT30-PK63

Checking transmission validity...
Decrypting transmission...
Establishing communcation link...
Establishing video link...

#Video file on screen#

[Image: voelkel-comms2.png]

Submitter: Major Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.
Subject: About the RNC Lipzig


Sehr geehrte Guildmaster Damoclass,

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, the Rheinland Military High Command surveyed the issue with caution and came to a solution. Before I begin however, I would like to take note of two things.

The first one is obvious, which is the fact that the High Command has no direct responsibility for the actions committed by the reserve fleet. Even though we do have a certain level of authority over them, the commanders of the reserve fleet are the ones directly responsible, not us.

The second issue is that the ship in question is the RNC Lipzig, not the RNC Leipzig. The Leipzig is a trusted cruiser of the reserve fleet, commandeered by Kapitaen Theo Schulz, with the primary aim to defend Hamburg from Libertonian incursions, whilst the Lipzig is a vessel we have no intel about.

Despite that, the High Command has decided to warn the Kapitaen of the RNC Lipzig not to venture outside the sovereign territory of Rheinland and the Libertonian war front, marking the exact waypoints she has to to follow. If the said comander continues her actions of going off the designated patrol paths, especially followed by violating independent airspace, she will be relieved of command for desertion.

Please accept our apologies because of the situation and let me assure you that the restricted space of Omega-56 is most definitely not in use and will not be in use by any military patrols under our authority.

Major Voelkel signing off.

Powering down transmitter...
Cutting comm link...
Closing visual data...

------------------End of Transmission-----------------

To Rheinland Military High Command - Dashiell - 02-04-2010

--:: incoming transmission::--

comm id: Guildmaster Damian Damoclass

message begins:

mr Voelkel,

Thanks for the speedy reply.

I understand you cannot keep an eye on the reserve fleet all the time. This message was not meant as a snide towards you. It was meant as a 'heads up', as it were.

Secondly, about the names. Well, what can I say? I can barely pronounce them, let alone tell the difference when said difference is so minimal. A trivial matter anyway.

I appriciate the action you have taken in this matter and trust we will have no more visitors in our restricted space.

Damian Damoclass

end of message.
